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Speaker 1: This word can be a no, or a verb as a verb. It's used to talk about, uh, combining
hair as with a hairbrush or cleaning teeth as with a toothbrush. It's very important
to brush your teeth. Twice a day. Shower can be used as both a noun and a verb as
a verb. It means to clean your body by standing under water, the man showers in
the morning to wash means to make something clean. We can use it to talk about
[00:00:30] our bodies, to talk about our clothes, our dishes, anything we want to clean. The
woman is washing her face to leave means to remove yourself from a location to go
away from a place I leave early tomorrow morning check can be both a noun and a
verb as a verb. It means to confirm something, to see if it's correct or not as a noun,
it refers to the bill.

Speaker 1: As in at a restaurant. Could I get the check please? 66 is the number. After 65, I ran
[00:01:00] for 66 minutes. 77 is the number after 76. His door number is 77 88 is the number
after 87. The company has 88 employees. 99 is the number just before 100. His
grandfather is 99 years old. 100 is the first three digit number. There are 100
[00:01:30] people in my school. The living room is a room in the house where people generally
relax. It's very common to have a sofa, maybe chairs, a table, and a television in the
living room. This living room is huge. A dining room is a room that's specifically or
eating or for dining. There's usually a table and some chairs. The dining room is
next to the kitchen. Hallway or hall refers to usually like a tunnel kind of, but inside
a house. So from a hallway, you can access many different rooms.

Speaker 1: Don't run in the hallways. An apartment is a style of hall home. So an apartment is
one room or maybe one series of rooms inside a larger building. So that means
there can be many apartments inside, one building. Do you wanna rent an
apartment? A house is a style of residence that is a separate building itself. So one
house has like one family living inside it. It's not shared. It's not part of a larger
[00:02:30] building. This is my house. Exercise is a few different meanings, but we use it a lot
to talk about working out, to do something that causes us to sweat for our health.
Swimming is a good way to exercise. Open can be an adjective or a verb to in
something means to cause it to not be closed. We can also use it to talk about like
businesses, stores and companies that are available for business. We describe them
[00:03:00] as open. The store is open from 9:00 AM to listen means to focus your attention on
something like a sound specifically. This is different from here because with listen,
we're actually focusing our attention on something with here. Information just
enters our ears. You should listen to the doctor. A birthday is a celebration of the
day someone was born. I'm going to a birthday party this evening.

Speaker 2: So to

Speaker 1: Retire means to stop working usually at an older age, but people like in athletics,
for example, may also retire from a sport. So that means they're finished with that
particular job. My grandfather wants to retire in a year

Speaker 2: Outside, refers to something, not in a building. It's getting cloudy outside the word

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inside refers to something within a building. It's the opposite of outside. We are
inside the hotel. Left is the opposite of right. It refers to this side, or if you're
[00:04:00] watching and this video, this side, I suppose it's on the left side in terms of
direction, right? Is the opposite of left. We can also use this word to mean, correct,
but for this lesson, let's focus on meaning the opposite of left. There's a park on the
right side of the building. First refers to the number. One of something. We use this
word in competition tournaments and things to talk about. The number one rank,
[00:04:30] something they had their first child early second is what comes after first. It refers
to the number two rank of something. Again, we use this tournaments in races and
so on.

Speaker 2: My office is on the second floor. Third refers to the number of something. While
again, we can use this word in tournaments and races. We can also use it to refer to
the number three of something. My credit card bill is due on the third of every
month. Soap is what we use to wash our hands, to wash our clothes, to wash our
[00:05:00] dishes. We can refer to all of these as soap, bathe with soap and water. Every day,
a toothbrush is the thing that we use to clean our teeth. So please keep in mind.
We do not say toothbrush. No, we use toothbrush toothbrush here. Can you give
me that toothbrush? So we use toothpaste together with our toothbrush. It's like
the paste that we use to clean our teeth. We're out of TOPA. Shampoo refers to the
kind of soap that we use to clean our hair.

