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Group Members:
● Yuvraj Ramdatt
● Bhavesh Mahangoo
● Shawn Smith
Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is made up of oscillating electric and magnetic
elds. It is able to travel through a vacuum at a speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per
second, which is commonly referred to as the speed of light. Light is a fundamental part of the
universe and is responsible for allowing us to see the world around us. When light interacts
with matter, it can be absorbed, re ected, refracted, or scattered. The properties of light are
described by its wavelength, frequency, and energy.

Natural light is a type of light that is produced by the sun and is present during the daytime. It
is an un ltered source of illumination that is constantly changing in intensity and color
temperature throughout the day. The color temperature of natural light can range from warm,
golden tones during sunrise and sunset to cool, bluish tones during midday. Natural light is an
important factor in human well-being, as it regulates our circadian rhythms and helps to
synchronize our internal clocks with the external environment. It is also bene cial for plant
growth and photosynthesis, and is used in many natural lighting designs to create a
comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

Arti cial light is a type of light that is created by humans and can be found in various forms
such as incandescent bulbs, uorescent tubes, and LEDs. It is usually constant in intensity and
color temperature, and can be adjusted to suit di erent needs. Arti cial light is a highly
versatile source of illumination that is used in a wide range of applications, including
residential and commercial lighting, photography, lm production, and medical treatments. It
can be designed to mimic the color temperature and intensity of natural light, or it can be used
to create unique and dramatic lighting e ects. While arti cial light has many bene ts, it can
also have negative e ects on human health and well-being, particularly when it is used
inappropriately or excessively. For example, exposure to blue light from electronic devices at
night can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to other health problems.

Transparent materials are materials that allow light to pass through them without signi cant
absorption or scattering. They are characterized by their ability to transmit light and to allow
objects to be seen clearly through them. Examples of transparent materials include glass,
plastic, and water. The transparency of a material is determined by its refractive index, which is
a measure of how much light is bent as it passes through the material. Materials with a high
refractive index, such as diamond, bend light more than materials with a low refractive index,
such as air. The transparency of a material can also be a ected by its thickness, color, and the
angle at which light enters it. Transparent materials are used in a wide range of applications,
including windows, lenses, optical bers, and protective barriers. They are also used in the
production of various consumer goods, such as food packaging, electronics, and household
Translucent materials are materials that allow some light to pass through them, but not enough
to see objects clearly on the other side. They are characterized by their ability to di use light,
scattering it in di erent directions as it passes through the material. Examples of translucent
materials include frosted glass, wax paper, and some plastics. The translucency of a material is
determined by its ability to scatter light, which is in uenced by the size and distribution of its
particles. Materials with small, evenly distributed particles tend to be more translucent than
those with larger, irregularly shaped particles. The translucency of a material can also be
a ected by its thickness, color, and the angle at which light enters it. Translucent materials are
used in a wide range of applications, including lampshades, di users, and privacy screens. They
are also used in the production of various consumer goods, such as cosmetics, food packaging,
and decorative objects

Opaque materials are materials that do not allow light to pass through them. They are
characterized by their ability to absorb or re ect light, preventing it from being transmitted
through the material. Examples of opaque materials include wood, metal, and some plastics.
The opacity of a material is determined by its ability to absorb or re ect light, which is
in uenced by the material's composition, surface properties, and thickness. Materials with a
high degree of opacity tend to absorb or re ect most of the light that strikes them, while those
with a lower degree of opacity may allow some light to pass through, but not enough to see
objects on the other side. Opaque materials are used in a wide range of applications, including
construction materials, such as roo ng and insulation, and in the production of various
consumer goods, such as electronics, appliances, and furniture. They are also used in the
production of artwork, such as paintings and sculptures, to create contrast and depth.


Light can be separated into its component colors using a prism or a di raction grating. When
white light passes through a prism or a di raction grating, it is refracted or bent, causing it to
split into its component colors. The di erent colors of light have di erent wavelengths, which
causes them to be refracted at slightly di erent angles. This results in the separation of the
colors of light into a spectrum, with red light being refracted the least and violet light being
refracted the most. The spectrum produced by the prism or di raction grating can be observed
on a screen or a piece of paper placed behind it. This process is known as dispersion. The
separation of light into its component colors is the basis for many scienti c and technological
applications, including spectroscopy, which is used to analyze the composition of materials,
and colorimetry, which is used to measure the color of light.

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