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City of Brockton


Michael P. Thomas  Superintendent of Schools

Gloria Cho, Department Head,

Bilingual Education
Phone (508) 580-7508 Fax (508) 580-7097

May 18, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

It is a pleasure to write this recommendation on behalf of Tina Lorenzen.

Tina has worked for the Brockton Public Schools as an Integrated Sheltered English Immersion classroom teacher
in her first year (general education classroom with both native English speakers and English language learners)
and then was assigned as a grade 4 classroom teacher for a newly established self-contained Sheltered English
Immersion program called Launch, which is designed for newcomers and early proficiency English language
learners this school year. Tina has been a contributing member of our program and the district from the start.

First, Tina has developed a strong, positive rapport with her students, families, and staff. She has utilized her
professional learning regarding Launch program specific instructional practices by affirming her students’ cultural
and linguistic assets while providing scaffolds for her students with meaningful learning experiences and
connections to their cultural and linguistic backgrounds. She has worked collaboratively with her building
instructional coaches to ensure that high quality grade level instructional materials are accessible for all her

Tina consistently demonstrates great professionalism and leadership quality. Aside from her daily teaching
responsibilities, Tina was a part of the district ELA curriculum selection committee, which required members to
participate in DESE mandated CURATE training and to assess the quality of the several curriculum materials to
finalize the district decision.

Tina never hesitates to learn. She would try her best to attend voluntary professional development opportunities
that occur after school hours out of her own time to learn about recent research, best instructional practices, and
specific skills and strategies. She does not hesitate to take risks to implement her new learning, share her work,
and ask for feedbacks. For example, she shared her Language Experience Approach project work to be included
as an example for a district professional development session, which she co-constructed with her mostly
newcomer and earliest English proficiency students.

Tina is an intelligent, caring, and reflective educator who is passionate about teaching all students with diverse
cultural and language backgrounds with a variety of needs. She is extremely motivated and dedicated to success
of her students. I highly recommend her without reservation.

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 508-580-7508.


Gloria Cho

Department Head of Bilingual Education, K-8

Crosby Administration Building  43 Crescent Street Brockton, Massachusetts 02301

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