Speaker 2: The woman is shampooing. Her hair information can refer to anything that we hear
or that we read. It can refer to something written. It can refer to something that we
hear in sound, many different things can be information. Can you send me the
information? A farmer is someone who grows food or they raise cattle. Cattle. For
example, is sheep, pigs, cows. And so on a farmer can be a man or a woman. The
farmer is in the wheat field. A secretary is like an assistant. They usually work in an
[00:06:00] office and their responsibilities are schedules, answering phones, helping
customers. And so on. The secretary is on the phone. A banker is a person who
works in a bank. They're someone that deals with money. They might help their
clients, but they work inside a bank. My brother is a banker. A writer is someone
who writes.

Speaker 2: This can be a person that writes books. Maybe they write articles. Maybe they
write for a newspaper or a magazine. Someone who writes the writer is outlining a
[00:06:30] story on paper to try something is like trying to test something or rather we are
aiming to test something. It's something maybe we don't know how out to do yet,
or we're not good at doing yet, but we want to, I'm trying to get up at six. Every day
measure is a verb and it refers to finding the length or finding the width of
something. We can also use it to measure, to find the weight of something more or
[00:07:00] less is fine. You don't have to measure every millimeter. So the verb keep can refer
to holding something often in your house. Sometimes for a long time, we can also
use the word, keep with another verb to mean continue.

Speaker 2: It's not so easy to keep creating new ideas. The verb wait, refers to stopping activity

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usually for a short period in order to do something else, maybe you are going to
meet another person. For example, wait a minute. A kettle is something that you
[00:07:30] use to heat up water. You might also hear this called a teapot. The kettle is on the
stove. A pot is something we use in the kitchen. It's usually big and round and we
use it for soups and stews. That pot is 10 years old. A frog is a small creature.
They're typically green and we can see them around lakes and rivers. The green
frog is in the water. A pigeon is a very common bird. They're very well known in like
[00:08:00] big cities and in town centers as kind of a nuisance or AEST don't feed the pigeons.
A guidebook is a book that is intended to be used as a guide.

Speaker 2: We can use guidebooks for restaurants, for travel for many different topics. A
guidebook will give you helpful information for your trip. An entrance is a place
usually in a building where you can enter the space. Where's the entrance. A tour
guide is someone who leads a tour. They are the person responsible for guiding the
[00:08:30] people on the tour. Meet your tour guide at the entrance to the hotel. A
reservation is an appointment. We use the word reservation. When we're talking
about restaurants, hotels, and flight tickets as well. Do you have a reservation? A
passport is a special document given by your country that allows you to travel
internationally. Its ID. The passport has expired. Computer science is a topic of
[00:09:00] study. It's the use of computers and science together. Computer science classes are
on Mondays. Math is the short form of the word mathematics. It can refer to very
simple mathematics or complicated mathematics.

Speaker 2: My favorite subject in school is math. The verb feel can be used to talk about the
sensation of touching so, or it can be used to express our emotions. I feel
wonderful tonight. The verb draw is the verb that we use to refer, to making a
[00:09:30] picture. So we use a pen or a pencil or something else to create a picture. The artist
draws a picture plan can be used as a verb or as a, as a verb. It means to create a
schedule for something we'll plan. The holiday to Europe sale is a noun. It refers to
a discount it's often used when shopping to refer to a place where you can receive
a discount. There's a big sale in the shoe department. Shopping can be used as a
[00:10:00] noun. It can also be verb in the progressive form. It refers to going out to a mall or a
department store to look for something to buy.

Speaker 2: I love shopping for clothes. Fourth comes after third, which is after second. And
first it refers to the number four of something for my fourth birthday. My mother
gave me a book. Fifth refers to the number five of something. It comes after fourth.
You live on the fifth floor, don't you? So sixth refers to the number six of
[00:10:30] something. This is a really good word to practice. Some pronunciation slow down
that six, that middle part there. Seven refers to the number seven of, so this is just
like the word seven. But with T H at the end, please read the seventh paragraph of
the contract. Conditioner is something we use for hair care. We usually use it after
shampoo. This makes our hair shiny and soft rinse with conditioner. Deodorant is
something that we use to help prevent unpleasant smell coming from our body. He
bought a new deodorant.


