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General Instructions
Wednesday 1 June
• Working Time: 1.5 hours
• Write using black pen 1:15 p.m.
• Remove the centre staple and hand in
all parts of the paper in a neat bundle
at the end. Checklist
• Write your name and class number in Each boy should have a single bundle
the space provided at the top of each containing the following:
section. ☐ 1 examination paper

☐ 1 Periodic Table and data sheet

Structure of Paper & Instructions
☐ 1 multiple choice answer sheet at
• Multiple choice (15 marks) the rear of the bundle
• Short answer (24 marks)
• Acids, bases and salts (22 marks)
• Coordination (19 marks) Use g = 10 m s−2 throughout the paper.
• Simple machines (26 marks)

Total marks: 106 T Wallis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Class 3SC101 3SC102 3SC103 3SC104 3SC105 3SC106 3SC107 3SC108 3SC109 3SC110
Master’s Mr Berthon Mr Wallis Dr Haines Ms Kelso Mr Bowes
Ms Chen
Mr Shi Ms Branch
Name McCarron Mendes

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Use g = 10 m s−2 throughout this paper.

1. Which physical concept is best described by the sentence below?

“A push, a pull or a twist.”

(A) Force

(B) Energy

(C) Friction

(D) Mechanical Advantage

2. Which of the following statements correctly describes all third-class levers?

(A) They are all distance multipliers.

(B) The mechanical advantage is always greater than one.

(C) The fulcrum is always placed between load and effort forces.

(D) The load force is always closer to the fulcrum than the effort force.

3. A girl pushes a frictionless trolley with a weight of 6 N a distance of 4 m

across a horizontal surface, applying a constant horizontal force of 3 N as
she does so.

The work done by the girl on the trolley is:

(A) 2J

(B) 12 J

(C) 18 J

(D) 24 J

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

4. In the diagram below, a girl and a boy are playing on a seesaw.

Girl = 30 kg
Boy = 40 kg

1.6 m X

If the seesaw is balanced, calculate the distance, X, the boy is sitting from
the fulcrum.

(A) 1.0 m

(B) 1.2 m

(C) 1.6 m

(D) 2.1 m

5. The diagram below shows an old-fashioned corkscrew.

Part A

Part B

Which of the following statements correctly describes the corkscrew?

(A) Both Part A and Part B are levers.

(B) Both Part A and Part B are inclined planes.

(C) Part A is a lever and Part B is an inclined plane.

(D) Part A is an inclined plane, and Part B is a lever.

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

6. Methanogens are living organisms that produce methane, usually using the
process shown in the following unbalanced chemical equation:

_ CO2 + _ H2 → CH4 + _ H2O

When you balance this equation, the number in front of the hydrogen gas should be:

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

7. Which of the following is the correct formula for ammonium nitrate?

(A) NH3NO4

(B) NH4NO3

(C) (NH3)2NO4

(D) (NH4)2NO3

8. Antacids are medicines that people may take to decrease the amount of acid
in their stomachs. The reaction that would occur when antacids are mixed
with stomach acid is called:

(A) Respiration

(B) Crystallisation

(C) Neutralisation

(D) Decomposition

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

9. The diagram below shows some information on three indicators.

A substance was tested with each of the indicators and the results are shown in
the table below.

Indicator Colour

Methyl orange yellow

Bromothymol blue yellow

Phenolphthalein colourless

Which of the following could be this substance?

(A) Soda water pH 2.5

(B) White wine pH 3.3

(C) Urine pH 5.5

(D) Oven cleaner pH 11.2

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

10. If the structure Z in the brain shown below is damaged in an accident, it is

most likely the person would have which of the following symptoms?

(A) Blurred vision

(B) Memory loss

(C) An irregular heartbeat

(D) An inability to maintain balance

11. The diagram below shows the structure of the human eye.

Which of these structures is responsible for the detection of light by the eye?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

For questions 12 and 13, refer to the following diagram. The diagram illustrates the
control of thyroid hormone secretion. Glands are contained in ovals and hormones
in rectangles.

