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The effects of cyber bullying in the meantal helthof grade 10 in the

tibagan high school

Base of the other student that I ask what is effect of cyber bullying to them is it
can cause anxiety,depression,fear,low self even trauma and stress having low
esteem to the person that you bullying and not only cyber even physical its very
serious act that every person carrying them in school and even in ther house or
in public and ther’s said they don't want to talk to other people anymore
because of cyber bullying and thay don’t trust any one.

They want to stop the cyber bullying but they don’t have enough confidence to
say out loud what they felt when they being bullied that’s why they chose to be
silen in the dark they need to learn how to figt the effect of the cyber bullying
to maintain they mental health because if they let the ather’s bully them they
can cause death and to ather student and Teachers need to focus on each
student and talk about why they are having problems at school and grades are
dropping or why do they always look sad because they are being bullied when
they don't know that the child wants to commit suicide.

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