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Speaker 2: So liquid soap refers to soap that is in liquid form. This is different from something
like bar soap, which is solid. Do you have liquid soap? Duck as a noun refers to a
very common bird. Usually you'll find them at parks, ponds, lakes, and so on the
duck. Follow the mother, duck. A Crow is a very common bird. It's all black and it's
often very noisy. Crows are among the smartest birds. A cockroach is a very small
[00:11:30] creature. It's a dirty pest. And usually people don't want them in their house. A
cockroach has six legs, wings and antenna. A mosquito is very small bug. Most
people know them because the land on you bites you and it becomes very itchy.
Afterwards. Dragon flies eat mosquitoes. A construction worker is someone who
works on a construction site, which means a place where a building is being made
or some kind of maintenance is happening.

Speaker 2: The construction worker is measuring wood. A homemaker is a person who usually
stays in the home to take care of kids, to take care of the home, to prepare meals.
And so on men and women can be homemakers. The hardest worker anywhere is
the homemaker ice is frozen water. We usually like to drink it in summer to make
our drinks cold. Ice has formed on the window. History refers to the past. It's a
[00:12:30] topic of study in school. We learn all about the things that happened in the past.
You can learn a lot from history. As things tend to repeat themselves. Geography
refers to the study of the world. This means memorizing the names of countries
and the positions of countries, or even cities, states, regions. And so on. She did not
like to study geography. A store refers to any place that sells something.

Speaker 2: There are many different types of stores like supermarkets or shoe stores. And so
[00:13:00] on a store is the general word. I'm going to the store to buy some milk and eggs. A
market is a place often outdoors where individual sellers can sell things to their
customers. We buy our fruits and vegetables at the local market. Price is a noun. It
refers to the cost of something in a or what is the price? A coupon is something on
paper or in some cases, digital that you can use to get a discount for a product. I
[00:13:30] have a coupon for 50% off. So let's eat there. An aisle is the open space between
two rows of things. For example, like rows of seats on an airplane or between
shelves in a supermarket, the open space is the aisle. I would like to sit in an aisle
seat in case there is an emergency, a bag refers to something that we use to carry

Speaker 2: It can be big or small. My bag is too heavy. A photograph is a picture. This word is a
noun photograph and picture generally referred to the same thing. Photograph
[00:14:00] might sound a little more formal. This photograph doesn't look good. Soda refers to
a drink that has bubbles in it. It is a non-alcoholic drink. You might also hear it
called pop soda contains a lot of sugar. Ninth refers to the number nine of
something. Ramadan is the ninth of the Muslim year. 10th refers to the number 10
of something. We can use this in schedules in tournaments, whatever. I finally
[00:14:30] made a goal on my 10th attempt, eighth refers to the number eight of something.
The pronunciation might be a little tricky. So be careful with this one. I live on the
eighth floor. A shaving razor is a razor used specifically for shaving hair.

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Speaker 2: This could be on the face or on other parts of the body. Disposable shaving razor. A
washcloth is a noun and it refers to a cloth. We specifically use for washing the
body. The boy is washing his face with a washcloth. A towel is a cloth that we use
[00:15:00] to dry things. Usually these can be very large, like to take to the beach or very
small, like for drying our hands. This towel is too small. For me. A spoon is
something we use to eat. It's a curved eating utensil and we usually use it to eat
soups or stews or ice cream. Those kinds of things, forks, spoons, and knives are
eating utensils. A fork is a utensil we use that has prongs at the end. So this is useful
[00:15:30] for picking things up like stabbing things and picking things up. The fork is made of

Speaker 2: Stick. A knife is a utensil. We use to cut food. It's usually very sharp. Could you pass
me? The knife? A plate is something that we use to hold our food. It's a flat object.
After we finish cooking food, we put it on a plate. This plate is different from that
one. A B is a very common creature. Lots of people are afraid of them. Some people
have allergies to them. Bees make honey. The bee is pollinating. The yellow flower.
[00:16:00] An ant is a very common creature. They are very, very small and they live in the
ground. Usually you see ants in big groups. Ants have six legs. Snakes are creatures
that we typically don't see in cities. You might see them out in forests, maybe in
desert areas. Lots of people are afraid of snakes. The rattlesnake is coiled and ready
to strike. Milk is a very common and very popular drink.

