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In summary, midwives play a critical role in ensuring that women and their babies receive high-quality

healthcare services and education. Midwives are trained healthcare professionals who specialize in
providing care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. They are experts in
normal childbirth and are equipped to handle any complications that may arise. In addition to providing
medical care, midwives also offer emotional support and guidance to women and their families
throughout the entire childbirth process. Their holistic approach to healthcare ensures that women
receive personalized care that meets their unique needs. They provide comprehensive prenatal and
postpartum care, labor and delivery support, family planning, and breastfeeding support. They also
promote health and wellness among women and provide counseling and support for women
experiencing domestic violence or other forms of abuse. Midwives work closely with obstetricians and
other healthcare professionals to ensure that women and their babies receive the appropriate medical
care. Their work helps to ensure that mothers and babies receive the care they need to be healthy and

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