12. What initial effects does cold environments have on hormone levels?

TRH TSH Thyroid hormone

(A) decrease increase increase
(B) increase decrease decrease
(C) increase increase increase
(D) decrease decrease decrease

13. High levels of thyroid hormones are likely to result in which of the following?

(A) The inhibition of the release of TSH

(B) The inhibition of the anterior pituitary, thereby increasing TSH levels

(C) Stimulation of the thyroid gland to release more thyroid hormone in a

negative feedback loop

(D) Cause no change in hormone levels as the thyroid hormone is the end
product of the feedback loop

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

14. The diagram below shows the difference in how rods and cones in the retina
are organised and connected to ganglia nerves:

 A large number of rods, spread over a large area, are connected to a

single nerve.
 A small number of cones, spread over a small area, are connected to a
single nerve.

This information helps explain which of the following?

(A) Rod cells are used for night vision

(B) Cone cells are used for colour vision

(C) Cone cells give low visual acuity (low resolution image)

(D) Rod cells give high visual acuity (high resolution image)

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

15. The diagram below shows the minimum distance that two points touching
the skin surface can be discriminated as being separate.

What can be inferred from this data?

(A) The left side of the body is more sensitive than the right side

(B) Touch receptors are larger on the most sensitive parts of the body

(C) The highest density of touch receptors is on the fingers and thumb

(D) Neurons transmit signals more slowly in the parts of the body with the
highest mean thresholds.



Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.

Question 16 (6 marks)

The diagram below shows the microscopic view of a neuron.

(a) Identify the structures labelled A, B and E.


A Dendrite

B Cell body

E Axon or Node of Ranvier

(b) Describe how messages are transmitted from structure F to another neuron.

Neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal of the pre-synaptic


Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse.

Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the dendrites of the post-synaptic


1 mark for each sentence above; somewhat holistically marked. Terms in

bold and underlined were required.

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 17 (4 marks)

Calculate the mechanical advantage of the simple machines shown below. (You can
assume that there is no friction acting on any machine, and that all levers and pulley
wheels have negligible weight.)

(i) M.A. = 1.6 m / 0.4 m = 4

0.4m 1.6m

Load force

(ii) M.A. = 80 N / 40 N = 2

Effort force
80N = 40N

Load force

(iii) M.A. = 3.6 m / 1.2 m = 3


(iv) M.A. = 60 N / 12 N = 5

Load force
= 60N

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 18 (4 marks)

For the simple machines shown below, calculate the unknown effort force or load
force. (You can assume that there is no friction acting on any machine, and that all
levers and pulley wheels have negligible weight.)

(i) E.F. = 180 N × 0.3 m / 0.9 m = 60 N

0.3 m 0.9 m
180 N force 1

Load force

(ii) E.F = 30 N

(M.A. = 1)

Effort force 1
= 30 N

Load force

(iii) E.F. = 120 N × 4 m / 6 m = 80 N


(iv) E.F. = 300 N / 2 = 150 N

Effort force

Load force
= 300 N

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 19 (5 marks)

Complete the following table.

Name Formula

hydroxide ion OH–

hydrogencarbonate HCO3–

hydrochloric acid HCl(aq)

acetic acid CH3COOH(aq) (state not required)

sodium phosphate solid Na3PO4(s) (state not required)

Question 20 (5 marks)

Salts can be prepared in a number of different ways. The table below illustrates
several alternative methods for salt preparation. The first row is given to you as an
example. Identify (a) - (e), by naming specific substances.

Method of Reactants (substances Name of salt Name(s) of

preparation added together) formed other product(s)

acid + metal oxide acetic acid + lithium lithium acetate water


acid + metal (a) + aluminium aluminium chloride (b)

acid + (c) calcium hydroxide + nitric (d) (e)


(a) hydrochloric acid

(b) hydrogen

(c) metal hydroxide

(d) calcium nitrate

(e) water


o&t6 yffK

Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.

Question 21 (4 marks)

Add the products, and then balance the following equations.

a) Hzsoa(aq) + ca(oH)z(aq) -+... ...(*S.A!,..(.aq\ ! &.lll9..U) 2

b) .!D*4) f...ft2 o/,t) ,

Kzcos(aq)*o2Hruo.{"ql '&& .N.9.2..7ry.)..../-.

* t*Pror{uds an"{ c'oYrecf &r*u[a,*

* I - b ^l ^^ oi 7o7 6o."o * shlus N roy
+ s+^h< n 't il^'k'4
bo'l a not
Question 22 (6 marks)

Pure water has Universal lndicator (Ul) added to it.

a) ldentify the pH of pure water. 1

+ ( po,iaL r|,'f mtJe 6'7:l: t)

Question continues over page.

