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Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through

accelerated tests

Conference Paper · January 2019

DOI: 10.31808/5ca6e03e5ca4f0d406ac88af


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5 authors, including:

Fernanda Pacheco Vinicius kayser Ortolan

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos Universidade Feevale


Roberto Christ Hinoel Zamis Ehrenbring

Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


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Unisinos University
Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil – June, 2019

Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through accelerated tests

Fernanda Pacheco (1), Vinícius K Ortolan (2), Roberto Christ (3), Hinoel Z Ehrenbring (4) Bernardo F Tutikian (5)

Unisinos University, São Leopoldo, Brazil,;,,,

Regarding to concrete, there are definitions in technical standards and scientific literature about project parameters
as water/cement, cement consumption, compressive strength and concrete covering. However, in Brazil, no
relations have been established between these characteristics in a way to grant more flexibility for the professionals
when designing structures focusing on durability. This study aims to define the relations between the different
parameters of concrete compositions due to the environmental aggressiveness classes, focusing on the necessary
covering to ensure durability. Thus, the study of concretes according to standard specifications was proposed, to
check the attack front of structures through theoretical life cycle prediction models, and the tests of accelerated
tests (carbonation and salt spray). The tests periods that were defined represent each one of the aggressiveness
classes of ABNT NBR 6118, guided by the theoretical models of deterioration of structures. After this, each of the
four concrete mixes was submitted to different aggressiveness. Thereby, it was possible to determine the impact
in the coating of the reinforcement for each aggressiveness class, whether milder or more severe. It was found out
that the concrete cover required varies linearly with the mixes compressive strength, indicating the possibility to
consider more than one resistance class of concrete and coating within different aggressiveness classes, as occurs
in some international standards. The difference of concrete cover necessary in relation to aggressiveness classes
becomes rougher when using concretes with compressive strength higher than 30MPa.
Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, durability, concrete cover.

National and international standards presents concrete structures characteristics aiming to achive a minimum
service life (cement consumption, water/cement ratio, compressive strength and concrete reinforcement cover
thickness) [1-7] The concrete composition of concrete evolved from a basic trace to constitutions with the use of
chemical additives, pozzolans, among others, seeking materials specific properties, usually not achieved with
conventional concretes [8-10]. The structures improvements are related to the material durability of the material,
influencing the environmental impact generated by the concrete industry [11-12]. In the national scenario, it is
understood that the compliance with the standard characteristics, added to the correct execution of the structures,
guarantees the 50-year project life of the structures [13], parameter stipulated in standard [14]. This specification
is assigned according to the environmental aggressiveness classes in which the buildings will be placed.
According to the environment characterization, it is possible to know the main deteriorating agents and to predict
the need to protect the structure. Although the aggressiveness classes are defined in standards, the peculiarities are
not considered. It is also not defined how the specification parameters of the elements are related to each other,
and how the values indicated can change without losing the structures durability and safety. When using reinforced
concrete structures, the designer is restricted to such specifications, with no autonomy to propose the use of
concretes in a more mild or aggressive class of aggressiveness. De Schutter [15] points out the need to define
durability standards for concretes other than those described in the standard, according to durable criteria, so as to
eliminate the need for testing or realize comparative studies. Therefore, in order to relate the specification
parameters of concrete structures with a view to durability, this study proposed the development of different
concrete traces, with the characteristics foreseen in Brazilian standards [1,2] and the verification of the response
of those traces to tests accelerated, guided by theoretical models, verifying the impact on the covering of the
reinforcements with the use of a specified concretes in milder or more intense zone.

Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through accelerated tests

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Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil – June, 2019


Durability is a material useful life considering the environment in which it is inserted [18]. Analyzes of
pathological damages and loss of durability, or early reduction of service life, should consider periods and
structures environments [19,20]. Among the motivations to seek for structures durability is the perception of high
expenses incurred with rehabilitation, repairs and reinforcement, and even in extreme cases the replacement of
parts in structures [21] added to the generation of construction and demolition waste [22], and the pollution
potential of the cement industry [23]. In terms of international standards, the concept of durability is considered
as the life span of the structures, in which it remains without damage to its use, and yet, without requiring huge
interventions [8; 24-25]. Until the mid-1970s, the focus on durability in technical standards, which only cited the
value of armor cover, was not commonplace. However, numerous damages have been observed in several
countries [26]. Beushausen [27] points out that this late concern has led to financial impacts for the repair, recovery
and replacement of concrete structures, leading to a significant production of research on the durability of
materials. Dyer [28] notice that even with the specifications present in standard the task of defining concrete
structures is laborious, since the required durability requirements may conflict with those of a structural nature and
with the aesthetic characteristics of the building.
2.1 Aggressive agents and environmental classes according to Brazilian standards
The aggressiveness of the medium has a direct impact on concrete structures’ durability [1]. In addition to the
standard classification, studies have been developed classifying the particularities of the places, salt spray,
humidity, air pollution [29-30]. The following are the environmental classes cited in the Brazilian standard [1]
a) Zone of weak aggression (I): rural or submerged environments. The rural area has low deterioration potential
due to the reduced presence of vehicles that emit polluting gases, burning of fossil fuels, industries and gases,
among other factors [15]. In submerged structures, pore filling mitigates the penetration of Cl- [31] CO2 [32].
b) Zone of moderate aggression (II): involves urban areas, with small risk of deterioration of structures. CETESB
[33] pointed out the main contaminants of cities, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.
c) Strong aggressive zone (III): Involves buildings in marine or industrial area, with great risk of deterioration.
The marine area contains a strong presence of chlorides, and its concentration decreases with the distance from
the coast [34]. Helene [15] points out that the corrosion rate in the marine area can be in the range of 30 to 40 times
higher than in rural areas. This class involve industries with low damage potential, such as food industry.
d) Zone of very strong aggressiveness (IV): allusive to buildings in industrial environment or under tidal spills.
The industries covered in this class has chemical aggressive environments, industrial tanks, electroplating,
bleaching in the pulp and paper industry, fertilizer warehouses and chemical industries [11], the fluoride
dispersions of the fertilizer industries can be highlighted [35]. The areas subject to tidal spills suffer the direct
action of the sea (fog and waves), and so, attack by chloride ions penetration and the erosion.
Differently from Brazilian standards, some international norms involve the specific damage for each place
(exposed to sulfate, ice and thaw) [5-6,8]. There are criticisms of this system, as there is usually more than one
agent of damage acting on the structure. It is possible to point out the similarity between the Brazilian concrete
standard [1] and the Australian and Indian norms [24-25] in the structure of classification of zones of aggression,
from the milder to the more intense attack level, without direct specification of the agents of deterioration.
2.2 Reinforced Concrete Structures Characteristics
2.2.1 Compressive strength
It consists of a basic parameter for concrete structures design, determined experimentally [37], which has a direct
relation with substances transport inside the structures. Generally, high compressive strength is related to reduced
water/cement ratio, improving durable performance and service life [21]. Table 1 shows the values of minimum
compressive strength, similar to the Australian and Indian standards, as well as the aggressiveness classes.
2.2.2 Water / cement ratio
The correct materials proportion in concrete composition influences its durability characteristics and useful life,
which are related to the w/c ratio and the concrete porosity [38]. Excess of water in the mixture may lead to the

Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through accelerated tests

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Unisinos University
Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil – June, 2019

