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※ 모든 내용은 한국어 및 영어로 작성(Заполнить на корейском и английском языке)

2018 CIS 지역 한국어교사 초청 연수 참가 신청서

(한국어) 성 이름
(Ф.И.О.) (English) Last name First name
※ 영어는 여권상 영문표기
(На русском) Фамилия Имя
성별(Пол) 남(М) □ / 여(Ж) □
생년월일(Дата рождения) 년(Год) 월(Месяц) 일(День)
거주국가(Место проживания) 국적(Гражданство)
※ 예) 3 세대
(Поколение) 한국 내 연락처
한국어능력 (Контакт в Корее)
사용가능언어 교사경력
(Доступные Языки) (Педагогический стаж)
소속 학교명 교사 □ /
(Название школы) 교장·교사겸직 □
(Предмет преподавания) 전화
교육 대상의 한국어 수준 (Домашнийномер
입문□ / 초급□ / межд.код
(Уровень знания кор. тел.)
중급□ / 고급□
языка учеников)
휴대전화(Мобилный ※Включительно
номер тел.) межд.код
주소(Адрес) ※ На английском
(Полученное полное
※ 국내 연수 참가 경험(연도, 주관기관명, 연수명)
기타(Другое) ※ 한국어교사로서 공적사항 및 주요 경력
※ 소속 학교 사용교재 중 개발한 교재 유∙무(제작년도 반드시 기입)
상기 내용은 사실과 다름없음을 확인합니다.
2018 년 월 일
신청인 : (서명/Подпись)

저는 작은 몰도바에 도시에서 태어났고 19 살때 산 여가입니다. 부모님들한테 아무거나 할 때는 죄선을 다 해야 되는
것을 아주 일찍 배웠읍니다. 그래서 무엇을 하기 시작하면 무적건 1 등을 받아야 된다고 생각했읍니다. 그리고 열심히
하면 성공을 이루어질 수 있다고 생각하면서 항상 노력했습니다.
From early childhood I learned from my parents that for being successful I need to depunde tare mult eform and do
my best in every job I have, that’s why while other colleagues spent their time.. I preferred to use it always for
learning something instead on wasting it on distractions, even my hobbies were related always to learn something
new and develop new skills: learn to dance, learn to video-editing, learn Korean. This is how I started to learn Korean.

고등학교 때 오연히 한국 드라마 보면서 bila ocharovana etoi stranoi.

2012 년에 고등학교를 졸업하고 나서 대학교에 입학하러 몰도바의 키시너우라는 수도에 왔습니다. 울림 대학교에서
한국어와 한국 문화 세정이라는 센터가 있다고 들어서 키시너우 있는 대학교 중에서 울림대에 입학하기로 했습니다.
저는 한국어 배우기 싶어했지만 다른 전공도 있었으면 좋겠다고 생각해서 심리학을 배우기로 했고 한국어 동아리
다니기 시작했습니다. 3 년동안 This way during 3 years while getting my degree in psychology I studied very 열심히
Korean language 동아리.

From early childhood I liked to help people with things that I was better than them at. Even when I was just learning
Korean, I always wanted to share my knowledge and my admiration with people around me, introducing to this
culture my friends, co-workers.
This Is why I settled another task: to teach people. As a Korean language teacher I think my goal is not just to
explain them the grammar, but to explain the culture in order to start to think, act and

As time passed from a dream it transformed into a purpose with concrete goals and priorities, planning my future
and the role Korean language will play in it.

지금 생각하면 제 일생에서 제일 중요한 선택이 한국어 배우는 것이었습니다. 그 선택덕분에 많은 목표가 성취됐고
상상도 못 하는 소원을 이루어질 수 있었습니다. 앞으로도 this is why I’m going to continue to improve my skills not
only for me, but also for the people I want to teach and introduce into this amazing language.

