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Grade Level: 11 Topic: Cultural Heritage and the Threats to these

Phase of the Lesson:
Motivational Activity Main Activity Analysis Assignment

Name of Demo Teacher: Rafaela Beatriez N. Prospero Date: May 6, 2023

Name of Evaluator/s: Carlo R. Caralos Grade given by evaluator: 94


● Commendable regard for gender ● In facilitating the daily prayer, instead of

sensitivity. using a video depicting Christian faith,
● Creativity in designing instructional use ecumenical prayer videos. Take into
materials. account the possibility that the class may
● Construction of good quality rubrics. not be entirely Christian.
● Use attention-grabbing strategies such as ● As much as possible, do try to avoid dead
the “favorite art piece after saying air. Don’t leave the students hanging
present” strategy used in the demo. while transitioning to a different slide
● Use of audiovisual elements in the deck or preparing a video presentation.
presentation to accommodate a broader Talk to them to keep the momentum
range of student learning styles. going.
● Continue providing feedback to students ● Adjust the level of difficulty of the
after they participate in the discussion. assessment according to the grade level.
In the context of the UCSP class, it
would have been better if more HOTS
questions were incorporated into the
assessment to provide a more challenging
environment for the students.

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