formation of capillary pores of diffusion and transport of substances. [39] Such a requirement leads to the
establishment of maximum values of w/c ratio in concrete [1;5]. With a lot of water in mixture there is a higher
value of carbonation front, due to the increase of porosity [40]. According to Figueiredo [41], the w/c ratio
influences the penetration of chloride, since it affects the pore volume. Table 1 shows w/c specified in the standard.
2.2.3 Cement consumption
An adequate quality in the concrete of covering minimizes the formation of cracks, and also the carbonization and
the ions chlorides attack [1]. It is through the thickness and the quality of the concrete, added to the resistance that
guarantees the concrete durability [36] Table 1 also presents such variables.
2.2.4 Concrete reinforcement covering
It is through the quality and the thickness of the nominal covering of the reinforcement that the protection of the
reinforcement immersed in the concrete is guaranteed [42]. Concrete offers protection to the armors under the
physical and chemical optics. Physically the protection occurs with the barrier that separates the reinforcement
from the environment and chemically through the passivation film on the steel surface, formed by the concrete
[41]. Table 1 presents the minimum covering considering beams/ columns in reinforced concrete.
Table 1 – Concrete characteristics for different environmental aggressiveness classes
Environment Minimum compressive Water/cement Cement consumption Cover thickness for
agressiveness classes strength (MPa) ratio (kg/m³) beams and pilars (mm)
I ≥20 0,65 260 25
II ≥25 0,6 280 30
III ≥30 55 320 40
IV ≥40 0,45 360 50
Source: ABNT NBR 6118

2.3 Theorical models for useful life prediction

The service-life is considered ended when a material reaches deterioration such that its use is unsafe or
economically unfeasible [5]. The theoretical models for useful life prediction consist of mathematical models with
the purpose of reproducing the natural, physical and chemical phenomena, quantifying their occurrence, based on
one or more characteristics of the concrete. The empirical models are based on the relation between the materials
characteristics, and sometimes with coefficients determined through tests [43]. Pauletti [44] points out as a
limitation the inexistence of correlation between the natural and accelerated occurrence of the phenomenon,
considering some models too complex for application, as Possan [45]. Some of the major models [46-49] address
climatic and environmental conditions, and thus limit their generalization. The Hamada model uses only concrete
composition characteristics as input variables: type of aggregate, type of cement and use of chemical additives or
not. Also, it is necessary the value of the w/c ratio and the period in years (Equations 1 and 2).
𝑘 (1)
t = 𝑅² × 𝑒𝑐²
0,3 (1,15+3 𝑎𝑐) (2)
k= (𝑎𝑐−0,25)²
R = ra x rc x rs (3)
Considering: t: exposition time (years); ec: carbonation depth (cm); k: parameter related to w/c ratio (Equation 2),
and R: coefficient according to equation 3. It is a simple application model because it allows the calculation of the
constant k, which is only obtaneid in other models by conducting real tests [50]. Some models require advanced
properties for their application [51-53]. The Clear and Hay model [54] considers concrete specification (w/c ratio,
cement type and compressive strength) and allows some degree of generalization. This model considers the
concentration of chlorides in the environment and the covering of the reinforcement, informing the time (years)
for the corrosion initiation process, according to Equation 4.

Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through accelerated tests

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Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil – June, 2019

2,5 𝑥 √𝑒
𝑡 = 𝑤 2,38 (4)
𝑥 ( √𝐶𝐶𝑙 − )
Considering: CCl-: chloride environment concentration; e= concrete cover thickness; t = time, in years.
When evaluating the concrete characteristics and their relation with chloride ions attack, it is highlighted the w/c
ratio, covered by Clear and Hay model [54]. Also, it is emphasized that the only information concerning the
structures site is chloride concentration, which consists of an assay configuration allowing its use.
3.1 Materials
Cement Portland without pozzolan was used, with equivalence as type III due to ASTM C150. Fine aggregate is
natural quartz sand from river in south Brazil. Coarse aggregate has basaltic origin. Aggregates characteristics are
presented in Table 2. Superplasticizer based on polycarboxylic ether was used, with percentage of 0,87% (mass of
cement). All traces were classified as S100, with slump test results between 100 and 150 mm [55].
Table 2- Aggregates Characteristics
Evaluated characteristics Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
Unit mass 1,37 g/cm³ 1,54 g/cm³
Specific apparent mass 2,59 g/cm³ 2,64 g/cm°
Specific mass of dry aggregate 2,55 g/cm³ 2,73 g/cm³
Specific mass of saturated aggregate with dry surface 2,57 g/cm³ 2,89 g/cm³

