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The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Philippines hard since its first outbreak in March 2020.

the pandemic continues, one of the major challenges that the Philippines is facing now is the
depletion of vaccine supply. This shortage of supply has led to delays in the vaccination
schedule, causing concerns over achieving herd immunity and controlling the spread of COVID-
19. (Pagador et al., 2022)

The impact of the limited vaccine supply in the Philippines is a significant public health issue
and has highlighted the need for an accelerated vaccine rollout. Moreover, researchers and
policymakers in the Philippines have been exploring optimal control strategies to minimize the
number of exposed and infected populations while taking into account the cost of vaccine
distribution and administration. (CDC, n.d )

Efforts are being made to address the vaccine shortage in the Philippines through partnerships
with different vaccine manufacturers and negotiations with international organizations such as
COVAX. These efforts provide hope for the Philippines to increase its vaccine supply and
ensure that the vaccination campaign reaches every Filipino in need. It is important to note that
the depletion of vaccine supply in the Philippines has raised concerns over prioritization and
allocation. Therefore, the government needs to establish a clear and transparent vaccine
distribution plan that ensures equity in access across all regions and prioritizes those who are
most at risk or in need. (Villavicencio et al, 2021) (Pagador et al., 2022) (CDC, n.d ) (Villavicencio, 2021)

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