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NAME: _______________________________________ MARCH 31, 2023

_______________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ____________

Literary Criticism and Feminism Activity Sheet

I. Instructions: Read the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, and answer the following
questions in complete sentences and in paragraph form.

1. What is feminism, and how does it relate to literature?

2. How does the short story "A Rose for Emily" address issues of patriarchy, sexism, and gender
3. Identify and analyze the female characters in the short story. Are they portrayed in a positive or
negative light? How do they challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles?
4. How does the author's portrayal of male characters contribute to or challenge feminist ideals?
5. In what ways does the short story offer a feminist perspective on relationships, power dynamics, and
societal expectations?
6. List situations found in everyday life in which one gender may have an advantage over the other.
7. Finally, reflect on what you have learned from analyzing "A Rose for Emily" from a feminist
perspective. What insights or new perspectives have you gained? How might this analysis influence
your future reading and interpretation of literature?

II. Create an INFOGRAPHIC/POSTER that will address gender stereotyping and raise awareness on gender
1. What is feminism, and how does it relate to literature?

 Feminism is a social and political movement advocating for the rights and equality of all genders. In
literature, feminist criticism focuses on examining how gender roles and power dynamics are
represented, challenged, and reinforced in works of literature.

2. How does the short story "A Rose for Emily" address issues of patriarchy, sexism, and gender

 "A Rose for Emily" addresses patriarchy, sexism, and gender inequality through its portrayal of Emily's
life and relationships. Emily is subjected to the authority of her father, and later, the men of the town,
who control her actions and decisions. Her agency and autonomy are restricted due to her gender, and
she is punished for attempting to break free from societal expectations.

3. Identify and analyze the female characters in the short story. Are they portrayed in a positive or
negative light? How do they challenge or reinforce traditional gender roles?

 The main female character in the short story is Emily, who is portrayed in a negative light. She is
isolated and pitied by the townspeople, who view her as strange and eccentric. However, her defiance
of societal norms and expectations challenges traditional gender roles.

4. How does the author's portrayal of male characters contribute to or challenge feminist ideals?

 The male characters in the short story are portrayed as oppressive and controlling, perpetuating
patriarchal power dynamics. This challenges feminist ideals by highlighting the ways in which gender
roles and expectations restrict women's agency and autonomy.

5. In what ways does the short story offer a feminist perspective on relationships, power dynamics, and
societal expectations?

 The short story offers a feminist perspective by portraying the negative consequences of patriarchal
power dynamics on Emily's life and relationships. It challenges societal expectations by depicting
Emily's rebellion against traditional gender roles and her eventual punishment for doing so.

6. How might the short story be read differently from a non-feminist perspective?

 A non-feminist perspective might view the story as a tragic tale of a woman's descent into madness,
without examining the underlying societal structures and power dynamics that contribute to Emily's

7. Why is it important to analyze literature from a feminist perspective, and what can be gained from
doing so?

 Analyzing literature from a feminist perspective can reveal the ways in which gender roles and power
dynamics are constructed and reinforced in our society. By examining how women are represented
and treated in literature, we can gain insights into broader societal attitudes and work towards
creating a more equitable world.

8. Identify a modern-day issue related to feminism that is relevant to the short story. How does the short
story contribute to our understanding of this issue?

 A modern-day issue related to feminism that is relevant to the short story is the #MeToo movement
and the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault. The story highlights the ways in which women's
agency and autonomy are restricted by patriarchal power structures, and the consequences of
attempting to challenge them.

9. Finally, reflect on what you have learned from analyzing "A Rose for Emily" from a feminist
perspective. What insights or new perspectives have you gained? How might this analysis influence
your future reading and interpretation of literature?

 Through analyzing "A Rose for Emily" from a feminist perspective, I have gained a deeper
understanding of the ways in which gender roles and power dynamics are constructed and reinforced
in literature and in our society. This analysis has encouraged me to critically examine the
representation of women in literature and to challenge societal norms and expectations in my own life.

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