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The Requirements and Conditions

Trial Traffic and UTM Tags

Please note that we will require a sample of traffic for evaluating conversions before starting the
project. We will use a UTM tag for this purpose. Do not bid without accepting these conditions and
understanding the requirements for the leads. Also, begin your proposal by agreeing to provide a free
trial of traffic.

Partner, Lead Group, Purpose, and Business

Our partner, Ukrainian CF IT-Sprout, is seeking lecturers, curators, and mentors in the IT and Digital
industry. The purpose is to provide free online education to those who cannot afford it, with the goal of
combating poverty by building online careers for future online work without restrictions worldwide.

Requirements for Leads

Our ideal lead should have a minimum of 5 years of experience, hold a managerial or leadership
position, and have a solid LinkedIn profile. The following requirements must be met:

● Persone from Ukraine, know the Ukrainian language at a native level

● Willingness to work on an hourly basis
● Permission for the use of their photographs and LinkedIn profile links
● Recording an exclusive video for our platform
● Agreement on Hourly Rate
● We will sign an agreement for an hourly rate based on your terms.

Get own UTM

To apply, please roll out at personal UTM, before starting to send us demo traffic. We look forward to
working with the right candidate to help us achieve our mission. This is a long-term project.

Our expectations
We need leads as the example bottom. Check the quality, positions, seniority, etc. We expected
conversation for similar people.

Any questions? Roll out personal UTM and ask for it in the process.
Анна Волкова

Product Manager у Wix. Понад 8 років досвіду на посадах Product Manager, Product Marketing
Manager. Має великий досвід роботи зі стартапами.
Олег Фляк
Product Manager у Neemb. Співзасновник дизайн-студії Ornament.
Андрій Павлов

Product Owner у Helsi. Із командою проєктує комплексні рішення, де стейкхолдерами одночасно є

держава, бізнес та користувачі. У минулому –– UX Product Manager у Weblium та UX Analyst у
Марина Семенишина

Ex-Product Manager у Wix. Понад 5 років досвіду на посаді Product Manager у продуктових
компаніях Wix, SQUAD (Ring Ukraine), CloudMade.


Микита Артемчук
CPO у Автор проєкту Кандидат філософських наук.


Олександр Діхтярук
Product Manager в Depositphotos.

Настя Черкасова

Lead Product Manager у Bookimed.

Ex-Data Conversion Specialist / Growth Product Manager у Conversionrate Store. Шукала точки
зростання та покращувала конверсії на основі кількісних і якісних даних для B2C, SaaS, B2B,
e-commerce продуктів з мільйонними аудиторіями –– як локальних, так і закордонних.

Rey Mayson

Head of Design у Kyivstar.


Тамара Кучугурна

Head of Product у «Вчасно».


Поліна Карпенко

Product Manager у Projector

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