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Do we need to study abroad?

Some parents and students think that studying abroad is one of the
best things to do. Also, the number of students who go abroad and
study is increasing. In order to know if this is a good thing, we must
see the advantages and disadvantages.
It is undoubtedly true that we can learn more about many
knowledgeable things based on the country we attend the university.
For example, students can learn how it used to be there, their culture,
traditions, etc. If we are so smart at the university sometimes the
school pays for us to stay studying, there. And after your graduation,
you can work in a good position where you can get lots of money
than in our country. Since the amount of money from a different
country is quite a bit higher than ours.
On the other hand, you can lose a lot of money on your education
abroad. Since our country is not like other countries in money amount.
So, we can have difficulty paying for school or living there. But there is
also some chance that you can be paid by the school, as long as you
are smart at school. Another problem is that you can feel alone since
you are away from your family. Sometimes you can feel down
because of it, thinking you can’t do anything without your parents. But
you can still connect to them by phone or video call.
On balance, I believe that students should do their degree at a
university abroad rather than in our country. Since the education and
everything is good abroad university. You can also get a better job
and earn more money.

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