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What is the Main Idea? What is the passage MOSTLY ABOUT? What’s the BIG Idea? Forget the Details! The little details will derail your Main Idea Train! ReadingleackerOnTheRun What is the Main Idea? In 1955, Disneyland opened to the public in Anaheim, California. Disneyland was a huge $17 million-dollar theme park! The park was amazingly popular. In fact, Disneyland continues to be one of the most popular vacation spots in the entire world. Then Disney had an idea to build an ever bigger park. Sadly, Walt died before this park opened. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966. In 1971, Disney World opened in Florida. What is this passage mostly about? a. Disneyland is a $17 million-dollar theme park. b. Disney World opened after Walt Disney died. ¢. Disneyland and Disney World are two huge theme parks! In the early 1920s, Amelia discovered that she wanted to fly! She worked hard! With her mom's help, she paid for flying lessons! In time, she bought herself a bright yellow alrplane and nicknamed it the “Canary.” She also earned her pilot’ icense! What is the Main Idea of this passage? a. Amelia Earhart is a famous pilot. b, If it wasn’t for her mom, Amelia probably would’ve never learned how to fly. She should be thankful for her mom. c. Amelia Earhart wanted to learned how to fly, so she took flying lessons and eventually bought her own airplane. Jane carefully watched the chimpanzees in their natural environment. Jane learned so much about chimpanzees! She observed how a chimpanzee made a tool. The chimp used this tool to get food. This was the first time that an animal has been seen using and making and tools. Before this discovery, it was believed that only humans used and made tools. What is the Central Idea of this passage? a, Jane studied all kinds of different animals. One of the animals she studied was the chimpanzee. b. Jane studied chimpanzees. She observed for the first time ever that animals can use and make tools like humans do. c. Jane figured out that chimpanzees were as smart s humans. ngleackerOn ih What is the Main Idea? Sally trained to become an astronaut at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Some of the training exercises include parachute jumping, water training and weightlessness training. . The water training involves walking in water in a heavy astronaut suit. She finished her training in 1979. What is this passage mostly about? a. It took Sally many, many years to finish her astronaut training in Houston, fexas, b. Sally trained to become an astronaut. She had to do many different training exercises before she finished her training. c. Sally didn’t always want to be an astronaut. She made the decision to become an astronaut later in life. Oprah won a full scholarship to go to college at Tennessee State University. During her college years, a CBS news station called her and asked her to be. news anchor. A news anchor is a person who presents the news on television. She accepted the job. In Nashville, she was the first female African-American news anchor. What is the Main Idea of this passage? a. Oprah went to college at Tennessee State University. b. A news anchor is a person who tells the news on television. c. While in college, Oprah accepted a job as a news anchor. She was the first female African-American news anchor. Dwayne Johnson liked football more than wrestling. He was a great high school football player. He even played college football for the University of Miami. After college, Dwayne played football in the Canadian Football League. His pro football career was complicated with injuries. He decided to give wrestling a chance. What is the Central Idea of this passage? a. Dwayne Johnson is also known as, “The Rock.” He is a professional wrestler and actor. b. Dwayne Johnson played football in high school, college and in Canada. Once he started getting injuries, he made up his mind to try wrestling. c. Dwayne Johnson likes football more than acting or wrestling. What is the Main Idea? Bald eagle are large birds. They may be anywhere from 2 to 4 feet long. They havea wingspan of 5 to 8 feet across. Bald eagles usually weigh between 6 and 14 pounds. They can live up to 28 years. What would be the best subtitle for the paragraph above? a. Bald Eagle Thieves b. Weight of the Bald Eagle c. Description of Bald Eagles For thousands of years, people have realized that horses are very useful animals. In ancient times, people fought wars on horseback or in chariots. During the Middle Ages, knights rode on heavy horses into battle. Knights were soldiers who wear heavy armor. For hundreds of years, people used horses to travel and to pull heavy loads. What would be the best subheading of the paragraph above? a. Pulling Horses b. Useful Horses c. Racing Horses Alligators are carnivores. They are believed to have up to 80 teeth. These teeth are shaped perfectly to bite down on prey. Allgators eat mostly fish, small mammal, snakes and turtles. They are also known for attacking much larger animals, such as deer and panthers. What is the Central Idea of this passage? a. The Teeth b. Sharp Teeth to Eat and Attack c. The Diet Tornadoes can happen anywhere in the world, but the m: of tornadoes in the US happen in what is known as Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is found mostly in the central art of the US. It goes from northern Texas to South Dakota and from the Rocky lountains to Missouri. What is the Central Idea of this passage? a. Scary Tornadoes b. Tornado Alley c. Texas Tornadoes dingleackerOnihemun

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