Sydney Granrnrar lchool Iornr lll 5cience 20)) llalf-Yearly Exanrinarion

Use the following Universal lndicator (Ul) colour chart to answer the following

L 4i i-) r-\ q, t-r ;
ordI::rS::::;3 ':D
I_ (-, _) n -rr
pHr 2 3 4 5 6 7 I ?'10 1l t? t3 t4

b) What colour would you expect the water with Ul added to be? 1

^ k ; p^ia)
( (y. ::.€{(?.r .f*
Sodium is added to, and then reacts, with this water.

c) ldentify TWO

A"ny *

i aid";'v+'
d) Write a word

.....sp.rl.t:..u..t/.y:....1:..tdnfu. sooh uu ydroytdr-..........


e) Would
tr, fnt b^lanc"-,j, zctt e;,;;;;;i I ''Awft^(f^r
you expect the prod{rct of/tfris reaction to be acidic, bXic or r6utral? 1

. ....[.q.0..t.c......
* €rror Nilh ansNe.r. -1" (d)

Sydney Grammar Sdrool Ionn lll 5tience 2072 Half-Yearly lxamination

Question 23 (7 marks)

An experiment is set-up as shown in the diagram below.


Measuring cylinder
Delivery tube


a) ldentify the che at is common to all dilute acids. 1

tt (d,'d n* ftr lIz

b) Name the gas that is being collected in the measuring cylinder 1

"""'u" J\J

c) ldentify ONE property of this gas that allows it to be collected using this set-up. 1

ANy oF: ttJh+r..han airfw.+kr; rriso/.u hl*...t,..Wqkr: ; I,T;K#'

d) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction, assuming the dilute acid is
nitric acid. 2

r ltN 9," (oq\ ,t , f;lcs)
- praluck lrd"crta v :-?- Ng 602)* hA t rlz rr1
t -' b,zt^.c;ii:i;{;'i' "k (/'*. shks rrtark."l or'lqls f ues*.o, rl 4s^
e) Assumingthere'is still some mlgnesium ribbon left over once the reactioh has hctTs,pr fi
finished, write a method to prepare pure crystals of the salt formed in the conical
flask. 2
($ il44
sia 'te-/ mdagw,\
t ct?ffin* I#:k,L 4 6ati4 Mq

+,e:t qip.rat ...1"...dri.'n.e.s.s L, h

.{h: A lfu^k ...J.J "oh'nq
QJ to.^u* ul!hq,), *Jhl,s:)
"i;ai'tl' iz,;x'A rxfw,psa:d' , b* 'fk,i is. nlt
"-;;;f,-'iti'i,r'* :

J - '";'nc' t(h+^ Ya't'( ar'L "to d- h hea"f-tt

Sydney Granrmar School Iotm lll icrence ?022 HaltYearly Ixarnination

Question 24 (5 marks)

CuCOs does not naturally exist as a pure substance. However, it does exist in
conjunction with Cu(OH)z in some minerals. For example, the formulas of some such
minerals are given in the table below.

Mineral Formula

Azurite Cue(COo)r(OH),

Malachite cu2oos(oH)2

a) write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of pure cuco3(s) with

(* ensls) t e,t! c4 4)
4 i-;;;frd:ii,*fktY\
r n>(r
* l- b^l^net4q k M,Pt-@ M'rrka'(
b) Azurite is unstable Vhen exposed to air. lt reacts with the water in the air to
convert it to malachite, releasing a gas that turns limewater milky

a. ldentify the gas released 1

@, &J)
(, * t.exi nb..

b. Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction 2

Q fuu (wr) * ft{)^nrt il*? t s)

3..C" nr(P4,
,* | rea cia, rc(5 /yol,rcts
* | ^ Aa[^noins
=l-ak s ,roY wtarkel
& Mark; 2*f.,o oL4 re6d- "^k
,nnd, I ll o /r Prud rr& nS d
I r^ark
bv+ ( ll, o oi,r b6fh- sldL6 as O 1B


Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations.

Question 25 (5 marks)

The diagram below shows a general model of how the endocrine system
sends hormones to select cells in the body to control cell activities.

Structure Y

A hormone is released when blood glucose levels fall too low.

(a) For this scenario, identify the following:

(i) The hormone glucagon (spelling important)

(ii) The organ containing the endocrine cells pancreas

(iii) The organ containing the target cells liver/muscle/small


(b) Hormones are widely distributed by the blood. Identify structure Y and
explain with reference to the diagram the mechanism that allows only
target cells to respond to a specific hormone.

