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ORAL ASSESSMENT 11th form 3rd term

Unit 4 - Multiculturalism

1. Choose a culture and talk about its traditional celebrations, customs and lifestyles, religions,

music and art. What do you think should they be preserved when people immigrate?

2. The metaphor “rainbow nation” is often used to describe the USA. What does it mean? Other

metaphors are “salad bowl” and “mosaic”. How different are they from the previous one?
Which ones are associated with assimilation and acculturation? Which do you think is the most
appropriate to talk about the USA? Justify?

3. Immigration: the reasons why people leave their home country; the problems they face in the

host country; what they do to overcome their problems; what people in the host country
should do to help them overcome their problems. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of a multicultural society? Can people live together and interact?

4. Some important European politicians declared that multiculturalism is a failure. What does and

does not work in multicultural societies? Where do you stand on this issue? Are you for or
against the concept of a multicultural society?

5. If you had the opportunity to live abroad, where would it be? What problems and challenges

do you think you would have to face? What should you do in advance before you decide to

6. Imagine you are an immigrant in an Eastern country like China, India, Thailand or any other.

You have been living there for 3 months and you are now describing your experience abroad
to your classmates. Tell them what your major difficulties in adapting have been and what you
have found more challenging.

7. How well do you know the world? What do you know about breakfast served in Peru? Do you

know how Armenians greet each other? Do you know where it is extremely rude to blow your
nose in public? Find information about greetings; male and female roles; socialising rules,
gestures and taboos.

8. Discrimination is often caused by stereotypes – pre-conceived ideas about groups of people

who are part of every country’s culture. What are some of the most common stereotypes in
your country/in the world? Do you think stereotypes influence people’s behaviour towards
certain groups?
9. Hate groups. There are many hate groups around the world that discriminate people. Here are

some examples of common targets: ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, migrants and
refugees, people who don’t conform to a certain sexual orientation and/or gender identity,
skin colour and religion. Find information about a hate group and present it in class.

10. Have you ever been inspired by the deeds of another person? Do some research about

someone who has worked for the protection of human rights and that your classmates should
know about.

11. Choose a film, a song or a book where the issue of human rights is raised. Give your opinion

about it and emphasize its importance in calling people’s attention to the problem.

12. Do you believe that school actually prepares you for this globalized world? How? What would

you suggest that should be done to improve students' awareness on this matter? Does
meeting foreigners enrich your view of the world?

13. Violence and racism in sports: mention recent situations. What is your opinion about it? What

should be done in order to stop it?

14. Would you like to join a humanitarian mission? Which and where would you like to go? What

kind of work would you like to do? What qualities do you think a volunteer should have? What
benefits can you personally get by volunteering?


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