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‫כ״ט ְּבאִ י ָיר תשפ״ג‬

Parent / Child Learning

‫ֵאתם מֵ ֶ ֥א ֶרץ מִ צ ַ ְ֖רי ִם‬
֛ ָ ‫מֹועד ּבְאֶ חָ ֩ד ל ַ֨ח ֹדֶ ׁש הַ ּׁשֵ ִ֜ני ּבַּׁשָ ָנ֣ה הַ ּׁשֵ ִ֗נית ְלצ‬
֑ ֵ ‫וַי ְדַ ֵּ֨בר ה׳ אֶ ל־מ ֶ ֹׁ֛שה ּבְמִ דְ ַ ּ֥בר סִ ַינ֖י ּב ְ֣א ֹהֶ ל‬
‫ֵאמ ֹר׃‬
ֽ ‫ל‬
On the first day of the second month, in the second year following the exodus from the land
of Egypt, ‫ ה׳‬spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the Tent of Meeting, saying:
ָ ‫ׁש ּכׇ ל־עֲ ַ ֣דת ּבְנֵ ֽי־י ִׂשְ ָראֵ֔ ל לְמִ ׁשְ ּפְח ָ ֹ֖תם ל ֵ ְ֣בית אֲ ב ָ ֹ֑תם ּבְמִ סְ ַ ּ֣פר ׁשֵ ֔מֹות ּכׇ ל־ז ָ ָ֖כר ְל ֻג ְלּג‬
‫ְֹלתֽם׃‬ ֙ ‫ׂשְ ֗אּו אֶ ת־ר ֹא‬
Take a census of the whole Israelite company [of fighters] by the clans of its ancestral houses,
listing the names, every male, head by head.
‫מִ ֶּ֨בן עֶ ׂשְ ִ ֤רים ׁשָ נָה֙ ו ָמַ֔ עְ לָה ּכׇ ל־י ֵ ֹ֥צא צ ָ ָ֖בא ְּבי ִׂשְ ָר ֵ ֑אל ּתִ ְפקְ ֥דּו א ָ ֹ֛תם ְל ִצבְא ָ ֹ֖תם אַ ָ ּ֥תה ו ְַאהֲ ֽר ֹן׃‬
You and Aaron shall record them by their groups, from the age of twenty years up, all those
in Israel who are able to bear arms.

Take for example the Levites. In one place (Num 8:24) the Levites start work at age 25, but in
another verse (Num 4:3), they begin their service at age 30:
Rashi 8:24
‫ הָ א כֵיצַד? מִ ּבֶן כ"ה ּבָא ִללְמ ֹד‬,)'‫ ּובְמָ קֹום ַאחֵ ר אֹומֵ ר "מִ ּבֶן ׁשְ ֹלׁשִ ים ׁשָ נָה" (במדבר ד‬:‫מִ ֶּבן חָ מֵ ׁש וְעֶ ׂשְ ִרים‬
‫ מִ ּכָאן לְתַ לְמִ יד ׁשֶ ֹּלא ָרָאה סִ ימָ ן י ָפֶ ה ּבְמִ ׁשְ נָתֹו ּבְחָ מֵ ׁש‬,‫הִ לְכֹות עֲ בֹודָ ה ו ְלֹומֵ ד חָ מֵ ׁש ׁשָ נִים ּובֶן ׁשְ ֹלׁשִ ים עֹובֵד‬
)‫ׁשָ נִים ׁשּוב אֵ ינֹו רֹואֶ ה (ספרי; חולין כ"ד‬
From the age of twenty-five years: Elsewhere it says, “From the age of thirty.” How can this
be reconciled? However, from the age of twenty-five they came to study the laws of the
service; they would study for five years, and at the age of thirty they would begin work. From
here we learn that a student who does not experience success in his learning for five years,
will never experience it. — [Rashi. Source - Chul. 24a]

Why does the draft begin at age 20? Ramban raises two possibilities:
Ramban 1:3
‫ואפשר שיהיה הטעם בזה בעבור שאינו חזק למלחמה בפחות מעשרים וכמו שאמרו (אבות ה כא) בן‬
‫עשרים לרדוף אבל יתכן שיהיה פירוש כל יוצא צבא כל היוצאים להקהל בעדה כי הנערים לא יקהלו‬
‫בתוך העם‬
At age twenty, the body is strong enough to wage war, as in the phrase: From twenty, one
engages in pursuit” (Avot 5:21). Alternatively it could suggest that twenty is the age that a
.person enters society, because adolescents do not gather with the adult community

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