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Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local

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Some would argue that climate change is such a pressing threat that governments should
issue mandates to make individuals responsible for protecting the local environment. In my
opinion, this might raise environmental awareness, however it is not advisable as other
steps are more likely to produce results.

Those who suggest individuals should be compelled to accept responsibility are hoping for a
united effort from the general public. The entire reason the Earth faces potential
catastrophe is because of over-population and consumer habits. There would be a
noticeable improvement if individuals were forced to recycle, clean up litter in their
neighbourhoods and reduce their carbon footprint by not using private vehicles, single-use
plastics, and airplanes. There is the added argument that it is important to instil public duty
in the mind of the average person. The government could fix these problems but that would
only enable bad behaviour from citizens in the same way that an overly permissive parent
engenders a spoiled child.

However, the impact from the steps mentioned above would be marginal compared to the
regulations governments can enact on various industries. Individuals might not follow the
mandates from governments, and they would be extremely difficult to enforce in populous
nations that value individual liberty such as India, the United States, and Brazil. If
governments instead passed laws related to both small and large businesses, they could
combat global and local issues. Companies that contribute to air and water pollution could
be severely fined and the businesses that profit the most from mass consumerism could be
forced to institute more environmentally friendly policies. These simple reforms would have
tremendous impact.

In conclusion, although this policy would help individuals become more active in their
communities, it is more important for governments to enact sweeping regulations on
corporations. In this way, the most progress will be made.

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