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(How can we make things worthwhile?

Receiving tons of work load from school, always makes me feel tired and exhausted with
everything that I do. There will always be a time that I am about to give up with my life but I am very
proud of myself that I was able to pass through all of them. As years goes by, I realized that what I am
experiencing was just a portion of the daily life of those people in the marginalized sector of our society.
Just like the scenarios that I was able to observe from the video clips posted on the schoolbook, their life
is not comfortable as ours and they strive really hard to educate themselves and rise from poverty. This
people are indeed the bravest and strongest amongst mankind.

Despite of the risk they are to face each and every day of their lives, they are still willing to take
it or else they will be left with nothing. They have to wake up early in the morning in order to reach their
destination on time. These people crosses a river with only a bamboo raft to stand on to and just hold on
to their hopes of reaching the other side safely. Climbing a ladder won’t be easy as it seems most
especially if it is light weight and the materials used becomes very fragile as it ages. However, those
hardworking kids and teachers never see those things as a hindrance to ascend from the life they were
once born into and be able to reach the top. Behind all those ups and downs, cliffs and rough roads which
are the obstacles they are facing, they still have that confidence to walk their path to school and be able to
receive the gift of knowledge. Isn’t it heart-breaking to see them in that kind of situation? What more they
are actually feeling whenever the sun is almost up and they have to start their day going through all those

We must be grateful, for we are not in their shoe and we have the means to receive the quality of
education everyone deserves but sadly not everyone can afford. Those people don’t have the resources
which we always take for granted, make that sink in to your minds! You are not the only person living in
this world who experiences pain and suffering, everyone do us but they choose to endure every single bit
of it just to survive for their dreams. When we dig deeper into reality, the sacrifices we made are just a dot
from the equation of those people who do sacrifices their lives in order for other people to live. We
should be motivated, make those people in the marginalized community an inspiration to work hard and
attain your goals in life so that there will come a time that we can fully help and guide them in their own
journey. We are born in this world to help one another, with just a simple way of being contented with
what we have and give more to those who are in need will be of great help. It will never be the wealthiest
whom God will accept first in His kingdom but rather those people who has the richest heart for his
brothers and sisters. Your willingness to do things for the good of other people and not for your own is an
act a true son of God. Make your life worth living by dedicating an ample of your time to serve those
people who doesn’t have the capability of eating at least a complete meal once a day. You may not get
something physical in return but the hype of fulfillment in your heart would reach its optimal level once
you are able to do such a thing. Remember life is not hard, you are the only one making things to
complicated by not looking through the goodness among the things around us.

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