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Name: Franck Jeremy B.


Instruction: Answer the following questions below. Write your final answer after every requirement.
Once done, save and submit this file (together with your attachments) in the folder provided.

Problem: A researcher wanted to estimate the value of the employees’ salary (in thousands) using age,
average of the level of perceived benefits, average of the level of influence, educational attainment, and
gender as predictors.

Requirements (do these in a sequential manner):

1. Formulate the regression model. (2 pts)

- Employees’ Hourly Salary = βo+β_1 Age+β_3 Level Of Perceived Benefits+β_3 Level of
Influence+β_4+Educational Attainment+β_5 Gender+e
2. Is DV normally distributed? Support this by providing the statistic value. (2)
- 0.090 is higher than 0.05 (Insignificant)
3. Transform the Age into its logarithmic form. (1)
- done
4. Create a dummy variable for gender using “Female” as the representing variable. (2)
5. Create a dummy variable for educational attainment using “Graduate School” as representing
variable. (2)
6. Run the regression model and interpret the results. Support each by providing the statistic value
a. Is the model significant? (2 pts)
b. Is/Are there multicollinearity present in the model? Which variable/s.? Support this by
providing the statistic value for each. (1 pt each)
c. Significance of each IV. (1 pt each)
d. Coefficient of correlation. (1 pts)
e. Coefficient of determination (1 pts)
f. What is the salary of employees given the following conditions:
i. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, an elementary graduate, and a female.
ii. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a HS graduate, and a female.
iii. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a College graduate, and a female.
iv. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a Graduate school graduate, and a female.
v. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, an elementary graduate, and a male.
vi. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a HS graduate, and a male.
vii. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a College graduate, and a male.
viii. A change of 1% on employee’s age, the level of perceived benefits and influence
is at 3.0, a Graduate school graduate, and a male.
(2 pts each. Show solution)
7. Attach your SPSS output. (4 pts)
8. Attach your SPSS data. (5 pts)

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