Speaker 2: There are many different types of milk. Traditionally milk came from cows or
[00:16:30] perhaps goats or sheep, but now there are types that come from nuts or soy. And
so on. Milk is an important source of calcium for kids and adults. A designer is
someone who has a design related job. This could be a graphic designer. It could be
an interior designer. It could be a fashion designer. Someone who creates designs,
she wants to become a fashion designer. An artist is a person who creates art. Art
[00:17:00] can mean many different things. It could be music. It could be movies. It could be
paintings, something you experience in a museum, many different things. Many
artists struggle for a long time before achieving success. A soldier is someone who
is employed by the military. So their job is to participate military and work for the
military. Sometimes this means fighting.

Speaker 2: The soldiers are moving into position. An entrepreneur refers to someone who
starts a business. They usually have a big idea. That's kind of unique. They have
[00:17:30] maybe very innovative ways to approach their work. Sometimes entrepreneurs
change the world with their ideas. A short story is different from a novel, for
example, because it has very few pages. It's easy to read and understand quickly. I
read only short stories. A folder is something that we use to keep documents. This
can be a physical folder or it can be a digital folder. I'm sure you have many of
these on your computer. A frying pan is a very common item to have in a kitchen.
[00:18:00] It's usually quite large and it has a handle on it. We use it to make eggs, pancakes,
many different things. This frying pan is very cheap. A cutting board is as it sounds,
it's a board that can be or plastic or maybe another material that we use to cut on
this is to keep our counters clean and safe.

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Speaker 2: The cook is cutting a hard boiled egg on the cutting board. A sink is a place where
you wash your hands or in the kitchen, a place where you wash your dishes. The
[00:18:30] sink is almost full. A bowl is something that we use to eat soup or stew or perhaps
ice cream. Anything that is kind of liquid. Like the bowl is empty. The exit is the
opposite of the entrance. An exit is a way out of somewhere. Whereas the exit a
map can be a physical item or a digital item. It's a guide to the area around. So it
can be a guide to a larger region like a state, a city, or even the world. Check the
[00:19:00] map to find your way to your destination. A suitcase is something that we use to
keep our belongings in. When we travel, a suitcase can be very small or it can be
very large.

Speaker 2: Do not leave valuables in your suitcase. A tourist is someone who visits a city or a
country just to see the sites they don't live there. They're just there temporarily for
a short time to enjoy famous places. The tourist is taking pictures of the animals.
Politics refers to the government of a country or to the government of a world. It's
[00:19:30] a popular discussion topic. People like to talk about policies about people and
about ideas relating to world governments. The politician is talking politics. Biology
is a subject of study. It's a subject in science. Biology refers to living things to
organisms, plants, animals, and creatures. Biology is the study of living organisms.
Chemistry is another are subject of study. Also a science chemistry looks at very,
[00:20:00] very small scale reactions between chemicals, gases, many different kinds of things.
The laboratory is a place to learn about chemistry.

Speaker 2: Physics is another topic in the science category. Physics looks at how we
understand the world in terms of things like I am in space and gravity. I know the
basics of physics economics is the study of the economy. So this refers to the
money that comes and goes and moves around inside a country or around the
[00:20:30] world as well. Economics is a good background for many fields put is a verb. We can
understand it as meaning to place. So it sounds a little bit less formal than place.
Please try to put this box on the top shelf. Remember is a verb. It means to recall
information, to be able to think of something that you saw or heard or learned
about in the past. I'll try to remember. Hold is a verb which refers to keeping
something. Usually in your hand, hold onto the handrail.

