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The Problem and Its Background


Pythagoras, the master of one of the world’s famous theorem, the

Pythagorean Theorem, had led the mathematical world into a continuous
evolving learning process and researches. The well-known theorem, a 2+ b2=c 2
had made many ways to discover new number patterns, number systems and
relationships among such numbers.
One is Pythagorean Triple that are integer solutions to the Pythagorean
Theorem. There are several methods in generating Pythagorean triples. One
method is the use of Fibonacci numbers.
Fibonacci numbers are positive integers wherein each number is the sum
of the two preceding numbers. It starts with 0 and 1 and continuous as follows:
The Fibonacci sequence is most prominent example of recursive
sequence. It originally arose in a puzzle about rabbits. After returning from the
Orient in 1202, Fibonacci wrote his most famous work, Liber Abaci, which in
addition to containing what we now call Fibonacci sequence advocated the use
of Hindu-Arabic numerals. This book was one of the main influences in bringing
the decimal number system to Western Europe. Fibonacci signed much of his
work “Leonardo Bigollo.” Bigollo translates as traveller or blockhead. There is
some evidence that Fibonacci enjoyed having his contemporaries consider him a
blockhead for advocating the new number system.
The Fibonacci sequence pops up in unexpected places. For example, the
number of clockwise spirals in pine cones are found in the Fibonacci sequence.
It has been proven that using Fibonacci numbers one can generate
Pythagorean Triples where, a=(m2 −n2) 2 , b=( 2 mn ) 2 , c=(m2+ n2 )2 for all positive
consecutive Fibonacci number.

In this study, we shall generate Primitive Pythagorean quadruple.
Pythagorean quadruples are integer solutions to a 2+ b2+ c 2=d 2. Like the Primitive
Pythagorean Triple, Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple has the same property that
a, b, c and d are coprimes (no common factor except 1).
Pythagorean Quadruple can be generated by any three numbers using the
a=2 uv , b=2 wv , c=( u + w −v ) , d=( u +w + v )
2 2 2 2 2 2

To find the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples, a, b, c, d must be divided

by their greatest common divisor.
There are some other properties and relationships yet to be discovered in
generating primitive Pythagorean quadruple. This had brought us to consider it
as a topic of research.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The concept of Fibonacci number is widely used in developing other

concepts and ideas in mathematics. There are new found knowledge and
concepts had come out through researches related to it. We, researchers, use
basic ideas and concepts in College Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory as
our guide for this study. The conceptual framework as shown in Figure 1, is the
outline of the study.
The figure shows the approach used in this study: input, process, and
The input shows the basic concepts and ideas in Geometry and College
The process includes the generation of Pythagorean Quadruple using
Fibonacci numbers, derivation of Fibonacci numbers and generating formula for
finding the primitive Pythagorean Quadruple.
The output is the formula in finding the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple,
proven Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple properties and number patterns.


Basic Concepts in
College Algebra,  Proving the  Formula in
Geometry and theorem about Finding the
Number Theory
Fibonacci primitive
 Fibonacci
Numbers Pythagorean
 Generation of Quadruple
 Recurrence
Pythagorean  Proven
Quadruple Primitive
 Pythagorea using Pythagorean
n Fibonacci Quadruple
Quadruple Numbers properties and
 Primitive  Generating number
Pythagorea formula for patterns
n finding the
Quadruple Primitive

Figure 1. Research flow of finding the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple

using Fibonacci Numbers.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aimed to generate or obtain Primitive Pythagorean
Quadruple using consecutive Fibonacci numbers. This will also sought to answer
the following problem:
1. Solve the recurrence relation using consecutive Fibonacci sequence.
2. Is there a pattern that connects PPQ and Fibonacci numbers?
3. What are possible common divisors in generating PPQ?
4. How many even numbers and odd number do the Primitive Pythagorean
Quadruple have?

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the findings of this study would be beneficial
to the following:

A. Students or Learners
Not all college students are familiar with Fibonacci numbers or
Pythagorean Quadruples especially the primitive ones. This could give them
additional information about this topic when they encounter it in their College
algebra and Number Theory subjects.

