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🔹I have been a student at Calanigan National High School SHS for grade 12. We
conduct a business in our school for our grades in business simulation. Honest I
did not know anything about opening a business. I thought that a business
person needed a lot of years of experience to start a business. As long as you
have a budget to purchase all your necessities and a space to do your business
than you will have a good start. Our products are personal cheesy tuna pie. Our
target customers are the students. Doing our products are so enjoyable, yes it is
so hard to make but me and my group are cooperating with each other. There’s
so many mistake in our product because before we have difficulty in perfecting
our product for the first time of doing a cheesy tuna pie but as we get many
days we get the right product.
🔹Cheesy Tuna Pie is made of tuna in canned which is healthful food rich in
protein and contains many vitamins and minerals such as B-Complex vitamins,
vitamins A and D as well as Iron, selenium and phosphorus. Tuna also contains
healthy omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA. White bread that has
essential vitamins and minerals, like iron and various B vitamins. Eggs that has
varying amounts of 3 essential vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein.
Bread crumbs that has Vitamin B1 and Iron rich food. Mayonnaise has an
excellent source of vitamins E and K. Cheese is a great source of calcium, fat,
and protein. It also contains high amounts of vitamins A and B-12, along with
zinc, phosphorus, and riboflavin.
🔹I enjoyed doing our business. And I think that was the most important thing.
You enjoyed doing the thing plus you learned! It’s hard but we did it anyway.
Our teamwork, hard work and cooperation lead us to profit and it’s a good

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