Speaker 2: A shopping cart is something we use in the supermarket. They're generally kind of
large. We can push them around the store and we put our items inside. The
shopping cart. Art is empty. A plastic bag is the bag that we get from many stores
like supermarkets or convenience stores, or maybe other retail stores. We get a
plastic bag after we purchase items, the man is carrying a plastic bag full of
groceries. Comedy is an art form. It's the art of making people laugh. Comedy is
[00:21:30] also movie genre. They're watching a comedy and laughing a novel is a type of
book. It's a long story. So there are many different kinds of books, books that are
novels refer to these long stories. Often with complex plots and interesting
characters. I like suspense novels. Coco is a very popular drink. It is chocolatey, and
we often mix it with milk to create hot cocoa.

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Speaker 2: A warm cup of cocoa is comforting on a cold winter night. A soft drink is any kind of
[00:22:00] drink that does not have alcohol in it. This could be soda. It could be juice. It could
be tea. These are all soft drinks, soft drinks. Don't contain alcohol and are usually
car and served. Cold juice is a drink that comes from a fruit or a vegetable juice is
generally quite healthy and it tastes pretty good. Fresh fruit juice is a great way to
start any day. A bookshelf is a piece of furniture. Typically we use it to keep our
[00:22:30] books. It is a shelf for our books, but many people use it for other storage too. The
bookshelf is full of books. A bed is a piece of furniture. A bed is the place where we
sleep. There are many different sizes. I bought a new bed.

Speaker 2: A mirror is an object that is reflective. That means that we can see our faces. When
we look into it, we typically have mirrors in our room and we can refer to small
mirrors as hand mirrors. The mirror is hanging on the wall. A dresser is something
[00:23:00] that we have in our house to store our clothes. This might be inside the closet. It
might be inside a room. It can be very big, very small. There are many different
styles of dresser in my house. I don't have a dress. Sweep is a verb. We use the
word sweep. When we talk about cleaning house with a broom. So this motion is
called sweeping. So when we want to clean things off the floor, we sweep the floor.
[00:23:30] It's so dusty sweep the floor to put something away or to put away something new
means to replace something.

Speaker 2: So after we use an item in our kitchen, somewhere else in our house, after we use
it and we're finished using it, we need to put it away to replace that item in its
correct position. I put away the dishes. Mop is interesting. A mop as a noun, refers
to the tool we use to clean our floors. It's something that we use with water and
[00:24:00] soap. We also use this word as a verb to mean to clean the floors with soap. And
with this scrubbing motion, I spilled the juice. So I mop the floor. A waitress is staff
at a restaurant. A waitress is a female staff member who takes orders and delivers
them to the kitchen and also brings food to the table. The waitress is holding a tray
with glasses. So Fahrenheit refers to the scale that is used in the USA to measure
[00:24:30] temperature, water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, temperature refers to how
hot or how cold something is.

Speaker 2: Temperature is increasing humid refers to a weather condition or to an air

condition where there is a lot of water in the air. The air feels kind of sticky or
heavy in this country. The climate is humid. Windy is an adjective that refers to a
weather condition where there's a lot of wind it's windy outside. A playground is a
[00:25:00] special feature in a park they're often brightly colored. The goal of a playground is
to give children a place to play is they're also a it on the playground. You can think
of a pool, kind of like a really, really big bathtub. There are places where we can
swim in our cities. The lifeguard is watching the pool. Tennis is a very popular sport.
It's played with two people sometimes with four people as well. And the players
pass a ball or rather hit a ball back and forth across a net.

Speaker 2: Shall we play tennis? Basketball is a very popular sport where two teams compete
against each other to score the most points by throwing a ball through a basket.

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Most basketball players are tall. A leader is a unit of measurement, but this unit of
measurement is used for liquid. How many lit of milk did you? Rice is a very
common food. We eat rice with meals, usually as a side dish, but you might also see
[00:26:00] it used as a main dish today. I should buy a lot of rice bread is another very popular
carbohydrate. We often eat bread in the mornings, especially warmed up as toast. I
buy my I bread at the bakery. So an egg refers to the raw form of an egg. Usually as
it comes from a chicken, we can also use the same word to refer to an egg. After
we cook it, I boil an egg.

