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When I was a kid about 8 or 9 years old and my sister about 3 years old, I had done bad

things just because at that time she was very bad to me and did many things that made me
angry so i hitted her very hard. After that hit she cried a lot and did not talk with me for a long
time. Many years later, I realized that her personality had changed a lot. My punishment to my
younger sister hurt her mind or I usually call it psychological damage. Most of the easy thing can
do by herself but she can not do that. She always asks me how to do this or how to do that, she
is scared that she will make mistakes. I thought my decision at that time could help my sister
stop annoying me and she will be better. It worked, she wasn't mischievous anymore, she
listening everyone, do a good things for her family and she understood many things like an
adult. But i know in her mind obsessed with the way how i teaching her before by hitted her, so
that why she always scare do many thing because she scare she make mistake. If I could go
back to that time, I wish that didn’t hit her, I wish I had only said some work, to help her
understand that her behavior is wrong.

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