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A four-day workweek, as a way of organizing work, is benefit for employees’ health and the good

development of the work. It is commonly believed that four-day workweeks will become a
common way of working especially in the world which is more troubles than ever. The results
indicate that the social need to put out more force to make it more popular, and it is not only
business that needs to contribute, but also government.

With the development of the technology, it is evident that we become more and more rely on
the smart phone. The question of whether mobile phones affect intelligence has also become a big
issues that the people need to pay attention to in the modern society.
Overuse of tools leads to laziness, not just physically, but mentally. The opinion 1 shows that
the smart phone will impair our intelligence, because the people depend on the store information
remotely and they will lose the skill of being able to remember things.
Mobile phones can be a good helper to study anytime and anywhere. The opinion 2 also gives
us another opinion. The researcher informs that if the people can use the mobile phone more
wisely, it will be a tool instead off a glorified toy.
In a word, what determines whether smart phones affect our intelligence is not the mobile
phone itself, but how the people use it. The development of the smart phone will not be stopped,
but humans can use this tool more intelligently.

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