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26 martie 2022, Clasa a XI-a, SECȚIUNEA A





I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. (10 p.)

When I boarded the train I couldn’t help noticing that a great many local people got on as well. At the
time, this (1) ______________(not / to strike) me as odd. I reflected that there must be a great many
people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service. Neither (2)
______________(I / to be) surprised when the train stopped at the tiny station a few miles along the
line. Even a mighty express train can (3) ____________(to hold up) by signals. Then it suddenly (4)
____________(to dawn) on me that this express (5) _____________(not / to roar) down the line at
ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty. One hour and seventeen minutes passed and
we (6) _____________(not / to cover) even half the distance. I asked the passenger if that was the
Western express, but he hadn’t even heard of it. I was determined to make a complaint as soon as we
(7) _____________(arrive). Two hours later, I (8) _____________ (to talk) angrily to a bored
stationmaster. When he denied it briefly, he told me to look again. A tiny asterisk (9)
_____________(to conduct) me to a footnote at the bottom of the page: ‘This service (10)
_______________(to suspend)’. Never had I experienced such a frustrating thing before!

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (10x1p=10p)

This TV documentary follows a family of chimpanzees who live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in
(1)……… SPECTACLE scenery the programme gives us a fascinating insight into the life and
social (2)………ACTION of these creatures.(3)……APPEAR, we humans share 98% of our
genes with chimpanzees; indeed, they are our closest relative in the animal (4)……KING and
scenes in the documentary offer clear evidence of our (5)……SIMILAR . The focus of the film is
on Fifi and we first see her as a (6)………PLAY five-year-old who spends all her time annoying her
younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for
(7)……….SUPREME. And it is no surprise to learn that while all this is taking place the females
are left to deal with the day-to-day(8)…….. ORGANISE matters. Make sure you set aside an hour
to watch this. The (9)……..GEOGRAPHY splendour of the location makes this programme
worthwhile viewing, although our (10)………LIKE to these animals will make you think.

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (10 x 1 p = 10 p)

Hi Patrick,
What a day! I was going to have a really (1) ……… Saturday, finishing off some homework and


doing various things (2) ……… the house for Mum. Well, that was the plan! Alison phoned and
persuaded me to go shopping in the new mall with her. Disaster! I (3) ……… all the money I had
earned from helping Mum in the house! Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve
recently taken (4) ……… tennis? Well, there was a pair of amazing (5) ………………… in the sale,
so of course I had to get them, and a new (6) ……… as well. I’ll be using both on the (7) ………
tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school. I got a new dictionary and
some pens, but although I spent a lot, I don’t think I (8) ……… my money.
After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the (9) ……… of the new play at the Apollo
Theatre, so of course I went along with her in the evening. But the tickets cost me £30! I definitely
need (10) ……… some more if I’m going to go to the Killers gig with you next month! Hope your
weekend was good!
Best wishes,

1. A relaxing B terrifying C annoying D relaxation

2. A around B at C inside D to
3. A lost B cost C spent D earned
4. A down B up C in D off
5. A jeans B gloves C goggles D trainers
6. A net B racket C boots D skates
7. A pitch B pool C slope D court
8. A spent B wasted C saved D used
9. A list B cast C programme D lyrics
10. A earned B earns C to earn D to earning

IV. Translate the following text into English. 10 points

Unul dintre lucrurile la care am ajuns să mă pricep mai bine anul acesta este cititul oamenilor. Nu
trebuie decât să stai deoparte, să taci, să observi și să asculți. Ce expresii faciale are persoana
respectivă ? Ce gesturi face ? Ce mișcări ? Ce sunete scoate – scrâșnește, pufnește, oftează ? Încă de
astă vară mă tot străduiesc să îi citesc pe alții. Știam că acasă se întâmplă ceva important, dar nu îmi
dădeam seama ce, așa că am început să-mi analizez membrii familiei, mai ales pe bunici. De când
descoperisem articolul cu Războiul terenurilor, aveam un car de griji. Nu mă preocupa la fel de mult
să îmi dau seama ce gândesc și simt ceilalți, cât să aflu mai multe informații. De fiecare dată când
prindeam câte un ziar citeam în fugă titlurile dar nu am mai găsit nici o știre nouă. Chiar și articolul
original era dintr-un ziar mai vechi așa că nu prea știam în ce stadiu se afla războiul ăsta acum, ceea
ce mă tulbura teribil.


I. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. (5x2p= 10p)


Telecommuting – substituting the computer for the trip to the job – has been hailed as a solution to
all kinds of problems related to office work. For workers it promises freedom from the office, less
time wasted in traffic, and help with child - care conflicts. For management, telecommuting helps
keep high performers on board, minimizes tardiness and absenteeism by eliminating commuting,
allows periods of solitude for high –concentration tasks, and provides scheduling flexibility. In some
areas, such as Southern California and Seattle, Washington, local governments are encouraging
companies to start telecommuting programs in order to reduce rush - hour congestion and improve
air quality. But these benefits do not come easily. Making a telecommuting work programme
requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities
and popular images.
Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter. A computer programmer from
New York City moves to the tranquil Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her office via
computer. A manager comes in to his Office three days a week and works at home the other two. An
accountant stays home to care for her child; she hooks up her telephone modem connections and
does office work between calls to the doctor.
These are powerful images, but they are a limited reflection of reality. Telecommuting workers soon
learn that it is almost impossible to concentrate on work and care for a young child at the same time.
Before a certain age, young children cannot recognize much less respect, the necessary boundaries
between work and family. Additional child support is necessary if the parent is to get any work
Management, too, must separate the myth from the reality. Although the media has paid a great deal
of attention to telecommuting. In most cases it is the employee's situation, not the availability of
technology, that precipitates a telecommuting arrangement.
That is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-
home programs or policy guidelines remains small.

1. What is the main subject of the passage.

A Business management policies
B Driving to work
C Extending the workplace by means of commuters
D Commuters for child - care purposes

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem for office employees?

A Being restricted to the office
B Incurring expenses for lunches and clothingB
C Taking care of sick children
D Driving in heavy traffic

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem for employers that is potentially solved by
A Employees' lateness for work
B Employees' absence from work
C Employees' need for time alone to work intensively
D Employee's' conflicts with second jobs

4. Which of the following does the author mention as a possible disadvantage of telecommuting?
A Small children cannot understand the boundaries of work and play.
B Computer technology is not advanced enough to accommodate the needs of every situation.


C Electrical malfunctions can destroy a project.

D The worker often does not have all the needed resources at home.

5. Which of the following is an example of telecommuting as described in the passage?

A A scientist in a laboratory developing plans for a space station
B A technical writer sending via computer documents created at home
C A computer technician repairing an office computer network
D A teacher directing computer-assisted learning in a private school

II. Read the text again and write a for-and-against essay about the Importance of computer-
assisted learning in school . (220-250 words) (50 p.)

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