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Tradition culture and identity

Issue: How tradition has been neglected by people is their day to day lives

Aim: Find ways to implement tradition into our day to day life’s

Project Aim:
How tradition has been neglected by people in their day to day lives and how we can find ways to implement them back into our lives.


Finding ways to restore tradition into daily life can have a number of good benefits on society as a whole. By encouraging
relationships between those who share similar cultural or religious beliefs, it can create a sense of community and belonging. By
establishing a person's roots in their heritage and history, it can also help them develop a stronger sense of self and purpose.
Tradition can also offer a sense of stability and solace, especially in the face of contemporary technological breakthroughs that have
led to growing isolation and disconnection from others.

Additionally, implementing tradition into daily life can promote mindfulness and reflection by encouraging individuals to slow
down and appreciate the present moment, rather than focus solely on productivity or achievement.


People's awareness of tradition and culture has been significantly enhanced and strengthened by the examination of many cultural
views. People can better grasp the distinctive rituals, ideas, and values that define each culture by studying them and being exposed
to others.

For instance, learning about other cultures' traditions and practices might help people appreciate and respect their own cultural
history more. People can become more empathic and open-minded by learning about the realities of life for others from various
cultural backgrounds, which can promote greater cross-cultural collaboration and understanding. Investigating other cultural
viewpoints is a crucial tool for encouraging a greater knowledge and appreciation of tradition and culture, and identity. Through this
process, people can get a deeper understanding of the rich diversity of human experience as well as the distinctive contributions that
many cultures have to offer our common global community.

In conclusion, traditions are an essential part of our lives, and neglecting them can lead to a loss of cultural identity. By
understanding their importance and taking small steps to implement them back into our lives, we can ensure that these
valuable practices continue to thrive for generations to come.

Planning and Time Frame

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