3.2 Methods
This study were developed in 4 steps: (I) Study of the theoretical models of life prediction by carbonation and
chloride attack (II) Definition of the traces according to the characteristics recommended in Brazilian standard
(III) Sample molding, curing and dressing. Submission of the samples in a chamber of accelerated carbonation and
attack by chlorides, keeping the samples until reaching the carbonation front and chlorides predicted by the
theoretical models (IV) Consideration of such periods as allusive to each class of aggressiveness (V) Submission
of the traits of the four classes of aggression in all classes (periods verified in the accelerated tests).
An example is provided for a better understanding of steps iii, iv and v, considering carbonation, as follows: It is
defined that, according to the Hamada Model, the concretes specified for class I aggressiveness should present,
with 50 years, a front of carbonation of 17 mm. The samples of this concrete trace are subjected to the accelerated
carbonation test for an indeterminate period with carbonation front checks over time. These samples were assumed
to have this defined carbonation front (17.8 mm) at 21 days. In this period, the carbonation fronts of all the traces
are verified, defining these values as the necessary coverings for Class I of ABNT NBR 6118.
The samples were submitted to seasoning, according to the RILEM TC 154 EMC adapted method [32], reaching
a moisture content of 70%. For the carbonation test, a CO2 concentration of 3% was maintained. The chloride ion
attack followed ASTM B117 [60]. The test chamber was operated with 5% of sodium chloride (NaCl) in a saturated
environment, internal temperature of 35ºC and saline solution pH between 6.5 and 7.2. Care was taken to dispose
of the samples so that one did not drip on the other and still allowing free exposure to the mist. In order to verify
the coating on the sides of the samples, the base and top of the specimens were sealed with the use of epoxy-based
paint applied in three coats. The samples subjected to carbonation were sprayed with 1% solution of
phenolphthalene and treatment of images in software (Figure 1a). The samples exposed to the saline mist were
sprayed with silver nitrate (AgNO3) and treated in image processing software (Arc Map 10.3) to facilitate the
visualization of the frontal attack, Figure 1b. Three samples were measured and their potential value was used.

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Figure 1 – Front attack measurement (a) carbonation front (b) chloride attack front

To characterize the concrete traits, the following tests were used:

a) Compressive strength: performed according to ABNT NBR 5739, at the ages of 7, 28, 56, 84 and 140 days, with
3 test specimens by age. The samples were prepared according to ABNT NBR 5738.
b) Mercury intrusion porosimetry: For this test, a test specimen measuring 5 x 20 mm of standard sample was
taken in an oven until mass constancy. The equipment used was Porosimetry, Pore Master model 33. The assay
was performed at 84 days in samples of all traces.

4.1 Concrete cover estimation by theorical models
Carbonation front estimation was realized due to Hamada and chrolide ions by Clear e Hay. Values obtained for
different classes are exposed in Table 3. Those values were used to stipulate the test duration.
Table 3–Concrete cover according to Hamada for carbonation and Clear e Hay for chrolide attack
Properties Trace 1 Trace 2 Trace 3 Trace 4
Water/cement ratio 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.45
Ra Coefficient 1 1 1 1
Rc Coefficient 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Rs Coefficient 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
R (Rc*Rs*Ra) 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24
Estipulated period 50 50 50 50
Recovering value - Carbonation 7.0 mm 6.5 mm 5.5 mm 3.9 mm
Chrolide ion concentration 5% 5% 5% 5%
Recovering value – Chrolide attack 14.3 mm 13.4 mm 12.4 mm 10.5 mm

4.2 Compressive Strength

Figure 2 shows maximum values in each trace.
Figure 2- Compressive strength (MPa)
65 63,9
60 58,3
fc (MPa)

40 41,2 41,7 41,1 40,4 T1p
35 36,6 35,3 37,1 34,9
34,4 T2p
30 29,9 28,7 34,1 29,7
25 29,8 25,8 T3p
20 T4p
Age (dias) 7 28 56 84 140

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It can be noticed that, in T1, there was a decrease in values at 28 and 84 days. The values obtained at 56 and 140
days, however, showed an expressive increase comparing to previous periods. T2 showed initial value of potential
resistance lower than T1, presenting higher values at the other ages, always in progression. T3 presented all values
superior to T1 and T2, reaching a decrease between 56 and 84 days. T4 finally showed growth at 28 days of 12.6%
in relation to 7 days. After, they presented smoother growth, ending with the value of 67.8 MPa. The traces were
in agreement standard [1], with higher compressive strength for severe aggressive classes.

