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Data Gathering Instruments

The qualitative interview, often known as an in-depth interview, is employed in

this study. This study uses an interview guide to ensure that accurate and timely data is

collected. The researchers use self-made questionnaires, and the questions are open-

ended, asked by the researchers, and do not include options for answering them.

Typically, every interview lasts 45 minutes to an hour. A validity test is conducted to test

the validity of the questionnaire since it is a self-made questionnaire. To establish its

validity, the researcher submits it to the three jurors who are experts in both the content

and practice relative to the study. Printed copies of the questionnaire are prepared before

the interview, and the researchers are informed that depending on how the interview

goes, they may or may not add more questions. In addition, the researchers tape the

interviews using equipment like a recording device or a camcorder, which will be used to

afterward transcribe the data.

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