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Theory Festival Proposal

Performance Management Model/Theory

For the theory festival, we will base our games on the vitality curve which is otherwise known as
the stack ranking performance model. The particular model has several names such as forced
ranking or it is sometimes referred to as the rank and yank model. Vitality curve is grounded in
the categorization of performers into top, average, and poor. It is usually depicted in the bell
curve format where the typical categorization of performers is based on 20-70-10. Top
performers make 20% of the bell curve while average performers are the vast majority i.e. 70%
and 10% are classified as poor performers.

The games organized will basically judge the competitiveness amongst the participants and then
they will be categorized per the vitality curve. Our stall will have a two step game. The first step
is the bottle cap straw game. This game will be played by three players. The first two participants
who successfully complete the first step will get to play the second game i.e. the Balloon
Pyramid game and the third contestant will be disqualified at this stage. However, all participants
will receive a token of appreciation irrespective of whether or not they win. The following games
will be played by participants.

Bottle Cap and Straw Game

To elaborate upon the first game, it will be played by three contestants. All participants will be
provided with game equipment and they will have to balance a ping pong ball on bottle caps
attached to straws and pass the ball to the other end. If the ball falls down, contestants will have
to start from the beginning. Whoever finishes the game first will proceed to play the next game
which has a relatively bigger reward. Only two participants who will finish the game first will
proceed to play the next game.

Balloon Pyramid Game

This game will be played by two qualifiers of the first stage. Aim of the game is for players to
form a pyramid of cups using only a balloon, their hands must be behind their back. The player
must form a stacked pyramid of at least 6 cups, this is achieved with the balloon in their mouth;
whilst in their mouth they put the balloon in the cup and inflate the balloon to secure the cup.
They then move the cup over to their target table and put it on the table by deflating the balloon.
The winner is the fastest to get the cups in a pyramid stack using just this balloon technique. At
the end of this game, the runner up will receive a token of appreciation but the winner will get a
relatively bigger award.

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