4.3 Mercury intrusion porosimetry

Figure 3a shows the values of accumulated mercury volume in samples of the different traces. Figure 3b shows
the volume distribution in relation to the pore diameter. The highest intruded volume was verified in T2. The
remaining traces showed a relation between the compressive strength and the porosity. T4 had the smallest number
of pores.
Analyzing the compositions that obtained the highest and lowest accumulated volume (T2 and T4, respectively),
the volume of mercury in trace 4 was 11% lower. Given the relationship presented by Mehta and Monteiro [18],
it was expected that the largest amount of intruded mercury occurred in T1, with lower resistance. The distribution
of the intruded mercury volume occurred in the pores smaller than 0.1 μm. T2 presented a peak of intrusion in the
pores of size 1 to 10 μm, unlike the other samples. This point of great penetration of mercury may have led to
sample 2 at its highest total porosity.

Figure 3- Obtained values of cumulative volume of Mercury (a) Intrusion volume distribution (b)

The results obtained in the traces 1, 3 and 4 showed an inversely proportional relation between porosity and
compressive strength [18]. Andrade and Tutikian [55] point out that the influence exerted by the pore size
distribution is more relevant than the total porosity, and that such distribution varies as a function of the w/c ratio
and the degree of paste hydration. The intruded volume was verified in the pores of diameters between 10-7 and
10-3 m, being, according to Helene [15] the range in which the absorption by capillarity occurs. These values were
0.054 for T1, 0.078 for T2 0.0014 for T3 and 0.006 for T4, with consistency in all values, except for T2.

4.4 Front of carbonation and penetration of chloride ions

Figure 4 shows the carbonation front in the traces over time and Figure 5 is related to chrolide attack deph.

Proposal of reinforcement covering based on concrete properties through accelerated tests

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Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil – June, 2019

Figure 4 – Carbonation deph

It can be seen that the carbonation front occurred linearly over time, and the correlation coefficients presented high
values, indicating a relevance to the estimation equations. There were small discrepancies between the T1, T2 and
T3, without checking the constant evolution, which occurred in trace 4. T3 presented low growth in the first tests,
and the values in carbonation front increased of 98% between 48 and 56 days, with a value ranging from 4.51 to
8.94 mm. Still, for T3 the maximum value was 16.13 mm. T2 presented growth constantly, reaching the predicted
theoretical models at 49 days. T1 was the only composition in which between two consecutive checks there was
reduction in the carbonation front, with the maximum value in this trait of 14.88 mm. By the behavior of the
different traces, it is believed that a saturation point of CO2 penetration was reached near 14 mm, and therefore, it
is believed that the first three samples reached this value throughout the measurements and did not exceed.
Figure 5 – Chrolide attack deph
16 y = 0.9312x + 5.8578
Chrolide attack front (mm)

R² = 0.9469
y = 1.0105x + 3.353 y = 1.1114x + 0.3514
10 R² = 0.9591
R² = 0.9761
y = 0.9992x - 0.6959
6 R² = 0.8422
Age(days) 14 17 21 28 35 37 43 50 57 65 72

T1 T2 T3 T4

According to Chrolide attack, in Figure 5 is show that T1 present an increase at chrolide attack in all ages, with
exception in week seven. The chrolide attack front expected to T1 was achieved in 50 days. T2 also showed a
linear inscrease in all verifications, achieving the expected attack in 57 days. The chloride ions penetration fronts
of T3 and T4 were reached at the ages of 65 and 72 days, respectively. It is worth noting that the concretes specified
for areas where there are tidal or salt spray (classes III and IV, T3 and T4, respectively) presented greater resistance
to chloride penetration. All traces were in agreement with the predicted theoretical models and according to the
recommended by ABNT NBR 6118, so, there was an inversely proportional relation between the penetration of
chloride ions and the concrete mechanical strength. The necessary values of nominal cover of the reinforcements
for the different classes of aggressiveness and agent provoking the damage were verified, Table 4.

