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Motivation Letter

I’d like to thank the coordination team for giving me the opportunity and taking
their time to evaluate me and the other applicants to the erasmus program. Thank

My name is Sergey Holoshchuk Kozaev, I’m an 18 year old IT student and

enthusiast, I am currently studying microcomputer systems and networks at the
“Centre d'estudis politecnics” in Barcelona, I’m from Catalonia, born and raised in
a Russian family, I am applying for the erasmus scholarship because I think
working and learning in another environment would be a very good opportunity for
me to learn and invest my time in acquire knowledge and experience in the IT field.

Studying in a different environment has worked for me in my life, I had to learn

several languages since I was a kid, I know spanish, catalonian, english and
russian, I had to learn two main languages and cultures at once, and that has
helped me to learn other European cultures since I have both western and eastern
european values. Thanks to the internet I could develop my interest in computers,
as the years passed I knew more and more about how information technologies
worked and developed a taste in learning new things, I like everything, I find IT one
of the most fascinating things to study in current years, I don’t even see it as a field
of study anymore, with each day I see it more connected to other aspects of our
society, affecting our lives, giving everyone the freedom to have a voice and giving
everyone the individual freedom humans seek.

I would use the scholarship so I can learn more about IT and develop my taste in
other countries, other cultures, other people. I don’t have much experience nor the
sufficient knowledge to really make myself stand out from the other applicants,
but I will try to make myself useful for society and develop myself into IT with or
without the scholarship.

Thank you very much for your attention, I really appreciate the work and the goal
of this scholarship.

Sergey Holoshchuk Kozaev.

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