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Burger King (BK) is an American mul na onal chain of hamburger Fast food restaurants
Headquartered In Miami Dade country, Florida the company was founded in 1953 as Insta Burger
King, a Jacksonville, Florida-based restaurant chain. A er Insta Burger King ran into financial
difficul es in 1 954, its two Miami-based franchisees David Edgerton and James Mclammore
purchased the company and renamed it "Burger King." Over the next half-century, the company
changed hands four mes, with its third set of owners, a partnership of 7PG capital, Bain capital, and
Goldman 8achs capital partners, taking it public in2002. In late 2010,3G capital of Brazil acquired a
majority stake in the company, in a deal valued at US$3.26 billion. The new owners promptly ini ated
a restructuring of the company to reverse its fortunes. 3G along with partner Berkshire Hathaway
eventually merged the company with the Canadian based doughnut-chain Tim Hortons under the
auspices of new Canadian based parent-company named Restaurant Brands Interna onal. The 1970s
were the "Golden Age" of the company’s’ adver sing, but beginning in the early-1980s Burger King
adver sing began losing focus. A series of less successful adver sing campaigns created by a
procession of adver sing agencies con nued for the next two decades.


Fayol was born in 1841 in a suburb of Constan nople (now Istanbul). His father, a military engineer,
was appointed superintendent of works to build Galata Bridge, across the Golden Horn.[1] The family
returned to France in 1847, where Fayol graduated from the mining academy "École Na onale
Supérieure des Mines" in Saint-É enne in 1860. Star ng in the 1870s, Fayol wrote a series of ar cles
on mining subjects, such as on the spontaneous hea ng of coal (1879), the forma on of coal beds
(1887), the sedimenta on of the Commentry, and on plant fossils (1890).
His first ar cles were published in the French Bulle n de la Société de l'Industrie minérale, and
beginning in the early 1880s in the Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, the proceedings of
the French Academy of Sciences.


1. Division Of Work:
In prac ce, employees are specialized in different areas and they have different skills.
Different levels of exper se can be dis nguished within the knowledge areas(from
generalist to specialist). Personal and professional developments support this.
According to Henry Fayol specializa on promotes the efficiency of the workforce and
increases produc vity. Also, the specializa on of the workforce increases their
accuracy and speed.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King is based on a concept of division of labour. It has a labour chart according
to which posi ons are assigned to every employee according to their capabili es.
Those workers who are good at customer
service are assigned as front staff and those who are good in making and prepara on
are assigned in the kitchen. This helps to enhance their skills at par cular work.
Therefore, the principle is followed.

2. Authority & Responsibility:

To get things done in an organisa on, Management has the authority to give orders
to the employees. Of course with this authority comes the accompanying power are
authority gives the management the right to give orders to the subordinates the
responsibility can be traced back from performance and it is, therefore, necessary to
make agreements about this. In other words, authority and responsibility go together
and they are two sides of the same coin.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King has very well used this principle of authority and responsibility when a
manager delegates his authority to any staff member to manage the front counter &
customer service and handling customer behaviour he gives a certain amount of
responsibility as well so that the worker can manage everything efficiently and
effec vely, therefore, this principle is followed.

3. Discipline:
The third principle of the 14 principles of management is about obedience. It is o en
a part of the core values of a mission ad vision in the form of good conduct and
respec ul interac ons. This management principle is essen al and is seen as the oil
to make the engine of an organisa on run smoothly.
Applica on in Burger King:
Changing the sani ser a er every two hours, washing hands a er every hour, update
fries me, this all comes in discipline how employees full fill all these responsibili es
punctuality ma er a lot at Burger King and While serving the customer the employee
must be very polite and kind to them. Discipline is followed.

4. Unity Of Command:
The management principles 'unity of command' means that an individual employee
should receive orders from one manager and that the employee is avail answerable
to that manager. If a task to the employee and related responsibili es are given to
the employee by more than one manager, this may lead to confusion which may lead
to possible conflicts for employees. By using this principle, the responsibility for
mistakes can be established more easily.
Applica on in Burger King:
According to my research, I have learnt that this principle is not equally applied at
Burger King because if there is more than one manager and therefore, the team
members are ge ng commands from both of them but not at the same me. This
one is not followed.

5. Unity Of Direc on:

This management principles of the 14 principles of management are all about focus
and unity. All employees deliver the same ac vi es that can be linked to the same
objec ves. All ac vi es must be carried out by one group that forms a team. These
ac vi es must be described in a plan of ac on. The manager is ul mately
responsible for this plan and he monitors the progress of the defined and planned
ac vi es focus areas are the efforts made by the employees and coordina on.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King is a beverage restaurant which aims to serve the customer at its best like
a unity of command, this principle is more applicable in big enterprises. The front
staff which takes order are directed by one manager who runs their order &
instruc on to the team members.

