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➢ To address the challenges faced by electricians in
precisely measuring & monitoring the voltage of
electrical sources is what motivates the study. We
intend to give a dependable & effective solution to
assist electricians in their productivity in electrical
repair tasks by creating 7 manufacturing a voltage
monitoring robot. Moreover, to have a b urning
desire to create artificially intelligent robots that can
perform electrical tasks more quickly & with less

➢ Robotics has emerged as a major participant in
numerous industries over the past few years as
technology has gotten more and more ingrained in
our daily lives. Robotics, however, must be used in
the field of electrical monitoring and maintenance.
Currently, it might be difficult for electricians to
precisely measure and monitor the voltage of various
electrical sources, which can reduce their
productivity and efficacy (Chan et al., 2018).
➢ A voltage monitoring robot that can precisely
measure and show the voltage of various electrical
sources is the suggested solution. The goal is to build
an intuitive, self-driving robot that can explore
various settings, communicate with electrical
sources, and display voltage readings in real time.
With the help of this robot, electricians will be able
to complete their everyday jobs more accurately and
efficiently, increasing the productivity of electrical
maintenance operations overall.

➢ Due to the recent problem in our country,
particularly the electricity, the bills that we are
paying, & also the power supply, we re able to come
up with this kind of study that will help us to look of
another source of developing of a voltage monitoring
robot for electrical sources. Depending on the
effectiveness and usefulness of the robot we
created, we are confident that the amount of
electricity consumed will decrease by a certain
➢ We cannot compare our product as this is our
creation or “Brain Child” & there is no product like
this & being for sale or commercially available in the

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