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Translation of the video oops say there is the following even if the guy has 72.

5 million
subscribers still I imagine that some have no idea who he is because being honest, even a year
ago I didn't even know and the reason is that I only consume content in Portuguese and that's
because I only watch videos in 2x the issue is that I don't watch youtube gringo and I imagine
that most of my audience doesn't either because I think so, this is one of the the biggest
youtubers on the platform and certainly the richest of all , because if you compare with any
other creator there mr beast is the one who spends the most when producing their videos
with an annual average of 48 million dollars about 271 million reais and certainly money that
I'll never see in my life but considering what its content is based on it's not hard to believe in
that amount because *I spent 1 million lottery dollars and won, bought the biggest fireworks
of the world, spending 1 million in 24 hours, donating 100k to random streamers* his content
revolves around that but just so good when I started to follow the first thing I thought was puts
he was already rich and took advantage of the opportunity to earn still more , punch no ,
coming back to see your old videos , different than you imagine he started doing minecraft ,
the channel was gameplay , and it was very far from having any money , actually different from
what I thought he had nothing , it 's ironic to go back after and realizing that after minecraft
the main content of your channel was to say how much youtubers earned pewdiepie,
Markiplier, your channel was from that to analyze how much other people earned while he
continued in the same situation and since the creation of his channel until moments had
passed 3 years and nothing had changed he knew how far youtube could take him if it worked
even because the content was to see how much others earned but the problem ema is that
this never happened if we notice he posted a video called subscribers goal for 2016 where he
says his goal for that year and in the comments he mentions having 1827 subs and that after 3
years of channel punch the goal for that one year there were 7,500 subs up to December and
yes he managed it and also 2 years later he reached the milestone of 100,000 and when his
channel reached that number the content changed drastically and hence the background
gameplays were left behind and its content to say the earnings had been abandoned , and
then he started making vlogs and seeing it nowadays is pretty clickbait style full of red arrows
and absurd titles to get attention but at that time it was relatively new and that was when
things started to work out , finally his channel after 5 years had gained visibility and now it was
just growing , the hardest part he had already achieved and in the first sponsorship of an
application he paid to be advertised on his channel he took all the money he received and gave
it to a homeless person being as direct as possible , something no one had done but this simple
idea became one of the reasons why he is so well known , the channel started to grow more
and more and several other contents were emerging , these were and still are reasons of
inspiration for many other channels , because video donating to streamers , video traveling
absurd distances from uber , or spending 24 hours of under water videos that nowadays
people are tired of seeing around but that started here he was the one who had these ideas
but over time mr beast himself realized that many are they were inspiring if in his videos and
eventually he would reach a point that would become common, so he continued with the
absurd ideas but do it in a different way so that no one else could copy and then his projects
were getting bigger and bigger. more absurd ideas reaching a point that if it wasn't for the
amount of views and the American cpm being so high and the sponsorships throughout the
videos it would certainly be a content that would bring harm but he managed to make it work
even if he lost 1 million dollars in the video he manages to make a profit so when we see him
spending all this nonsense in reality this is like an investment the greater the expense the more
attention he gets with the title of the video but in the end it will make it worth it and it's funny
think about it because before it had nothing , and due to the size of the channel today , most
of the public has no idea of that , most of them must have the same thoughts that I had , he
was already rich or whatever the money was his family or he was born in a cradle of gold but
no and that's what makes today's videos become special because he managed to get where he
always dreamed of and using this opportunity to change other people's lives he now knows
how much a youtuber earns but still remains the same mr beast from the beginning of the
channel where at the time he did not even imagine conquering everything he achieved , but
that's it I wanted to share this story with you because he was nobody and see until where
people can get even more here on youtube is inspiring at least with me and still makes me
more willing to produce run after the same goals and finally this video was not a video of
opinion but I'm here to share it with you, thank you very much for listening to me here and
hug .

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