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Proposition: Ancient art is better than modern art

Opposition: Modern art is better than ancient art

 Proposition: Ancient art is a timeless form of expression that has been around for
centuries. It has been used to tell stories, express emotions, and capture moments in
 Ancient art is often seen as more meaningful and valuable than modern art because it
has been around for so long and has been passed down through generations.
 Ancient art also has a unique aesthetic that is often more pleasing to the eye than
modern art.

 Opposition: Modern art is a form of expression that has been around for only a few
decades. It has been used to explore new ideas, challenge traditional norms, and push

 Modern art is often seen as more innovative and creative than ancient art because it is
constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

 Modern art also has a unique aesthetic that can be more visually stimulating than
ancient art.

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