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This project of mine was fun but also dreadful i had a lot of fun doing the project and learning
from my mesups but this could have been better if i wasent afraid to ask for some help my
project won't only look better it would also be more fun for me. My name is Rusty Luedtke and i
built a fire pit that would be ablt to move around so it's portable in this project i had a good time
with my friends and i learned how hard it is whent your doing something that's you knew was
going to be a challenge for you and not asking for help. Some things that i should have asked
help on was welding using onshap and grinding while i was grinding my hands would hurt so
bad that i would almost not be able to use them for the rest of the day but otherwise this project
taught me if your going to be dependent make sure you know what your doing.if i were to give
my project a grade i'd probably give it a 80 percent because i messed up on some of the welds
but the project looks really good.

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