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Answer1. On the plane of a graph paper draw X’OX and Y’OY as coordinate axes and plot
each of the following points.
i) A(5,3) ii)
B(6,2) iii) C(-
5,3) iv) D(4,-6)
v) E(-3,-2) vi)
F(-4,4) vii)
G(3,-4) viii)
H(5,0) ix) I(0,6)
x) J(-3,0) xi)
K(0,-2) xii)
CONCEPT: The left of the origin on the cartesian coordinate system is refered to as negative
and the right of the origin is refered to as positive and upper side of the origin is positive and
lower side is negative

Answer 2. Write down the coordinate system of each of the following points A,B,C,D,E
SOLUTION: CONCEPT : The upper and right side of thr origin is considered as positive and
the left and the lower part of the origin is considered as negative
A(-6,5) B(5,4) C(-3,2) D(2,-2) E(-1,-4)

CLASS IX RS Aggarwal

Answer3. For each of the following points ,write the quadrant in which it lies

CLASS IX RS Aggarwal

i) (-6,3) ii) (-5,-
3) iii) (11,6)
iv) (1,-4)
v) (-7,-4) vi)
(4,-1) vii) (-
3,8) viii) (3,-8)


CONCEPT : Same as in question question 1,2

First quadrant: iii)

Second quadrant: i) , vii)

Third quadrant : ii) , v)

Fourth quadrant: iv) , vi) , viii)

Answer4. Write the axis on which the given points lies .

Solution: concept: if the coordinate of x axis is zero then the point lies on the y axis and
vice versa and if both of them are zero then it lies on origin i) (2,0) -------xaxis ii)
(0,-5)------yaxis iii) (-4,0)------xaxis iv) (0,-1)------yaxis
5. Which of the following points lies on the x-axis ?
Solution concept: the points that lies on the x axis are those points whose ordinate is zero and
points that lies on the y-axis are those whose abscissa are zero
So the points that lie on the x-axis are B(4,0) D(-6,0) G(-1,0)

CONCEPT: let A(2,5) B(-2,2) C(3,2) the vertices of the ABC

And let the x-axis be the X’ OX and the y axis be the Y’ OY

Draw a perpendicular to the x axis from point A meeting BC at M

Now let BC =BD +DC = 2+4= 6 units

CLASS IX RS Aggarwal

AM =AL-LM =5-2=3 units, so area of

triangle will be (1/2*BC*AM) (1/2*6*3)=

12 sq units.

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Answer 1. Option: (c)

Because in the third quadrant the abscissa and the ordinate both are negative
Answer 2. Option: (d)
Because in the fourth quadrant the x-axis is positive and y-axis is negative
Answer3. Option: (b)
Because in the second quadrant the x-axis is negative and he y-axis is positive
Answer4. Option: (c)
Only in the third quadrant both the points are negative the x-axis and the y-axis
Answer5. Option: (c)
The abscissa and the ordinate can be in the same only when the sign of both of them are same
this is possible only in the I and III quadrant
Answer 6. Option: (c)
Because the point (-5,3) (3,-5) lies in the II and IV quadrant
Answer 7. Option: (d)
the point (1,-1) (2,-2) (4,-5)lies in the fourth quadrant while the point (-3,-4) lies in the third
quadrant and the only appropriate option matching is d.
Answer8. Option: (d)
The point (0,-8) lies on the yaxis because the abscissa is zero and matching option is the d .
Answer9. Option: (a)
The point (-7,0) lies on the xaxis because the ordinate is zero and it lies on the
negative direction of the xaxis
Answer 10. Option: (b)
Distance is 5 units and the direction is negative and on yaxis and no info of xaxis so it is
assumed to be zero so the the point that comes is (0,-5)
Answer 11. Option: (c)
Every point on xaxis has ordinate as zero
Answer12. Option: (b)
Same as question 11
Answer 13. Option: (b)
Rectangle because the units on the yaxis is same 4 units and on the xaxis is 3 units
Answer 14. Option: (b)
Abscissa of A =-2 , abscissa of B =-3 so ( -2-(-3))=1
Answer 15. Option: (a)
Because the perpendicular from point (3,4) on y axis is the no. of units of xaxis in that point
This is the trick*
Answer 16. Option: (b)
Abscissa of a point is positive in the I and IV quadrant
Answer 17. Option: (c)
Origin is the only point where both the axes meet
Answer 18. Option: (b)

CLASS IX RS Aggarwal

The point that which lies on yaxis is the point whose xaxis zero so the point lies on the y axis
Answer 19. Option: (b)
In order to solve this, we see y=2x+3 now from the option given we put the value of each
option (x and y value) and check which option is satisfying the equation now in point (3,9) ,
9=2*3+3 this is satisfying so the answer is the point (3,9)
Answer 20. Option: (d)
Same as in question 19
Answer 21. Option: (d)
The point (0,3) is the only point among the options that do not lie in any quadrant it rather lies
on the yaxis .
Answer 22. Option: (c)
This on ploting will give a right angled triangle whose base =6 and height =6 so area =
/2*6*6=18 sq units

CLASS IX RS Aggarwal


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