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Table 4 – Concrete armor cover (mm) according to accelerated tests

Agressivity class
Damage agent I II III IV
CO2 9 11 12.8 14.9
Cl- 14.5 14.8 15 15.2
CO2 6.3 8 11.2 14.8
Cl- 11.4 13.4 13.9 13.8
CO2 4.3 4.5 8.9 16.1
Cl- 9.3 10.2 12.5 12.9
CO2 1.7 2.6 3.3 3.5
Cl- 9 10 8.8 11.1

Acoording to Table 4, in all traces the value obtained for chrolide attack was higher than those for carbonation
depth. Thus, if is needed to opt for the necessary coating in a more conservative way, the chloride ion penetration
values could be used. In relation to Cl-, the different compositions present similar results when verifying the
different classes of aggressiveness. For carbonatation, it is noticed that there is greater dissimilarity between the
traces, pointing to the possibility of specifying different coverings required in relation to the compression strength.
The rate at which carbonation occurs depends on the permeability of the concrete, and concrete with reduced
permeability presents a reduced rate of carbonation and slowness in the phenomenon. The rate at which chlorides
attack depends, in addition to the factors related to the composition of the concrete, so that in the accelerated test
condition the attack occurs quickly, as verified in the four concrete compositions [56]. Complementing the
analysis, Figure 6 shows the coverage required for each of the traits, depending on the type of aggression of
insertion of the structure.
Figure 6 - Necessary values of covering - Analysis of the different traces

Concrete cover required for different agressivity classes (mm)

15 Agressivity class I
Agressivity class II
Agressivity class III
Agressivity Class IV
CO2 Cl- CO2 Cl- CO2 Cl- CO2 Cl-
Trace 1 Trace 2 Trace 3 Trace 4

As can be seen, T1 when inserted in different classes of aggressiveness presented similar chloride penetration
values, being translated as the cover needed. On the other hand, in relation to carbon dioxide, this trait showed
similarity only in the aggressive classes I and II, and higher values are recommended for classes III and IV, in
ascending order. In T2, the parity between the different classes of aggressiveness in relation to chlorides was
maintained. In the T3 significant changes occurred: the different classes presented values dissimilar in relation to
chloride and linear ions in relation to the classes of aggressiveness. For the carbon dioxide, a similarity was
observed between the covering required for classes I and II of environmental aggressiveness, these values being
reduced when compared with the T1 and T2. The T4 required lower values of nominal cover of the reinforcements,
having presented amounts lower than 4 mm for the advance of the carbon dioxide. For chrolide ion penetration no
linear relationship was observed between the aggressiveness classes, being the greater coverings required for use
of this concrete in the class of aggressiveness IV.

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Considering the values recommended by the standard, it can be mentioned that for the aggressive class I, the
necessary values of covering are similar to those verified in T2, T3 and T4. The requirement for T1 would be
higher than that prescribed in standard, as well as for the other elements (beams / pillars and elements in contact
with the ground). Following, in the aggressiveness class 2, the verified values were inferior to the required by the
norm. Also, the difference between the coverage required for the concrete specified for class I and for class IV is
4.84 mm, for the values obtained by the test, denoting that it is possible to specify different coverings when
considering different traces of concrete. Finally, analyzing the values of the aggressive classes III and IV, it should
be noted that the values required by the standard are much higher than those obtained through the test. To
emphasize the pertinence of specifying values that vary according to the composition of the concrete, it is exposed
that between the maximum values of cover, concretes of T1 and T4 presented differences of 6.16 and 4.1 mm, for
the aggressiveness classes 3 and 4, respectively. Table 5 shows the value required in standard added to those
obtaneid through test.
Similarly to AS 3600 Table 6 synthesizes the obtained values of armor cover as a function of the compressive
strength, considering the highest value obtained between the front of chloride ions and carbonation. It is observed
a greater distinction when concrete of class of resistance superior to 30 MPa is adopted and in the classes of
aggressiveness III and IV. Coverage values for 20 and 25 MPa concretes are very similar across all grades. It is
evaluated that, for example, in class of aggression III, for concrete of class ≥ 20 MPa the cover would be 15mm,
being for class ≥ 40MPa of 8,8mm, that is, 41,3% lower. It should be noted that this possibility of reduction of the
cover when the use of concrete of greater resistance can cause in the reduction of costs, of the buildings load, in
the cross section reducion of the elements, among others. However, it is emphasized that the purpose of this work
is not to propose such values as the ones for use, but to demonstrate the feasibility of considering more than one
concrete class in each class of aggressiveness.