B. Faculty
This could provide them some sources, information or example when
teaching related topics to this study.

C. Future Researchers
This study might make some researchers interested and encouraged to
study further about this topic to search for some more patterns that the
researchers of today were not able to dig through. Future researchers might

make this research their stepping stone to discover more primitive Pythagorean
quadruples using more Fibonacci numbers.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research is concentrated on the generation of Primitive Pythagorean

Quadruple using three consecutive Fibonacci numbers. It will also discuss the
relationships between Fibonacci numbers and the Primitive Pythagorean
Quadruple. There are also some theorems generated from the Pythagorean
Quadruple and Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple and some concepts of
The research is limited to some facts in Geometry, College Algebra and
Number Theory about Fibonacci numbers, Pythagorean Theorem and Fibonacci
This study will be conducted for 2 ½ months. This study is theoretical. It is
not a survey type of research, so there’s no respondents and statistical treatment
of data needed.

Definition of Terms

This are the terms that will be mostly used in the discussion of the

Co – prime - Is also called as relatively prime or mutually prime. The factors of

four numbers are called co-primes when they have only one (1) as their common
Fibonacci Numbers - The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence of

numbers   defined by the linear recurrence equation

Greatest Common Divisor - The greatest common divisor, sometimes also

called the highest common divisor, of four positive integers is

the largest divisor common to .

Proof – an argument that establishes the truth of the theorem

Pythagorean Quadruple - is a set of positive integers   that satisfy

the equation

Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple – are set of positive integers that

satisfy the equation but they have no common factor except one
(1) and itself.

Q.E.D.(Quod Erat Demonstradum) – this means that which to be proven. This

notation is placed at the end of the proof of a theorem.

Recursive relation – refers to previous two numbers of the sequence added up

o get the next number in a sequence.

Theorem – is a proposition that has been proved to be true.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literatures and studies after the thorough
and in – depth search done by the researchers. The researchers found the
following studies and literature as relevant to the study being proposed.

Related Literature

The study of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples paved way for the

researchers to dig through some books that supports the claim that the study
According to the book, Discrete Mathematics of Richard Johnsonbaugh,
Fibonacci sequence is defined by the equations,

Where as the initial condition. These formula is said to generate

the so called Fibonacci numbers. These numbers again are used to generate or
obtain what we call Pythagorean Quadruple.
Another book, History of Mathematics for Beginners, in Chapter 6 page
294, about the Primitive Pythagorean Triples. It discusses some properties that
connects Fibonacci numbers and Primitive Pythagorean Triple.
The last book is the Modern Algebra, fourth Edition, by Gimmie Gilbert
and Linda Gilbert (pp. 63-64), that discusses about the Greatest Common
Divisor. This will help the researchers obtain the formula for Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruple.

Foreign Studies

As cited from the +plus magazine, Triples and Quadruples: From

Pythagoras to Fermat by Chandrahas Halai (2012), a Pythagorean Quadruple
consist of four positive numbers instead of three. In a Pythagorean Quadruple,
the sum of the squares of the first three numbers gives us the square of the
Generally, Pythagorean Quadruple can be generated using any two numbers m
and n

But not all PQ’s are generated sing this formula.

Another study, is the Self-generating Pythagorean Quadruples and N-
Tuples by Paul Oliverio. It states that in rectangular solid, the length of an

interior diagonal is determined by the formula , where a, b, and c

are the dimensions of the solids and d is the diagonal. It uses three positive
numbers to obtain the Pythagorean Quadruple.

Local Studies

According to Marietta Geraldino on her Master’s Thesis entitled

“Pythagorean Triples from Fibonacci Numbers, 2000”, that PPT’s can be
generated using three or four generalized Fibonacci numbers through recursive
relations. The researchers think that maybe they can also generate Primitive
Pythagorean quadruples using Fibonacci numbers.
Another thesis from Frances Gochoco Medado - Nuñez entitled “Fibonacci
– type Sequence and Pythagorean Quadruple,2003”, that there is a relationship
established between Fibonacci – type sequence H(p, q, r) and the Pythagorean
Quadruple u, v, w, and z.

