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Task 1(b)

Following immediate actions were taken by the TL Representative to gather information for accident

1. As the trainee in scene was distressed, so the TL representative consider him as bystander in
shock and calmly escorts him to office and closes the door to avoid distractions.
2. As the trainee was the witness of the incident, so he was first made relaxed and the TL
representative offers him a hot drink.
3. When the trainee got relaxed, then the TL representative questioned him and asked about how
the incident happened.
4. The TL representative recorded the session with witness of the incident with his permission so
that he could not miss or forget any information and record his initial statement.
5. The TL representative secured the accident scene by cordoning off it so that the accident scene
could be preserved and no material information is contaminated.
6. Safety signs of prohibited access were also installed by the TL representative in order to prevent
un-authorized access to the scene.
7. Observations were taken from the scene by the TL representative with help of his mobile phone
and he also took photographs from the accident scene to record it in effective way.
8. The TL representative also asks receptionist about recollection of events associated who
witnessed the scene and recorded it in his mobile with permission.

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