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Hello Mister good evening.

I’m David Cherrez and in this activity my classmates Tatiana

Rosado and Claribel Noboa make up. Let's Begin.

Hello girls, how are you? Well, here we have two questions that the activity tells us. Shall
we start? Ok, let's do it. The first question is

1. Which of the conversations below have you had recently in your own language?

2. What did you talk about? Choose an adjective From exercise 2 to describe the

Well, of all the conversations that are there, I can say that my most recent sincere and in-depth
conversation was with one of my best friends via Whatsapp chat. He lives in Santa Elena and he
told me that he already had a place to study here at the University of Guayaquil, therefore he
would have to come to live here now, he told me that he was very excited because he was
studying the career that he wanted Environmental Engineering but at the same time he felt
nervous and anxious because they already know how to live in a new city, far from your family
is not always easy and he is just 18 years old, it will be a new experience for him. I only told him
that he understood his situation in a certain way but that he was calm, that whatever he
needed was for him, or that if he had any doubts or concerns that he had, he would let me
know. I told him that I understood very well what was happening since I also went through the
same thing, so I encouraged him to feel a little more secure.. Later he thanked me for having
listened to him and that in a certain way I listened to him more calmly, so I felt happy to have
helped him in that sense.

I can describe the conversation as in-depth and intimate that I had with my friend.

Well girls, thank you very much for your presence in this zoom meeting. Have a good night.
Thank you for your attention Professor.
1. Which of the conversations below have you had recently in your own language?

Ok I had recently an online conversation with a former schoolmate

2. What did you talk about?

Well, I recently had an online conversation with an ex-schoolmate

We had a very animated conversation, because she is organizing a reunion with other former
classmates, we chat a lot, she is very hilarious and she is always telling jokes and making
pranks. At first I thought it was a joke about the reunion but after a few hours of chatting I
realized that she was serious. I have to say that lately I haven't had such good days but talking
to her with her encouraged me a lot. At school we were good friends but for work reasons we
stopped having contact for a few years it was very comforting to talk to her I can say that our
conversation was animated and stimulating

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