Relevance of Related Literature and Studies to the Present Study

The relevance of the related literature and studies to present study is to

show how the formula for Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple is obtained and also
show that the properties of Primitive Pythagorean Triple can also be manifested
in the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple. Understanding this concept can lead the
researchers to establish own solution, formula and properties with the use of
some theorems and be able to prove the connection of Fibonacci numbers to the
Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple.

Chapter 3
Methods and Procedures

These chapter deals with the methods used in the study, the sources of
data, data gathering procedures and the basic related concepts. The
comprehensive discussion on how the data and supporting details was obtained,
gathered and presented.

I. Methods of Research Used

The study is an action research. Action research involves the application

of the scientific method in solving problems. This type of research is done on a
very limited scope to solve a particular problem which is not so big.
This study also involves a basic or pure research. It is done for the
development for theories and principles. It is conducted for intellectual pleasure
of learning.
The researchers see that these two research methods is fitted to the
research study because the researchers will show their own way of proving the
solutions and theorems that they generated.

II. Sources of Data

An action research cannot go on without distinguishing the sources of

data. There are sources of data readily available and accessible for easy
reference for the researchers to do their research.

One of the resources found by the researchers is the use of the internet. It
stores different information to choose from. It just depend on the researchers to
choose what is reliable or not.
Another source of data and information are books. The researchers went
to the National Library to look for books related to the study. Some of the
information not found on the internet can be basically found on books.
The researchers also used to find information on the theses made by local
researchers. These source of data and information give way for the researchers
to have knowledge on how to do and write a research study.

III. Data Gathering Procedures

Data gathering procedures are the actions done by the researchers to

gather data in a research study. In here the researchers read books, thesis and
surf the internet.
After gathering all the related sources of data, the researchers used
Microsoft Excel to easily generate the Pythagorean Quadruple and finally the
Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple. The researchers input the values of the three
consecutive Fibonacci numbers, the general formula for finding the Pythagorean
Quadruple, the Greatest Common Divisor(GCD) of the Pythagorean Quadruple
to be used in the generation of the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple.
The researchers also used AutoCad to show the 3D image of the

Pythagorean Quadruple .

IV. Basic Related Concept

From the data gathered from books, theses and internet, the researchers
tried to generate own theorem based on existing theorems of Primitive
Pythagorean Triple.

The researchers also solve some problems of Primitive Pythagorean
Quadruple not generated from the Fibonacci numbers if they also have the
existence of the same properties as the researchers have found out in the study.
Based on the table that the researchers do, there are also some
interesting number patterns being found. The researchers would also want to find
out if these kind of number pattern exist in all Pythagorean Quadruples and
Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the
data. The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the collected data.
From the statement of the problem in Chapter 1 of this study, the
researchers will now present, analyze and interpret the data gathered and
answer those questions.
The general formula for finding Pythagorean Quadruple using three
consecutive Fibonacci numbers is

a=2 uv
b=2 wv
c=¿ u2 + vw2−v 2
d=¿ u2 +w 2+ v 2 ;u> v
where a, b, c and d are all positive numbers and u, v, and w are three
consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

Derivation: a 2+ b2=c 2
We shall substitute a 2+ b2=c 2 to the values of a, b, and c above, we have

( 2 uv )2 + ( 2 wv )2+ ( u2 +w 2−v 2 ) ²
Squaring them we have:

4 u2 v 2+ 4 w2 v 2 +u4 +2 u2 w2 −2u2 v 2 −2 w2 v 2 u 4 +2 u2 w2

Combining like term

( 4 u2 v 2−2 u2 v 2 ) + ( 4 w2 v 2 −2 w2 v 2 ) +u4 +2 u2 w 2+2 u2 w2 + w4 +¿ 2 u2 v 2 +2 w2 v 2 +u4 +2 u2 w 2+ w4 + v 4

Substitute the value of d:

d =¿
Squaring them:

2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4
d =u + 2 u w +2 w v +2 u v +w + v

d 2 = a 2+ b2 + c2

4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4
u +2 u w +2 w v +2 u w + w + v ¿ 2 u v + 2 w v +2 u w +u + w + v

The researchers proved that using this formula it can easily find the
Pythagorean Quadruple.
The Fibonacci numbers that the researchers used here are the three
consecutive numbers in the sequence. The famous Fibonacci sequence is
formed by beginning with the 1’s. The succeeding terms are obtained by adding
the previous two numbers in the sequence. Illustration 1 shows that the
Fibonacci sequence is a recursion.

