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Parents are the most wonderful gift the Lord had given us.

They were the ones who

guided us while we were facing the different problems and troubles in life, gave us advices,
and comfort us. So I thank you Ma and Pa for doing these things. I know it’s not easy to raise
a son like me especially that I am naughty and not obedient sometimes. But still I thank you
for raising and taking care of me. Ma, thank you for everything. Thank you for correcting me
if I made mistakes, thank you for taking care of me, cooking food for me, helping me in
school stuffs and providing my needs. Thank you also Pa because you were the one who
taught me life lessons, taught me how to play basketball when I was still a kid, drives me to
school and sometimes cooks food for me also.
I thank you both because you never left me alone in times when I needed you most, I
thank you because you gave me the opportunity to go to school and learn. Thank you because
you gave me shelter, food and supported me in any way that you can. I may not fully repay
you now but I can assure you that I will do my very best to make you proud and not
disappoint you. I promise you that I will keep in mind the life lessons and advices that you
told me. Thank you Ma, Pa. Thank you for everything.

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