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Clay Mask Evaluation

By Sophie


First looking at the art, I see the contrast between the black and white. I would call this piece

Yin Yang because of the light and dark side of it. On the left side of the mask, it is black with

curvy white lines, travelling vertically down the face. There is a hole the shape of an eye carved

out of this side. It’s inside is lined with white. There are white spots above the eye. On the top

half of the dark side of the face, there is a dark blue flower, and there is a smaller, dark purple

flower on the lower half. On the right side, the face is painted white with black lines. Inside of

this eye is black and there are dark spots over top of it. On the lower cheek is a little light pink

flower. Elements used in this piece are color and shape. Principles shown are contrast and

balance. To create this art piece, I used clay and different color of paint.


Firstly, and element used in this clay mask is color. The colors used are black, white, dark blue

and purple, and light pink. The lighter colors stay on one side and the darker ones stay on the

other. Another element shown is shape. The clay mask itself is an oval. The eye holes are the

shape of almonds. Lines and small circles are also used in the paint design. The flowers are

curved teardrop shapes. One principle used is contrast. Because one side is so light, and the

other so dark, there is a large and easily visible contrast in this piece. The mask is not perfectly
balanced, but both the light and dark side have an equal amount of space, so they both have

around half. There is also a balance between the light and dark colors used to create the art.

The principles and elements of design used work together. I would say that this art piece ties

together well.


I’ve explored and made art with the topic of how there is light and darkness in a person. It

shows how opposites can work together. I think that would be the message: light and dark can

work together. I hope that when people look at it, they would realize what the message is. Or at

least they realize it is based off of the yin yang symbol and not a zebra. The white and light

colors and the black and dark colors can show my message. This is like the black yin and white



I would say that the whole thing ties together all right. Some places look rough and imperfect,

but if it symbolizes a person, it’s not supposed to be perfect. The smooth texture with some

grooves stays the same throughout the piece. I think that the flowers I made were successful.

They were harder to make then you think. The colors could have been worked on to pop out

more and I could have gotten the face a better shape. I would say that the theme is displayed

well. Maybe I would pick something other than flowers because flowers and the theme don’t

tie that well together, I guess. If I could do the piece again, I would work on those things. I

would give myself an 80% for my Yin Yang clay mask. Some things I could have done better, but

I think it’s okay.

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