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1. Full name of country

The full name of the country is Chile

2. Flag and Coat of arms

The red of Chile's flag represents the blood spilled for independence, blue: the sky and Pacific
Ocean, white: the snow-covered Andes, while the star either symbolizes Chile's independence or
a guide to progress.
The coat of arms is the heraldic emblem that officially represents our country, the shield
represents two equal parts.

3. Location (borders)
Chile is bounded on the north by Peru and Bolivia, on its long eastern border by Argentina, and
on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

4. Capital and main cities

The main cities are: Santiago de Chile which is the Capital, Viña Del Mar,Concepcion, among

5. Language
All around Chile they speak Spanish.

6. Government
Chile's government is a representative democratic republic.

7. Territory
Did you know that The land of Chile has a total area of 756,700 km, it is the 38 biggest in the

8. Population
The current population of Chile in 2023 is more than 19 million, a 0.13% increase from 2022.

9. Currency
The legal currency of Chile is the Chilean peso. The peso was established as the monetary unit of
Chile in 1925 and its worth 0.0013 dollars.

10. Religion
Religion in Chile is predominantly Christian and is diverse under secular principles, due to the
freedom of religion established under the Constitution.

11. Biodiversity
Chile's natural landscape includes deserts, grasslands, temperate and tropical forests, some
animals that can be found in Chile are guanacos , foxes, deers and the National animal of Chile
the North Andean huemul or taruca.

12. Economy
The GDB which means the gross domestic products, it is widely used as a reference point for the
health of national and global economies. In Chile is of 526 billion dollars, the unemployment is
of 11.2% and the inflation is of 4,5%, the minimum wage is of 10.6 Mexican pesos the hour.

13. Gastronomy
Chilean gastronomy is based on native cuisines and traditional cooking methods with European
ingredients and flavors which were brought over when the Spanish arrived in Chile in the 16th

14. Holidays
The holidays of Chile are the Independence Day 18th of September, La Tirana is a festival mix
of catholic and indigenous religions and the Festival of Viña, it’s the oldest and largest music
festival of Latin America and they have winner songs, many famous artists have participated
here, it started in 1960

15. Art
With the combination of European and Latin American influence, Chile Art has a very authentic
vibe that can only be experienced in real-life

16. Music
Chile’s traditional music is a mix of Andean melodies, Spanish tones and the rhythms and
inflections of Africans. The architecture of Chile ranges from a traditional colonial aesthetic to
modern contemporary architecture.

17. Architecture
The sanctuaries and cathedrals of Chile are the expression of early Chilean art with a European

18. Contributions to humanity (if existent)


19. Facts (Did you know?)

Some facts of Chile are:
-Chile is one of the most earthquake-prone countries
-In Chile, you could technically ski and surf in one day.

-Chile’s national dance is called “cueca”, which means a parody of the courtship of a chicken
and rooster.
-Many people confuse the flag of Chile with the Texan

20. Famous people

Finally the famous people
-We have Pedro Pascal: He is a famous actor, he represent basically Chile in the part of acting
and he portrays the role of The Mandalorian, the last of us and the game of thrones
-Alexis Sanchez: professional footballer Alexis Sanchez currently plays for Marseille and the
Chile national team. He plays as a forward. He is Chile’s all-time leading goalscorer and helped
Chile win the the 2015 Copa América tournament
-Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral: Were 2 poets that won the Nobel Prize, Pablo was inspired
by politics and Gabriela by love

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