Illustration 1: F0 = 1

F1 =1

F2 = F0 + F1

F3 = F1 + F2

F4 = F2 + F3

Fn = Fn−2 + Fn−1

The definition of the Fibonacci sequence means that F n = Fn−2 + Fn−1.

This is a recursive definition. It refers to previous numbers of the sequence. It
tells you how to formulate the sequence and along with the fact that f0 = f1 = 1,
completely define it.
Several basic identities and relationships involving Fibonacci numbers
have been developed. One identity that we will be using is the

Theorem 1:
No two consecutive numbers F n∧F n+1factors d¿ 1 in common.


Suppose that d >1 divides F n and F n+ 1 Then their difference F n+ 1 – F n =
F n−2, will also divisible by d. From this and the formula F n−F n−1 = F n−2, It
can be concluded that d∨F n−2 . Working backwards, we can show that F n−3,
F n−4 ……, and Finally F 1, are all divisible by d. But F 1=1, which is certainly not
divisible by any d >1. This contradiction invalidates our supposition and therefore
proves the theorem.



Fibonacci numbers 1, 2

2, 3

3, 5

5, 3

8, 13

Their common factor is always 1.

To find the values of the Pythagorean Quadruple using Fibonacci
numbers, we use the formula:

a=2 uv

b=2 wv

2 2 2
c=u + w −v

d=u + w + v ; u>v∧w >u

2 2 2

1. Fibonacci Numbers 2, 1, 2
Applying the formula:

a=2(2)(1) b=2(3)(1) c=(7)2+(2)2−(1)2 2 2

d=(1) +(2) +(1)

¿2 ¿ 4=1+ 4−1 ¿ 1+4 +1

¿4 ¿6

So, we have generated the first Pythagorean Quadruple as (2, 4, 4, 6)

2. Fibonacci numbers 1, 2, and 3

a=(2)(2)(1) b=(2)(3)(1) c¿( 2)2 +(3)2−(1)2 d=(2)2+(3)2+(1)2

¿4 ¿6 ¿ 4 +9 – 1 ¿ 4 +9+1

¿ 12 ¿ 14

Pythagorean Quadruple (4, 6, 12, 14)

2 2 2 2
:̌ a + b +c =d

2 2 2 2
4 +6 +12 =14

16+36+ 14=196


Fibonacci Numbers Pythagorean Quadruple

v u w a b c d
0 1 1 0 0 2 2
1 1 2 2 4 4 6
1 2 3 4 6 12 14
2 3 5 12 20 30 38
3 5 8 30 48 80 98
5 8 13 80 130 208 258
8 13 21 208 336 546 674
13 21 34 546 884 1428 1766
21 34 55 1428 2310 3740 4622
34 55 89 3740 6052 9790 12102
55 89 144 9790 15840 25632 31682
89 144 233 25632 41474 67104 82946
144 233 377 67104 108576 175682 217154
233 377 610 175682 284260 459940 568518
377 610 987 459940 744198 1204140 1488398
610 987 1597 1204140 1948340 3152478 3896678
987 1597 2584 3152478 5100816 8253296 10201634
159 1335411
7 2584 4181 8253296 4 21607408 26708226
258 2160740 3496152
4 4181 6765 8 0 56568930 69923042
418 5656893 9153045
1 6765 10946 0 2 148099380 183060902

Table 1: Pythagorean Quadruple using Fibonacci Numbers

From the table above, the Pythagorean Quadruples generated from three
consecutive Fibonacci Numbers are all even and all is divisible by 2 and have a
greatest common divisor of 2.

