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This case illustrates several concepts and dynamics from the field of organizational

Workplace Relationships: The friendship between Leesa and Victor from their
college days continues in the organization. It highlights the influence of personal
relationships on workplace dynamics and interactions.
Perceived Recognition and Status: Victor feels a sense of degradation and being
unrecognized by his fellow employees compared to Leesa. This reflects the
importance individuals place on recognition, status, and the impact it can have on
their job satisfaction and self-esteem.
Communication and Perception: Victor's experiences with the security at the gate
and in meetings highlight the impact of communication and perception on
workplace relationships. Different treatment based on accompanying someone or
the value given to certain individuals' contributions can lead to feelings of
exclusion or unfairness.
Ego and Job Satisfaction: Victor's decision to resign is influenced by his ego and
feeling undervalued despite having similar qualifications and more significant
responsibilities than Leesa. This emphasizes the importance of recognition,
respect, and job satisfaction in employee retention.
Leadership and Conflict Resolution: Mr. Franklin, the General Manager, plays a
crucial role in addressing the situation and preventing Victor's resignation. His
involvement, understanding, and willingness to listen to Victor's concerns
demonstrate effective leadership and conflict resolution skills.
In this case, Mr. Franklin successfully resolves the issue by explaining the reasons
behind the perceived partial behavior and ensuring that Victor feels heard and
valued. As a result, Victor apologizes for his reaction and decides to withdraw his
Overall, this case highlights the significance of effective communication,
recognition, and fair treatment in fostering a positive work environment and
addressing issues that can impact employee morale and retention.
Question 1 : Find the reasons that Mr. Franklin would have given to Victor ?
Specially with respect to job profile and in office meetings when Leesa’s points
were valued.
Based on the information provided in the case, Mr. Franklin would likely have
given the following reasons to Victor regarding the differential treatment and the
valuation of Leesa's points in office meetings:
Expertise and Specialization: Mr. Franklin may explain that Leesa's role as an
employee counselor in the HR department requires specific skills and knowledge
in dealing with employee issues, conflicts, and counseling. Her expertise in this
area may contribute to the value placed on her input during meetings that involve
HR-related discussions.
Job Responsibilities: Mr. Franklin could highlight that although Victor and Leesa
are at the same level, their job responsibilities differ. As a key finance executive,
Victor may primarily focus on financial matters, while Leesa's role in employee
counseling may have a broader impact on the overall well-being and satisfaction of
the employees. Thus, the nature of their respective roles might influence the level
of attention and value given to their contributions in different contexts.
Organizational Priorities: Mr. Franklin might explain that the organization places
particular importance on employee engagement, satisfaction, and maintaining a
positive work environment. Consequently, discussions or decisions related to
employee-related issues or initiatives could be given higher priority and value
during meetings, which may contribute to Leesa's points being recognized more
Communication Style and Assertiveness: Mr. Franklin could address the
differences in communication style between Victor and Leesa. If Leesa is more
assertive, proactive, or persuasive in presenting her points, it may result in her
ideas gaining more attention and being valued during meetings. Victor, who
mentioned keeping silent in discussions, may be encouraged to express his ideas
more assertively to increase their visibility and impact.
It's important to note that these reasons are hypothetical and based on the given
scenario. The actual reasons provided by Mr. Franklin might differ based on the
specific organizational context and dynamics presented in the case.
Question 2. Why do you think Victor did not share his plans to resign with Leesa ?
There could be several reasons why Victor did not share his plans to resign with
Lack of Trust: Victor may have felt that he could not trust Leesa with his decision
to resign. Despite their close friendship, he might have believed that Leesa would
unintentionally or intentionally disclose his plans to others, including management
or colleagues. This lack of trust could have prevented him from confiding in her
about his resignation.
Personal Decision: Resigning from a job is a personal decision, and Victor may
have preferred to keep it confidential until he had made up his mind and taken the
necessary steps. He might have wanted to avoid external influences or biases that
could have potentially affected his decision-making process.
Fear of Repercussions: Victor might have been concerned about potential negative
consequences or backlash if news of his resignation reached his colleagues or
superiors prematurely. He may have wanted to ensure that he had a clear
conversation with management and resolved any issues before informing others,
including Leesa.
Professionalism and Boundaries: Victor may have believed in maintaining a
professional boundary between his personal life and work-related matters. He
might have considered discussing his resignation with a close friend, like Leesa, as
inappropriate or unprofessional, and preferred to handle it independently.
Emotional Burden: Resigning from a job can be an emotional process, and Victor
may have wanted to deal with his feelings and emotions privately without
burdening Leesa with his own challenges or concerns. He might have chosen to
seek support from other sources or handle the situation on his own.
These are possible explanations based on the given scenario. The specific reasons
for Victor's decision to not share his plans with Leesa may vary depending on his
individual personality, circumstances, and the dynamics of their friendship.
Question 3. What all are needed to maintain an open and transparent personal and
professional relationship ?
To maintain an open and transparent personal and professional relationship, the
following factors are important:
Trust: Trust forms the foundation of any healthy relationship. Building trust
involves being honest, reliable, and keeping promises. Both parties should have
faith in each other's intentions and actions.
Communication: Open and effective communication is key to maintaining
transparency. It involves actively listening, expressing thoughts and feelings
honestly, and providing feedback constructively. Regular and clear communication
helps in understanding each other's perspectives and resolving conflicts.
Respect: Mutual respect is crucial in any relationship. Treating each other with
respect means valuing opinions, being considerate of boundaries, and
acknowledging individual strengths and differences. It involves being mindful of
each other's feelings and treating each other as equals.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing emotional intelligence helps in understanding
and managing emotions in oneself and others. It involves empathy, self-awareness,
and the ability to recognize and respond to the emotions and needs of the other
person. Emotional intelligence promotes better understanding and fosters a
supportive environment.
Honesty and Integrity: Being honest and maintaining integrity builds trust and
credibility. It means being truthful, acting ethically, and taking responsibility for
one's actions. Transparency is fostered when both individuals can rely on each
other's honesty and integrity.
Boundaries: Respecting personal and professional boundaries is important. Each
individual should have the freedom to express their needs and concerns while
understanding and respecting the boundaries of the other person. Clear boundaries
help in maintaining a healthy balance and prevent misunderstandings or conflicts.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Working together towards common goals fosters
transparency. Encouraging collaboration, sharing information, and involving each
other in decision-making processes promote a sense of ownership and transparency
in the relationship.
Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are natural in any relationship, but it's important to
address them openly and resolve them constructively. Adopting effective conflict
resolution strategies, such as active listening, compromise, and finding win-win
solutions, helps maintain transparency and strengthen the relationship.
It's important to note that maintaining an open and transparent relationship requires
effort and commitment from both individuals involved. Regular communication,
empathy, and a willingness to understand and support each other are essential for a
healthy and transparent relationship, both personally and professionally.

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