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Growing up in a Catholic family, I was taught the importance of prayer and religion.

I was raised
to go to church and pray every day, and these principles were instilled in me at a young age. My
beliefs, though, began to change as I grew older. While I still consider myself religious, I no
longer feel compelled to attend church or pray as frequently as I previously did. I started to think
that religion is not only about expressing one’s love for God; it's also about doing good deeds for

As a college student, I found it increasingly difficult to find time in my schedule for church or
prayer. With so much of my time devoted to studying and working, it felt wrong that I wasn't able
to do more good deeds for others. Although I knew that I hadn't done anything wrong, the guilt
still lingered in the back of my mind.

In order to combat this guilt, I have found ways to incorporate acts of service into my everyday
life. Whether it's helping someone with their groceries or donating money to a charitable cause,
these small gestures allow me to stay connected with God and show Him that I still care deeply
about His teachings. Even though attending church or taking part in religious activities may not
be feasible anymore, these small acts of kindness are enough to keep me spiritually fulfilled.

My relationship with God has changed over time—but it hasn't diminished in any way. Instead of
relying on organized religious practices like attending church or praying regularly, I now focus on
living a life of service and kindness as a way of expressing my love for Him. By helping others
and contributing positively towards society, I am able to remain connected with my faith without
having to sacrifice too much time from other important aspects of my life.

I feel that having faith and praying is merely one method of expressing your love for God. It is
not required to attend mass or repeat prayers to have a meaningful relationship with Him.
Instead, it is critical that we live our lives in accordance with His teachings and strive for virtue in
all that we do. This is something that may be done regardless of whether or not one attends
church or prays on a regular basis.

At the same time, I understand the value of going to church and praying for direction and
support during difficult times. Attending mass can create a sense of community that can be
helpful during difficult times, as it allows you to connect with others who share similar views and
ideals. Furthermore, prayer can give solace during difficult times by reminding us that we are
never alone in our troubles and that God is always there for us when we need Him the most.

My Catholic upbringing taught me significant lessons about religion and prayer that I will carry
with me throughout my life. While I no longer feel the need to attend church or pray on a regular
basis, my beliefs have been influenced by my early religious experiences, and they will continue
to affect how I live my life in the future.

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