Identifies structure Y as a receptor (1 mark)

Lock and key mechanism. Each hormone (key) fits exactly into
the shape of the binding site in the receptor (lock) to activate the
target cell (1 mark)

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 26 (6 marks)

The diagram below shows the relationship between environmental temperature and
metabolic heat production in humans that are normal (normothermic), heat adapted
and cold adapted (Inuit). The zone of normothermy is the range of environmental
temperatures in which humans can maintain a normal body temperature of around
37 oC.

As the environment starts to get colder, metabolic heat production must be

increased to maintain normal body temperature.
Heat production (Joules per second)

Environmental temperature (°C)

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

(a) Define homeostasis. 1

The maintenance of a constant internal environment

(b) For the 3 groups, estimate the environmental temperature at which metabolic
heat production must be increased to maintain normal body temperature as
the environment starts to get colder.

Inuit: accepted range 9 – 12 oC

Normothermic: accepted range 21 – 24 oC

(c) Construct a diagram to represent the stimulus-response model for the

increase in metabolic heat production as the environment starts to get
colder. Include the receptor type and effector in your diagram.

Core body temperature

falls below 37oC


Muscles shiver to
increase heat production

 Reasonable diagram with correct flow of information

 Specific receptor type, e.g. Thermoreceptor /Temperature receptor

 Control centre shown

 Effector relating to heat production (shivering)

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 27 (8 marks)

The image below shows a popular online test used to measure reaction time.
Subjects click on a button on the computer screen when they see the traffic light
turn green and the reaction time is measured.

A scientist used this test to see if having music playing in the car affects the reaction
time of a driver operating in traffic. Ten different subjects were tested; five receiving
no sound during testing and five listening to music.

The table below shows the data collected.

Subjects Reaction time Subjects Reaction time

(in silence) (milliseconds) (with music) (milliseconds)

Bob 500 Anna 800

Dave 600 Erin 850

Harry 650 Helen 750

Simon 700 Jane 2300

Tim 600 Wendy 700

Sydney Grammar School Form III Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

The scientist hypothesized that listening to music would increase a person’s

reaction time by at least 50%.

(a) Analyse the data in the table to determine if it supports the scientist’s

For full marks:

Removal of outlier Jane (2300 msec) from calculation of means

Average value calculated for subjects with silence is 610 msec and with music 775 msec

Thus, listening to music increases reaction time by 27% and therefore the hypothesis
should be rejected.

NB, If outlier is not removed the value for listening to music is 1080 msec, 77% increase
and the hypothesis would be accepted (2 marks).

(b) Suggest one way the experimental design of this experiment could be
improved. Explain your answer.

Sensible improvement in experimental design (1 mark) and explanation of how this

would be an improvement (1 mark)
Example 1: The subjects in silence are all male and with music are all females. Either both
groups should be the same sex or have an equal sex ratio, otherwise sex becomes another
independent variable that can influence/bias the results.

Example 2: The sample size is very small and should be increased to reduce the influence
of outliers and thereby increase the reliability of the data.

(c) How would the response time for a reflex action differ from the response time for
a non-reflex action? Explain the reason for the difference.
 The response time for a reflex action would be shorter.
 The reflex action follows the reflex arc which only goes from the receptor to
the spinal cord (part of CNS) and back to the effector to carry out the
response automatically.
 In comparison, in a non-reflex action, the information is sent to the brain
for processing first before a response by the effector is initiated, thereby
taking a longer time.



Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

Show all relevant working in questions involving calculations

Use g = 10 m s-2 throughout the paper. Nctr P*acr s g5

Question 28 (8 marks)
a) The diagram below shows a trolley of mass 2.0 kg being pulled up a
ramp. lt is found that the minimum reading on the spring balance when
the trolley moves up the ramp is 4.0 N. (You can assume that there is no
friction acting on the trolley.)

I Ol


i) Calculate the weight of the trolley. 1

2.o * lo Zo* o
ii) Calculate the height, h of the ramp 1

2o^ h 4x 8 h ---O

iii) Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the trolley

as it moves from the bottom to the top of the ramp. 1

n0h l-6 32 .-O

Granmar School Form lll Science 2022 Half-Yeaily txamination

b) ln the diagram below, a 300 N block is being pulled up a ramp, but

because it has no wheels, there is friction acting on it. ln this case, it is
found that the minimum force required to pull the block up the ramp is
80 N.



i) Calculate the force of friction acting on the block. 3

. H.h.m.e er.?.....1.. .?. :.5. /.0 t......:. ...6......

