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Module 1.

Introducing One’s Friend

친구가 한국어를 공부해요.

My Friend Studies Korean.

Unit 2. 유리가 커피를 마셔요. Yuri Is Drinking Coffee.

◆ Dialogue

◆ Vocabulary
밥 steamed rice 饭 ご飯
책 book 书 本
가방 bag 书包 かばん
영화 movie 电影 映画
선물 present 礼物 プレゼント
커피 coffee 咖啡 コーヒー
the Korean 韩国语 韓国語
전화 telephone 电话 電話

- 1 -
◆ Grammar & Expressions


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◆ Practice




◆ Pronunciation

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◆ Speaking

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

◆ Additional Vocabulary

도서관 library 图书馆 図書館

차 tea 茶 茶
시끄럽다 to be noisy 吵 うるさい
많이 many, much 多 たくさん

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