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1. What academic standards do you use, and what do I need to know about them?

Academic standards are the benchmarks of quality and excellence in education such as
the rigor of curricula and the difficulty of examinations. The creation of universal
academic standards requires agreement on rubrics, criteria, or other systems of coding
academic achievement.

2. How will you respond if or when my child struggles in class?

Well, every student has their own personal reasons to struggle in class, it may be in their
household, in school, or with their peers. Here I have some ways to do when I am able to
encounter this:

 To communicate properly and openly with the student and then the parent(if
 Organize learning support, it may be the student is suffering from disabilities, lack
of motivation and etc.
 Encouragement, to keep at it and let them know you’re here to help.
 Try different learning methods

3. Do you focus on strengths or weaknesses?

Of course yes, this helps in terms of knowing what the student is lacking also this gives
us more ways to improve or to try different learning methods.

4. How are creativity and innovative thinking used on a daily basis in your classroom?

In my class, I specifically give my students problem-based activities after my discussion.

I often make my activity individualized to make sure that every student participates and
can show his/her own creativity and uniqueness to the class.

5. How are assessments designed to promote learning and development?

The assessment establishes measurable and clear student learning outcomes for learning,

providing a sufficient amount of learning opportunities to achieve these outcomes,
implementing a systematic way of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to
determine how well student learning matches expectations, and using the collected
information to inform improvement in student learning.

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