.. .;.,.. ..... fq. rn a*,. ...7.....'... Ar r,/g... .... : .... . S F)

SO Eo^l

ii) Calculate the efficiency of the ramp under these conditions. 2

hh oln ( LJ.*L " /ou E

.....,3.4e.*..0.. :.{..... loo
hkLQ*E ........f..Q..r..k: tr-.....

0 /f" lxE or TUgt

Sydney Gramnrar School tornr lll Srience 2022 HaltYearly lxamination

Question 29 (5 marks)

a) Calculate the kinetic energy of a 20 kg dog running at 8 msi'


J.n. .4e..r....f..:.
:'6k0'r.,. -- o

b) Calculate the height of a cliff if a 4 kg boulder gains 720 J of gravitational

potential energy when lifted to the top of it.

,6p.8...: a0k ?.k.. :..?.r..!.Q..r..h.

c) A 6 kg trolley is initially travelling at a constant speed of 3 ms-1. A boy
pushes the trolley with a constant force for a distance of 4 m. Afterwards,
the trolley is travelling at a speed of 5 ms-1.

Assuming no friction is acting, calculate the force with which the boy pushed
the trolley.
y's fa.l ''
^,9*-' 3


"h \t
ffi --{

t\p tr

2 2

Fo', +tr crt ! 2u

B fut't" ht'
@ f,* *Ks
iydney Grammar Srhool fornr lll Science 2022 Half-Yearly Examination

Question 30 (6 marks)
a) The diagram below shows a block and tackle pulley system.


The weight of the pulley wheels in this system is so small it can be

ignored, and the friction acting is negligible.

i) Calculate the weight (i.e. the toad) that can be lifted with an effort
force of 80 N.

?, 32o*

5ydney Grarnnrar School Iorm lll icience 2022 HaltYearly Ixamination

b) The diagram below shows a second pulley system. ln this system, there
is no friction, but both pulley wheels weigh 50 N.

50 N wheel

50 N wheel

200 N

i) Calculate the effort force required to lift the 200 N load shown'

..... ft.. ...:....k:.. .r... r? *)

2 Nb /.5O t-t

ii) What is the weight of the load being lifted when the mechanical
advantage of this pulley system is 1.8?

O r*- N- h-** ru^r roV 0 Lwtpl MA " l-K 4-> /r-o {*r" , EFr'r* f*r*:'
..1(.4...:...1.:.8. .1.0*-fu,.u....... lrJ
Err*r. E nc u +l

+2f b

4s ' o'lt^: fu . alSo ;(,


{w t 6r'nso f'P7at*'t'-' 29

6? !h/s fi.*-
5ydney Gramnrar School Fonn lll 5rience 2022 Half-Yearly !xamination

Question 31 (7 marks)

The diagram below shows a long lever of negligible weight. On one side is a load of
weight W, which is balanced by a constant force of 20 N applied on the other side of
the lever.

W 20N

A pupil investigates what happens when he changes the position of the fulcrum, X.
He finds that he needs to change the position, Y, at which he applies the 20 N force,
to get the lever to balance. His results are recorded in the table below:

Position of Fulcrum, X (m) Position of 20 N Weight, Y (m)

0.10 0.28

0.20 0.55

0.30 0.83

0.40 1 .15

0.50 1.38

5ydney Grammar ichool torm lll Science 2022 Half-Yeady Examination

a) Plot a graph of the position of the fulcrum, X, against the position of

the 20 N weight, Y, and draw a line of best fit through your data.

> Ata [xsa"D c

{, +
U"t" s a

...j +
3 fo,-rt ft-rro a

L"tsF a

a o
? S r-n" a

N t\

b * o*, M-u {1*t
,- ?,.""7nna
L \3
-i s "

A- io

a 0-l o.L 0 '3 o'9 o 's 0.4

?^,-l i rw af F^l.ur,-u; , L< G I

b) Using your graph or otherwise, calculate the weight, W 2

lrl,..z*.. r... h. (g.. =..o..) Vt h...!-k

o 2o

..!.-.....Lt..*...h. *.4..i.*.t .l:..Y.

CI 2
2F o'J
Nh IJ : €(* trs ' J(,-

Sydney Grammar School form lll Science 1022 Hal[Yearly Ixamination

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