Theorem 2:

The GCD (a, b, c, and d) is always equal to two when u, v and w are
consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

The greatest common divisor of 2uv and 2wv

Gcd( 2uv , 2 wv)

¿( 2 v)gcd (u , w)

¿( 2 v) gcd ¿

¿ ( 2 v ) gcd ( u , v )

¿ 2 v ×1


Greatest Common Divisor of 2v

2 2 2
Gcd ( 2 uv , 2 wv ) ,∧u +w + v

Gcd( 2 v ,u2 + w2 +v 2 )

¿ gcd ¿

¿ gcd ¿

¿ gcd (2 v ,2 u2 +2 uv+ 2 v 2)

2 2
¿(2)gcd ( v ,u +uv + v )

¿(2) gcd (v ,u 2+ v 2)

¿( 2)gcd (v ,u )

¿( 2)gcd (v ,u)

¿ ( 2) 1


Q. E. D.

From the theorem, it was proven that all Pythagorean Quadruples

generated from three consecutive Fibonacci numbers have a greatest common
divisor of 2.

Therefore, one can generate Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple by

dividing the gcd from the general formula to satisfy the definition of a Primitive
Quadruple that it has no common divisor d¿1. So, if we divide it by 2;

2 2 2 2 2 2
2uv 2 wv u + w −v u +w +v
a= b= c= d=
2 2 2 2

u2 +w 2−v 2 u 2+ w 2 + v 2
a=uv b=wv c= d=
2 2

Example: 1, 1, 2
Substitute the given Fibonacci to the formula

2 2 2 2 2 2
(1) +(2) −(1) (1) +(2) +(1)
a=(1)(1)b=(2)(1) c= d=
2 2

1+ 4 – 1 1+4 +1
¿ 1=2= =
2 2

4 6
¿ =
2 2

¿ 2=3

∴ Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple is (1, 2, 2, and 3)

Check: a 2+ b2+ c 2=d 2


12 +22+ 22=32

1+4 +4=9

a b c d
0 0 1 1
1 2 2 3
2 3 6 7
6 10 15 19
15 24 40 49
40 65 104 129
104 168 273 337
273 442 714 883
714 1155 1870 2311
1870 3026 4895 6051
4895 7920 12816 15841
12816 20737 33552 41473
33552 54288 87841 108577
87841 142130 229970 284259
229970 372099 602070 744199
602070 974170 1576239 1948339
1576239 2550408 4126648 5100817
4126648 6677057 10803704 13354113
10803704 17480760 28284465 34961521
28284465 45765226 74049690 91530451

Other sets of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: List of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple using Fibonacci Numbers

The researchers have found out some interesting number patterns in the
Pythagorean Quadruples and Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples. As you
observe the table in Figure 3 in the appendix, there are number patterns among
last digits of the values of d and d/2.

d (Pythagorean Quadruple) d/2 (Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple)

2 1

4 7

6 3

8 9

The last digits of PQ’s are even and the last digits of PPQ’s are odd.
The researchers also found out that those number patterns repeats as it
hits a certain number when summed up. In a Fibonacci sequence, this kind of
repetition of digits of the numbers are called periods. Periods come from Pisano,
another name directed to Fibonacci itself. Here, at the interval of 10, the last
digits goes back to the first number in the interval when summed up, the total is
50. See Table 4 in the appendix.
There are some interesting properties of Primitive Pythagorean
Quadruple. The researchers based their proposed theorems on the existing
theorem on the properties of Primitive Pythagorean Triples. Refer to Table 3 in
the appendix.

Theorem 3:
A Pythagorean Quadruple is said to be Primitive if the number (a, b, c and
d) have no common divisor d¿ 1. No two of the numbers can have a common
divisors greater than 1.