Speaker 2: So noodle is a countable noun. The plural form is noodles. We typically have
[00:26:30] noodles in soup or pasta dishes. Instant noodles are a popular life meal. So an
alarm clock is a clock that has an alarm function. Many of us use our phones as
alarm clocks. These days, the alarm clock is set for 5:00 AM. So a door is the thing
that we use to enter or exit a room you can open or close a door, or in some cases
you can slide open or slide a door closed. Can you close the door? A remote control
[00:27:00] is something we can hold in our hands so we can remotely control something else.
That means from a dis, we are able to control something like a TV or air conditioner
or something like that. Please pass me the remote control. So to wipe as a verb
refers to this motion, we use the verb wipe.

Speaker 2: Often when we talk about cleaning something like wiping windows, or maybe
wiping a table, wiping some kind of surface, usually to clean it, don't forget to wipe
[00:27:30] the floor. A menu is like a list of choices. We usually think of menus when we visit
restaurants, but you can have menus in other situations, too. For example, maybe
you have menus on your computer or menus on your TV. It's a list of things you
choose from the customer is looking at the menu. A magazine is a group of articles.
Generally though, you might also see groups of photographs put together.
[00:28:00] Magazines are generally provided to people once a month or maybe, uh, four times
a year, something like that. So you can usually find magazines about specific topics.
Would you like to read some magazines? So an audio book is a book that you can
listen to.

Speaker 2: This is different from a regular book because we read regular books with an audio
book. You can listen and read at the same time. If you like. I listen to audio books
during my commute to work. So a video game refers to a game that you can play
[00:28:30] on your TV or these days also on your computer or your smartphone. We say video
game, but it's kind of any game that has a video component to it. Something that
we can see as we play the game, I'm going to buy a new video game. This weekend
cheap is the opposite of when something is cheap. That means it's available for us
to buy at a low price, especially at a price lower than we expect. I'm looking for a
[00:29:00] cheap pair of shoes. So expensive is the opposite of cheap, which we just talked
about. Expensive refers to something that has a high price, especially for things that
maybe higher price than usual, it's too expensive.

Speaker 2: So the word kind, when used as an adjective refers to someone who is nice, they
are good to other people. She is a kind person with a big smile. So the adjective
scary refers to something that causes us to feel fear. So something outside us is

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[00:29:30] scary. Please keep in mind that when you want to talk about your own emotions,
you should describe that as scared dark streets are scary. Something that is relaxing
is something that causes us to feel relaxed. So again, this is something outside of
us. We might hear a relaxing sound like water. We might listen to relaxing music, or
we might smell something relaxing. It's something outside of us. We describe our
[00:30:00] feeling with relaxed massages are very so in American English, we use the word
pound typically to refer to a unit of measurement in the us. We use pounds to
measure weight.

Speaker 2: One pound is 16 ounces. So mile is another word that we use in American English
to talk about. The distant is between things we typically use mile to describe the
[00:30:30] distances between two cities. So you might hear kilometer used in other countries
and in other types of English and American English, because of the measurement
system we use, we use miles. One mile is roughly 1.6 kilometers. So this use of foot
refers to another measurement system that is used in the USA foot. Yes, does refer
to the part of your body. But when you see foot used to talk about measurement,
[00:31:00] it's referring to a size about this big, there are 12 inches in a foot. So illness refers
to a type of disease or like a type of sickness. We don't really say I have an illness. It
sounds a little bit too formal, but we use illness to describe the level of seriousness
of something.

Speaker 2: He has a cold, it's only a minor illness. So this use of cold looks at, at the use that
[00:31:30] we have to describe a very, very minor sickness. So yes, we can use cold as an
adjective to describe low temperatures. But when you see cold used to talk about
sickness, it refers to usually something like a runny nose or a sore throat or feeling
tired. I think I caught a cold injury is a noun. And it's different from illness or from
cold because an injury is something that happens to the body. For example, you
have an accident playing sports. That is an injury. An illness refers to some small
[00:32:00] germs that get into the body and that cause us to be sick. So an is something that
happens outside you. He suffered a knee injury. Medicine is what we take to
improve our condition. We can use medicine to kill bad germs or to help our body
fight bad germs.

