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Name: Sarah B.

Cariño Date: May 2, 2023

Class: Advanced Abnormal Psychology - Cycle 2

1. Here are my three examples for ETHICAL AND LEGAL practice in clinical
psychology assuming I am already a clinical psychologist:
a. I believe that it is essential to ensure that I adhere to ethical and legal
standards when assessing clients. One example of an ethical and legal
practice of assessing clients as a psychologist could involve obtaining
informed consent. Before conducting any assessments, I inform my client
of the nature, purpose, and anticipated duration of the assessment, as well
as the potential risks and benefits of participating in the assessment
process. Additionally, I explain how the information collected during the
assessment will be used and who will have access to it. I should also ensure
that the assessment tools and methods used are reliable, valid, and
culturally appropriate. I am also considering the client's cultural background
and language preferences when selecting assessment tools and methods,
and ensure that they are administered in a manner that is respectful and
b. Confidentiality is another important ethical and legal consideration when
assessing my clients. I take steps to protect the privacy and confidentiality
of my clients by ensuring that assessment results are stored securely and
only accessible to authorized individuals.
c. Finally, I believe that I should be aware of any legal requirements related to
assessing clients, such as obtaining consent from parents or guardians
when assessing minors or complying with reporting requirements for
suspected cases of abuse or neglect.

Overall, careful consideration of informed consent, appropriate assessment

tools and methods, confidentiality, and legal requirements can help ensure that
I am conducting assessments in an ethical and legal manner as a psychologist.

2. Here are my three examples for UNETHICAL BUT LEGAL practice in clinical
psychology assuming I am already a clinical psychologist:
Name: Sarah B. Cariño Date: May 2, 2023
Class: Advanced Abnormal Psychology - Cycle 2

a. Lack of Informed Consent: If I, as a clinical psychologist, administer

assessments without obtaining informed consent from the client, which is a
violation of ethical principles and legal requirements.
b. Discrimination: If I administer assessments in a discriminatory manner, such
as by using measures that are biased against certain groups or by
selectively administering measures based on the client's race, gender, or
other personal characteristics.
c. Dual Relationships: If I have a dual relationship with the client, such as
serving as both a therapist and an evaluator, which can compromise
objectivity and create conflicts of interest.
3. Here are my three examples for ETHICAL BUT ILLEGAL practice in clinical
psychology assuming I am already a clinical psychologist:
a. Failing to Follow Legal Procedures: If I conduct assessments in a manner
that violates legal procedures, such as by failing to provide adequate notice
to the client or failing to follow established protocols for handling
assessment data.
b. Assessment in a Jurisdiction without a License: If I administer assessments
in a state or jurisdiction where I am not licensed to practice psychology, but
I do so in response to a crisis or emergency situation where I feel compelled
to provide services.
c. Unapproved Research: If I conduct assessments as part of research without
obtaining proper institutional review board (IRB) approval or failing to follow
ethical guidelines for conducting research with human subjects.

While these practices may be well-intentioned and based on ethical principles,

they can still be illegal and subject the psychologist to legal and professional
consequences. Therefore, it is important for psychologists to ensure that their
practices align with both ethical and legal standards.

4. Here are my three examples for UNETHICAL AND ILLEGAL practice in clinical
psychology assuming I am already a clinical psychologist:
Name: Sarah B. Cariño Date: May 2, 2023
Class: Advanced Abnormal Psychology - Cycle 2

a. Sexual Misconduct: If I engage in sexual relationships or other forms of

sexual misconduct with clients, which is illegal under state laws and a
violation of ethical standards.
b. Unauthorized Release of Information: If I release assessment results to
unauthorized individuals, such as employers or other third parties, without
the client's consent, which is illegal under federal and state privacy laws.
c. Fraudulent Billing: If I engage in fraudulent billing practices, such as billing
for services that were not provided or falsifying records to receive
reimbursement for services that were not necessary or not covered by
These practices are both unethical and illegal, and can result in harm to clients,
damage to the psychologist's professional reputation, and legal penalties. It is
important for psychologists to uphold both ethical principles and legal standards in
their practice.

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