By the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, there must exist some prime
p with p|d since d|a, d|b, d|c. We should then have p|a, p|b, p|c which in turn

imply p∨a2, p∨b2, and p∨c2 . But then p|(a 2+ b2+ c 2 ¿ or p∨d 2. An appeal to Euclid’s
lemma now gives p|d. The implication of all this is that p is a common divisor of
the four integers a, b, c, and d, a contradiction that (a, b, c and d) is a Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruple. But this contradiction are use out of the assumption that
d >1, we must conclude that d=1, in the same way, we can verify that
gcd (a , b , c , d)=1


Theorem 4:
If (a, b, c and d) is a Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple using Fibonacci
numbers, then two of the integers in (a, b, and c) are even and the other is odd.
The resulting d is also odd.

By the result of the theorem above, integers (a, b, and c) cannot be two
odd and one even, so that all we need to show is that they cannot be all even. As
is well-known, even integers can be put in the form 2n, where n is an integer.
Thus, if a, b, and c are even, there exist appropriate choices for h, k, and l for

a=(2h)2 b=(2 k )2 c=(2 l)2

d 2=a2 +b2 +c 2

= 4 h2 +4 k 2 +4 l 2

= 4 ¿ ¿)

¿4 m

Because d 2 is in the form 4m, it is an even number. This is turn forces d to

be even. This contradicts our theorem, so a, b, and c cannot be all even.


Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples (1, 2, 2, 3)
From the theorem above d 2=4 m+1, because it is odd

a=1 , b=2 , c=2

2 2 2 2
d =a +b +c

= 12 +22+ 22

¿ 1+4 +4

√ d 2= √ 9


Note: This also applies on any non-Fibonacci numbers. Therefore, all Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruple consist of two even numbers and two odd numbers.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the research work undertaken, the
conclusions drawn and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this
study. This study is on the generation of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple using
consecutive Fibonacci numbers.


The objective of this study was he generation of Primitive Pythagorean

Quadruple using consecutive Fibonacci numbers. The researchers focused on
how to generate PPQ’s using only three Fibonacci numbers. And also find some
possible relationships between them. The investigation lasted for 2 ½
months.with rigorous research on books, thesis of local and foreign researchers
and also surfing the internet.
The methods of research used is solely basic or pure research because it
is basically a research done for the development of theories and principles and is
conducted for intellectual pleasure of learning.
The research data was gathered through reading of the books, theses
from local and foreign researchers and also from the internet. There are no
respondents and statistical treatment as it is a theoretical type of research. The
researchers were only going to find some possible equations, relationships or
theorems that would support the study.
The researchers used Microsoft excel to easily calculate the research data
through inputting the formula for the generation of Pythagorean Quadruples and
finally, out of that formula, generate a new formula for finding the Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruple.
The researchers also used software AutoCad to show the 3D image of a

Pythagorean Quadruple .
Based on the data presented and analysed by the researchers, those data
answered the questions found on the statement of the problem in chapter 1 of
this research.
In solving a recurrence relation of a Fibonacci sequence, the preceding
two terms must be added first to find the next Fibonacci number. This numbers
are then used to generate Pythagorean Quadruple. As a result of this, the

researchers were able to hypothesize that there is a connection between
Fibonacci numbers and Pythagorean Quadruple.
As a result of findings shown in chapter 4, there is only one common
divisor in Pythagorean Quadruples generated by Fibonacci numbers. That
common divisor is 2. The researchers used that common divisor to generate a
new formula out of the existing formula to generate the Primitive Pythagorean
As the researchers finished calculating and tabulating the results, it was
found out that the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples are composed of two (2)
even numbers and two (2) odd numbers.
Also the researchers found out that there are some number patterns in the
Pythagorean Quadruple part and Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple part. Also
some related properties were found.


The researchers concluded that all Pythagorean Quadruple generated by

Fibonacci numbers have a greatest common divisor (gcd) of two (2). Therefore a
Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple can be generated using the following formula:

The following relationships exist on the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple

using Fibonacci numbers.
1. A primitive Pythagorean Quadruples have no common factor d >1.
2. A primitive Pythagorean Quadruple consist of two even numbers and two odd

There is also a number pattern found in both Pythagorean and Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruples. At the interval of 10 numbers called periods, the last
digit repeats itself.
Another is the last digit of the Pythagorean Quadruple. It is an even
number and its counterpart last digit in Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple is an
odd number. So, if you know the last digit of the PQ’s you will easily tell the last
digit of the Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple without calculating or computing for


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following

recommendations are being suggested:
1. If this research were to be continued, probably a Pythagorean Quintuples
would be investigated. These are integer solutions to
2 2 2 2 2
a + b + c + d =e .
2. In addition, the use of Pell numbers or Pell – Lucas numbers for
generating Pythagorean Quadruples would be investigated.
3. Lastly, If this were to be continued for further research, future researchers
might find additional properties, relationships or number patterns not found
by the researchers today.