Speaker 2: We can also use medicine to reduce pain in the body. He was given a lot of
[00:32:30] medicine. So pain is a noun pain refers to the uncomfortable, the unpleasant
feeling in the body we have after an injury, please keep in mind. Pain and hurt are
very, very different. Pain is a noun. Hurt is a verb. So when you want to talk about
your body feeling uncomfortable, you can say I have pain, or it hurts. This pain is
unbearable. Fever is a noun and it refers to the body temperature being higher
[00:33:00] than normal. So most people have a body temperature. That's 98.6 degrees. If we
use Fahrenheit or maybe about 37 degrees or so in Celsius, a fever refers to body
temperature. That's higher than that. This is used to indicate whether we are sick
or not. She's in bed with a fever. So a window is a fixture, a feature in building it's
usually made of glass though.

Speaker 2: Sometimes it's just open and it allows us to look out beyond the building, open the
[00:33:30] window, please. Alcohol in everyday conversation usually refers to something that

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we drink for fun. Or maybe because we feel sad in some cases. So it's usually in
many countries and adults only drink. We can also use alcohol to talk about an
ingredient in cleaning products though. Like we might use an alcohol sanitizing
solution to clean our hands. Whiskey is an alcohol. So meal refers to the type of
[00:34:00] food that we eat at the beginning, middle and end of the day, we call those times
when eat meals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Fog is a noun
though. You may also hear the word foggy adjective used to talk about this weather
condition. You can imagine fog as like a lot of clouds, very, very low to the ground.

Speaker 2: The city is covered in fog. So hail, when you use to talk about weather conditions
refers to tiny or sometimes large balls of ice that fall from the sky. It can be quite
[00:34:30] dangerous. Hail is dangerous. A thunderstorm refers to a type of storm. That's not
just rain and clouds. It's those things. Plus the sound of thunder. Please keep a in
mind when we talk about thunder and lightning in a storm, thunder is the sound
and lightning is the cracks of light. A thunderstorm is approaching an aquarium,
keeps fish and other things that like to live in water. So you can have a small
[00:35:00] aquarium in your house, or you can visit a larger aquarium that keeps big fish and
other exotic creatures. You might have an aquarium in your city. When are we
going to the aquarium? Soccer is the word that we use in American English to talk
about the sport that many other countries call football.

Speaker 2: It's fun to play soccer. A zoo is a park for exotic animals. So many big cities of zoos.
You can go there, look at the animals, learn something about them. And in some
[00:35:30] places you can actually touch some of the animals tomorrow. We're going to the
zoo. So fair. When used to talk about transportation refers to how much it costs to
take a mode of transportation or how much it costs to go from one place to
another. How much is the bus fare? A bus stop is a place along the route of a bus.
So there are typically many bus stops on a bus route. It's a location where you can
[00:36:00] get on the bus or get off the bus. Let's meet at the bus. Stop. A gram is a unit of
measurement. You may not hear this word used so much to talk about weights in
American English.

Speaker 2: You might hear this more commonly used in British English, where the metric
system is used when he was born. He weighed three kilos and 200 grams. So like
the previous vocabulary word meter tends to be used more often in countries that
use the metric system for measurement. A meter is often used to talk about
[00:36:30] distances between locations. Usually within walking distance, there are 100
centimeters in a meter. A kilometer is another unit of distance. Again like the
previous two vocabulary words. This is more commonly used in countries that have
the metric system or that use the metric system. We use kilometers to measure
usually distances between cities. He walked 10 kilometers. A headache is a pain in
[00:37:00] your head. So when we say I have a headache refers to a pain that specifically,
maybe around this area, or for many people, perhaps in the back of the head, my
headache is getting worse.