Table 5 - Comparative of the values recommended in standard and those obtained in the tests
Agressivity class


Test Test Test Test
6118** 6118 6118 6118
CO2 9 11 12.8 14.9
Cl 14.5 14.8 15 15.2
CO2 6.3 8 11.2 14.8
2 Slab: 10 mm Slab: 15 mm Slab: 25 mm Slab: 35 mm
Cl beam:15 mm 11.4 beam:20 mm 13.4 beam: 30 mm 13.9 Beam: 40 mm 13.8
CO2 Column: 15 mm 4.3 Column: 20 mm 4.5 Column: 30 mm 8.9 Column: 40 mm 16.1
3 Other*: 20 mm Other*: 20 mm Other*: 30 mm Other*: 50 mm
Cl 9.3 10.2 12.5 12.9
CO2 1.7 2.6 3.3 3.5
Cl 9 10 8.8 11.1
* Structural elements in contact with the soil are considered as "other". It is also accepted, according to the norm, that in the
section of the abutments in contact with the ground next to the foundation elements, the reinforcement should have nominal
cover ≥ 45 mm. ** The values of ABNT NBR 6118 are presented without the tolerance of 10 mm

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Table 6 – Concrete cover required for diferente agressivity classes and compressive strength
Concrete cover (mm) required
Agressivity Compressive strength (MPa)
≥ 20 ≥ 25 ≥ 30 ≥ 40
I 14.5 11.4 9.3 9,0
II 14.8 13.4 10.2 10,0
III 15 13.9 12.5 8.8
IV 15.2 14.8 16.1 11.1

This study sought to relate the concrete characteristics with their durability. Through the tests, it was aimed to
obtain the cover value required for steel bars protection in the reinforced concrete, in order to guarantee 50 years
of useful life and greater flexibility in specifying concrete. In the tests of deterioration of the concretes the behavior
was different for the different agents of deterioration. The samples exposed to chloride ions, in the saline mist
chamber, presented rapid deterioration, reaching the values predicted by the zones of aggressiveness at the
maximum at 72 days, showing a linear relationship between the traits in all the verifications. In contrast, the
samples exposed to carbon dioxide in an accelerated camera remained in analysis for 110 days without the
carbonation front predicted for the class of aggressiveness IV by the model of Hamada According to the literature,
this delay can be related to the reduced penetration of carbon dioxide with the reduced porosity found in trace 4.
It was found that, in most tests of the accelerated tests, the value of recover required obtained was higher by the
aggression of the chloride ions than for the carbonation. It is confirmed that there is variation in the coverage
required in the aggressive classes as a function of the concrete class - and its specifications of compressive strength,
water/cement ratio and cement consumption. It was verified a greater possibility of reduction of the cover of the
armatures when using concrete of resistance to the compression of at least 30MPa, nevertheless, without
considering the failures and deficiencies in the productive process. Thus, this study corroborated the hypothesis
that there may be significant changes when concrete of resistance class different from the one specified in standard
for a class of aggressiveness is used. However, it is not the intention of this paper to expose any prediction of the
necessary cover, since this study has delimitations in relation to the materials used and the evaluated properties.

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