6. Subordina on Of Individual Interest Into General Interest:

There are always all kinds of interest in an organiza on to have an organiza on
func on well, Henri Fayol indicated that personal interest is subordinate to the
interest of the organiza onal objec ves and not on those of the individual the
applies to all levels of the en re organiza on, including the managers.
Applica on in Burger King:
Selfishness, laziness, carelessness was always the main issue in burger king. Burger
King has given a lot of benefits to their employees like 10% off on their meal, Free
drinks, paid leaves etc so that they can feel more associated with the organiza on.
But employees should also have some faith in their organiza onal

7. Remunera on:
Mo va on and produc vity are close to one another as far as the smooth running of
an organiza on is concerned. This management principle argues that the
remunera on should be sufficient to keep employees mo vated and produc ve
there are two types of remunera on namely non-monetary and monetary ul mately,
it is about rewarding the efforts that have been made.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King provides equal pay rates to their employees which is standard pay rates
according to IRD and Burger king also gives annual leaves to their employees,
According to other medical enefits as well. Fair remunera on creates a fair
environment in the organisa on among staff.

8. Centraliza on & Decentraliza on:

Management and authority for decision-making process must be properly balanced
in an organiza on. This depends on the volume and size of an organiza on including
its hierarchy. Centralized implies the concentra on of decision making authority at
the top management (execu ve board). Sharing of authori es for the decision-
making process with lower levels (middle and lower management), is referred to as
decentralisa on by Henri Fayol. Indicated that an organiza on should
strive for a good balance in this.
Applica on in Burger King:
Centralisa on as well as an accurate amount of decentralisa on is followed in Burger

9. Scalar Chain:
Hierarchy presents itself in any given organiza on. This varies from senior
management (execu ve board) to the lowest levels in the organiza on. Henri Fayol's
"Hierarchy" management principle states that there
should be a clear line in the area of authority (from top to bo om and all managers
at all levels). This can be seen as a type of management structure. Each employee
can contact a manager or a superior in an emergency without challenging the
Applica on in Burger King:
Informa on in burger king also follows the scalar chain. The employees can't directly
talk to the head office first they have to communicate with the assistant restaurant
manager and then the manager, restaurant manager like this the scalar chain goes

10. Order:
According to this principle of the management, employees in an organiza on must
have the right resources at their disposal so that they can func on properly in an
organiza on. In addi on to social order (responsibility of the managers), the work
environment must be safe, clean and dy.
Applica on in Burger King:
The principle is mostly used at burger king. Before doing all the prepara on of we
need to put everything sorted at its place to avoid confusion at the end moment.
Every day the workplace gets cleaned and workers change the pans for all the
ingredients used.

11. Equity:
The management principle of equity o en occurs in the core values of an
organiza on. According to Henri Fayol employees must be treated kindly and equally.
Employees must be in the right place in the organiza on to do things right. The
manager should supervise & monitor this process and they should treat employees
fairly and impar ally.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger king treats its employees equal. No discrimina on or racism is followed at the
restaurant. Each employee has given the same respect and honours the grievances
and problems are dealt very nicely and effec vely by the manager.

12. Stability Of Personnel:

This management principle of the 14 principles of the management represents
deployment and managing of personnel and this should be in balance with the
service that is provided from the organiza on. Management strives to minimize
employee turnover and to have the right staff in the right place. Focus areas such as
frequent change of posi on and sufficient development must be managed well.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King makes sure that the availability of the person whom the organisa on is
hiring is long. Otherwise, it will be a loss for the organisa on to again organise the
process of interview and training.

13. Ini a ve:

Henri Fayol agreed that with this management principle employees should be
allowed to express new ideas. This encourages interest and involvement & creates
added value for the company. Employee ini a ves are a source of strength for the
organiza on according to Henri Fayol. This encourages the employees to be involved
and interested.
Applica on in Burger King:
Burger King understands the importance of the employee's hence the employees are
equally given a chance to feel free to give any advice any sugges on or change they
something about the strategy.

14. Esprit de Corps:

The management principle 'esprit de corps' of the 14 principles of management
stands for striving for the involvement and unity of the employees' managers are
responsible for the development of moral in the area of communica on. Esprit de
corps contributes to the development of the culture and creates an atmosphere of
mutual trust and understanding.
Applica on in Burger King:
Coordina on of kitchen staff, fire sta on staff and produc on staff helps front staff to
feed the customers well. Without the good and sound coordina on, the best service
cannot be given, hence orders get delayed dissa sfac on of customers and bad
image of the organisa on.


The 14 principles of management can be used to manage organiza ons and are
useful tools for forecas ng planning process management, organiza on and control.

Although they are obvious, many of these ma ers are s ll used based on common
sense in current management prac ces in the organiza on. It remains a prac cal list
with focus areas that are based on Henri Fayol's research which s ll applies today
due to several logical principles a er studying all the principles of Henri Fayol and it is
clear that my organisa on because it ensures the smooth running of an organiza on.

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