Speaker 2: Diarrhea is a very, very unpleasant condition where your body has trouble
processing food and drinks correctly. Maybe you have a germ or maybe you ate

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something that was not good for your stomach. And so you have to use the
bathroom a lot, or the way that your body produces waste changes a bit. This
[00:37:30] medicine will stop the diarrhea. So a symptom is something that you notice that
gives you a clue about your sickness. So common symptoms are like fever or a
runny nose, a sore throat. These are like the parts of an illness. What are your
symptoms? So a stomach ache refers to, again, an unpleasant feeling in the body,
maybe because you ate something bad or maybe because of an illness, but a
[00:38:00] stomach ache refers to the pain in your body. The earlier word that we talked
about that also refers to, or an unpleasant feeling in the stomach refers to the

Speaker 2: The body produces. This one is very, very common, especially among kids, stomach
gigs yesterday. I had a bad stomach ache. So clean can be used as both an
adjective. And as a verb, when we use it as a verb, it means to make something tidy
or to organize something or to sanitize something. As in, did you clean your room?
[00:38:30] So dry can be used as a verb and as an adjective, when we use it as a verb, it can
mean to remove the moisture from something like when you dry your hair, it can
also mean to leave something alone and allow the moisture to leave that thing. For
example, I'm waiting for the paint to dry dust can be used as both a noun and a
verb. When we use dust as a noun, it refers to the very, very small pieces of dirt
that we find usually in the corn of our homes, or maybe we find it on tops of

Speaker 2: And so on, I am allergic to dust. Vacuum is both a noun and a verb. When we use
vacuum as a verb, it means to use a vacuum cleaner. So a machinery specifically for
picking up dust to clean our house. I have to vacuum the hallway before the guests
come. So an intersection refers to a place where two roads meet, the two roads
crossed. We talk about the middle point of those roads. As the intersection, there is
[00:39:30] traffic in the intersection. A highway is a road that sometimes is actually higher
than other roads though. Always sometimes it's at a regular level, but a highway is
generally a place where cars can travel very quickly. Highways are generally outside
of cities or they're above cities. Traffic conditions on the highway are normal this
morning. So road is a very general word that we can apply to many different situ a
highway is a type of road.

Speaker 2: You can imagine a path in the park is kind of like a small road, your everyday city
streets, we can call roads as well. So basically anything that you use to travel,
usually with a car, or maybe with a bicycle is something we can call a road. There is
ice on the road. So, so we use streets as a way to organize our cities. So we often
use street and road interchangeably. So we tend to use street when we're talking
[00:40:30] maybe about cities or in neighborhood situations, let's cross the street. Interesting
is an adjective we use interesting to do. Describe something that we find cool or
something that sparks our curiosity. Something that is exciting to us. The title of the
book seemed interesting. We used the word mean to describe someone who is
unkind. Someone who is mean is not nice to other people.

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Speaker 2: Some people are just mean and don't want others to be happy. So board is used to
[00:41:00] talk about your own feelings when there's nothing to do, or you don't feel excited
or you don't feel interested in something. You can describe that feeling with bored.
Remember when you want to talk about something outside you, that doesn't cause
you to feel interested. You describe that thing as boring, your emotions. I'm bored
when you're counting numbers by hundreds, just put the base number before
[00:41:30] hundred. In this case, seven plus hundred makes 700. This statue is 700 years old.
So just like the last example, 800 refers to eight hundreds of something. The field is
800 hectares. So again, when you're counting by hundreds, simply put the number
before the word hundred. So 200 refers to two, one hundreds of something we
[00:42:00] have over 200 books here. Again, the latest example, three plus hundred refers to
three, 100 S of something. You can see that in English, we don't make a change to
the number that comes before hundred in some languages. Your number that you
use to count hundreds may change according to the sound or according to the
spelling up the word in English, we do not need to change this base number. This
school has 300 students. Our final example of hundreds today is 600. So again, six
[00:42:30] comes before the word hundred to refer to six, one hundreds of something, six
times 100 equals 600.

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