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Dong A University

Faculty of English Language and Culture

Number of credits: 06

I. Nội dung và cách tiến hành kiểm tra

NỘI DUNG Cách tiến hành
Trình bày chủ đề NHẬN ĐỀ VÀ LÀM BÀI:
(video) - Mỗi SV được nhận 01 chủ đề và 02 câu hỏi liên quan đến chủ đề.
8 điểm + Đối với chủ đề: Sv quay 1 video trình bày về chủ đề theo các tiêu chí đánh
giá đính kèm.
+ Đối với câu hỏi: SV trả lời bằng cách viết tay trên 1 mặt giấy A4.
SV gửi video và ảnh chụp câu trả lời lên hệ thống theo quy định
Trả lời câu hỏi Lưu ý:
(Tự luận) - Mỗi SV sẽ được cấp/tạo 1 mã đề riêng khi nhận đề thi, và SV phải viết
2 điểm mã đề ra giấy, show trước camera để tránh trường hợp sử dụng video
quay sẵn. SV không thực hiện đúng sẽ bị hủy kết quả thi.


Today is the first day for students at Dong A university. Introduce yourself and family to your
classmates. You should include:
1/ Your self-introduction (your name/ age/ occupation/ dream/ etc.)
2/ Your family members (their name/ age/ appearance/ occupation/ etc.)
3/ The one you admire the most in your family.
Language focus:
- Possessive Adjectives
- Am/is/are
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


You are showing your friend a photo of your home. Describe your favorite room in the house. You
should include some ideas as follows:
1/ Which is your favorite room in the house?
2/ Why do you like it?
3/ What furniture do you want to buy in the future?
4/ Where will you put them?
* Language focus:
- There is/ there are
- Prepositions of place
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Describe your favorite city in the world. You should say:
1/ The name of the city
2/ Describe the city (places/ food/ people/…)
3/ Why you want to live there?
* Language focus: Present Simple
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy. You should say:
1/ What it is 2/ How often you do it
3/ Who you do it with 4/ Why you like it
* Language focus:
- like/ love + noun/ v-ing form
- Expressions/ adverbs of frequency
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Describe a special dish in your country or in another country. You should say:
1/ What dish it is
2/ How it is prepared/cooked/made
3/ How common this dish is
4/ The reason why you like it
* Language focus:
- A/an, some and any
- Countable & uncountable nouns
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


You and your friend visited an interesting place at the weekend. You should say:
1/ What you did
2/ How you got there
3/ Who you went with
4/ What you saw there
5/ Whether you did anything else
* Language focus: Past Simple
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Talk about the journey you remember the most. You should say:
1/ Where you went
2/ How you travelled
3/ Why you went on the journey
4/ Why you remember this journey well
* Language focus: comparative and superlative adjectives
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


You are showing your favourite picture to your friend. You should say:
1/ When was it taken?
2/ Where was it taken?
3/ Describe people and things in the photo
4/ Explain how you felt about the photo.
* Language focus: Present Continuous & Present Simple
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


You’ve got tickets for the Danang Film Festival this weekend. You should say :
1/ Your favorite type of film
2/ Introduce the film list
3/ Decide which film to see
* Language focus:
- Be going to
- Infinitives of purpose
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

SET 10

You’re talking about good and bad habits. You should say:
1/ Three good habits
2/ Three bad habits
3/ How you change your habits
4/ How good habits can help you
* Language focus:
- Present Perfect
- Past Simple
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.
SET 11

You are planning your holiday. You should say:
1/ What you need to bring
2/ Where you decide to visit
3/ What you plan to do
4/ Arrange date and time to go
* Language focus:
- Have to/ don’t have to
- Should/ shouldn’t
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

SET 12

You are thinking about the future. You should say:
1/ Your future job
2/ Your future travel
3/ Your future home
4/ Predict the Earth’s future
* Language focus:
- will/ won’t
- articles
* Remember to
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

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