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Module 5.

Introducing Places to Shop

동대문 시장에 가요.

I’m Going to Dongdaemun Market.

Unit 3. 인형을 사고 싶어요. I Want to Buy a Doll.

◆ Dialogue

◆ Vocabulary
인형 doll 娃娃 玩具、人形
상품권 gift certificate 礼券 商品券
꽃다발 bouquet 花束 花束
케이크 cake 蛋糕 ケーキ
넥타이 tie 领带 ネクタイ
만년필 fountain pen 钢笔 万年筆
장갑 gloves 手套 手袋

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◆ Grammar & Expressions

AVst고 싶어요.

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◆ Practice




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◆ Speaking

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


◆ Additional Vocabulary
영화 movie 电影 映画
자다 to sleep 睡觉 寝る
시간 time, hour 时间 時間

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