1. 성강과정.
“고생 끝에 낙이 온다”라는 말이 어렸을 때는 자주 듣는 말이었습니다. 어머니가 모든 것을 열심히 하시며
성공을 갈망하는 분이고 아버지는 꿈을 햔해 가는 분입니다. 그래서 저는 부모님을 둘다 따라서 꿈을
이루어지려고 노력하는 사람이 돼었읍니다.

While learning from my mom to put a lot of effort in everything I do, from my dad I learned to do only
something I love, and this way I learned to put a lot of effort in something I love to do and to transform all
my dreams into goals. At school I realized that I am very good at studying and at helping my colleagues to
understand something they couldn’t by themselves. That’s how I became focused basically on studying, and
while my friends spent their time having fun, I considered it a waste and preferred to learn something new.
뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다. This proverb became my favorite after the experience I got with Korean. Growing
in a small city limited my possibilities and opportunities but, at the same time made me always curious
about the world outside, trying to explore it by myself and to find ways to develop myself. When I started
to learn Korean the people around me considered it crazy and useless, but it did not stopped me and
오히려 motivated me to continue on studying it despite of all the difficulties and to choose the university
which could provide me the possibility to transform my dream into a goal.
2. 성격 장단점.
Being a very patient person and attentive to others always helped me to understand how I can help them.
Even if my degree isn’t teaching, the skills I got as a psychologist helped me even more, as psychology is a
study about people, and teaching means to work with people, and for being a good supervisor you should
first of all understand you students and learn about their potential in order to know the best way to bring
the information to your students.
I’m very perseverant and perfectionist in my work, expecting a lot from me and from other people. However,
as a teacher I learned that there are no perfect people, and my task is first of all to guide and supervise
them, without putting too much pressure.
3. 경험 시항.
After 3 years of attending Korean language courses at the Se Jong center in September 2015 I started to
teach Korean. It was challenging at first, considering it was my first experience, but the more I did, the more I
realized how much I love to share my knowledge about Korean language and culture with other people and
to introduce them into this amazing community. The hardest thing was that all the students were unique and
different, and their level of knowledge was different too. In order to solve this problem, I took the following
decisions: first was to analyze all of them and to find their individual level and type of student, secondly, I
always had some additional exercises for students who were faster, so they won’t get bored while I worked
with those who needed additional explanation. Also, I organized special additional class once a week for
students who needed personal explanation of grammar and additional practice. Also, while learning to
organize my lessons and to have always a plan in order to get to achieve the established goal, I learned to
be ready to be flexible during lessons and prepared for facing any situation, question with my students, to be
very attentive and always concentrated during the lesson, and how to make the lessons not only informative
but also attractive and interesting, using always different methods for making lessons interesting and
4. 지원동기및 입사후 계획.
This program will not only improve my Korean language skills and give me techniques of teaching Korean,
but will also help me to experience the Korean culture 직접 and to be able to share these experiences with
my students. Also, I will be able to meet more Korean language teachers and share practices and experiences
with them which will contribute to improvement of my abilities. I’m looking forward to participating in this
program and become a more skillful Korean language teacher.

1. 지원동기및 입사후 계획 (motivatia pentru support si planurile dupa admitere) Evita expresii abstracte si
exprimari negative/pesimiste. Evidentiat cu ce esti mai bun fata de alti aplicanti, care e motivatia de a lucre
acolo. Trebuie sa ai o viziune, un scop pentru care aplici acolo (daca nu ai se creaza impresia ca ai aplicat din
curiozitate). De exprimat cum asociezi propriile scopuri cu cele pe care le au ei (motivatia de a lucre acolo)

고생 끝에 낙이 온다. 뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다

I never considered myself having a talent at speaking languages, but thanks to Korean I realized how good I can be.
Everytime I hear someone saying like it was probably hard for you to learn it I’m thinking that actually I never felt
like I am suffering, and namely because I was doing something I love to do, that’s why I will always continue to
improve my skills and now what I want it to develop myself for sharing these knowledge with other people, and
helping them to get what I got, that satisfaction and happiness.

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