Burton, David M. History of Mathematics, An Introduction, Seventh Edition
Chapter 6, p.294.
Carina, Raquel “On Pythagorean Triples”, Mariano Marcos State
University, Graduate School, Laoag City, Master of Arts in Mathematics, May
Geraldino, Marietta T. “Pythagorean Triples from Fibonacci Numbers”,
Master’s Thesis, University of San Carlos, Cebu City,2000.
Gimmie, Gilbert Modern Algebra, Fourth Edition, pp. 63 – 64.
Halai, Chandalas. +plus magazine, “Triples and Quadruples: From
Pythagoras to Fermat (2012).
Johnsonbaugh, Richard. Discrete Mathematics, Fifth Edition p.136
Nuñez, Frances Gochoco Medado. “Fibonacci – type Sequence and
Pythagorean Quadruple, Master’s Thesis, University of San Carlos, Cebu
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Tables Used in the Research Findings

Fibonacci Numbers Pythagorean Quadruple
v u w a b c d
0 1 1 0 0 2 2
1 1 2 2 4 4 6
1 2 3 4 6 12 14
2 3 5 12 20 30 38
3 5 8 30 48 80 98
5 8 13 80 130 208 258
8 13 21 208 336 546 674
13 21 34 546 884 1428 1766
21 34 55 1428 2310 3740 4622
34 55 89 3740 6052 9790 12102
55 89 144 9790 15840 25632 31682
89 144 233 25632 41474 67104 82946
144 233 377 67104 108576 175682 217154
233 377 610 175682 284260 459940 568518
377 610 987 459940 744198 1204140 1488398
610 987 1597 1204140 1948340 3152478 3896678
987 1597 2584 3152478 5100816 8253296 10201634
7 2584 4181 8253296 13354114 21607408 26708226
258 2160740
4 4181 6765 8 34961520 56568930 69923042
418 5656893
1 6765 10946 0 91530452 148099380 183060902

Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples
a b c d
0 0 1 1
1 2 2 3
2 3 6 7
6 10 15 19
15 24 40 49
40 65 104 129
104 168 273 337
273 442 714 883
714 1155 1870 2311
1870 3026 4895 6051
4895 7920 12816 15841
12816 20737 33552 41473
33552 54288 87841 108577
87841 142130 229970 284259
229970 372099 602070 744199
602070 974170 1576239 1948339
1576239 2550408 4126648 5100817
4126648 6677057 10803704 13354113
10803704 17480760 28284465 34961521
28284465 45765226 74049690 91530451
Table 1: Pythagorean Quadruple using Fibonacci Numbers

Table 2: Other sets of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruples

Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple Properties

a b c d
0 0 1 1
1 2 2 3
2 3 6 7
6 10 15 19
15 24 40 49
40 65 104 129
104 168 273 337
273 442 714 883
714 1155 1870 2311
1870 3026 4895 6051
4895 7920 12816 15841
12816 20737 33552 41473
33552 54288 87841 108577
87841 142130 229970 284259
229970 372099 602070 744199
602070 974170 1576239 1948339
1576239 2550408 4126648 5100817
4126648 6677057 10803704 13354113
10803704 17480760 28284465 34961521
28284465 45765226 74049690 91530451

Table 3: Theorem 3 and 4 Properties of Primitive Pythagorean Quadruple

d (PQ’s) d(PPQ’s)
13354113 35
Table 4: Number Patterns Seen on Pythagorean Quadruple and Primitive
Pythagorean Quadruple


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