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Course & year: BEEd 1-A Course Facilitator:MS. JULIE ANN G. LLAUDERES

Communication Aids
What is Communication?
If an individual Speech is unclear at all Then a computer Can help Him be understood.A
communication aids is anything that helps an individual communicate more effectively with
those around them.This Could Range from a simple letter board to a more sophisticated piece
of electronic equipment. This fact sheet tells you about the many option available and some of
the tools that can help.It is not essential for the users to be able to read text in order to use a
communication aids are symbol or picture-based and still provide full functionally in order to
communicate with other. Selecting the right communication aids. By an individual will depend
on many factors such as the method of access and personal preference. We should always
Recommend that a specialist assessment should be though speech and language therapist or
communication aids center.

The use of PC to support an individual needs likely to benefit him, however please be aware
that getting the correct equipment with the correct software mounted in the correct place
Controlled with a suitable method, will rarely be more the 40% of a solution. The rest and in
our opinion .the most important part of a any given solution, is the personalization , training
and ongoing support required to enable the users to deliver the conversation that is
required.An electronic communication aids can be a device that has been purposely built for
that job, and does nothing else , or a standard computer running specialist communication aids
software with the added benefit of being a computer as well . Ability bet may be involved when
the method communication is based around a standard computer.A lot of people with
communication difficulties are using tablet , computer such as I Pad to help them communicate
.there is a fact sheet called “ tablet computer” which explore the subject greater detail.

 Choosing the correct Communication Aid

The different electronic communication aids have a wide Range of facilities and capabilities.
Choice if a particular aid will require careful assessment of the abilities and needs of the
individual so that device can be chosen best.
The majority of aids need to be programmed with suitable message and a structure to
suit the individual using the aids. Some machines have pre-planned framework of
message which can be further tailored to suit the individual user . However, it must be
understood that even doing this can be rather complex task.
Nobody should try to introduce an electronic communication aids to something without
giving him full consideration to the amount of support and help that will be necessary
that the machine will used effectively.

 Effective communication strategies

Effective communication are Vail to achieving the goals and objectives of the course or
Career whether trying to improve serviced at the building level, secure funding at the
district level or shape policy at the national level. Failure in communicate well can result
in negative outcomes and misses opportunities
Ways in making your communication strategies effective
1. Imbibe leadership role in communication:
All student can be leader at school, district or division level. Good communication is
also an important leadership tool. Either as a leader in the profession and professional
and knowledge to reach a wide range of stakeholder .
•Important aspect to this leadership role are:
•knowing and reaching out the key audience/stakeholders
•Recognizing communication opportunities
•providing useful, relevant information to groups or individual.
2 Determine key messages
Developing clear , memorable message are critical to effective communications.
Determining what your most important message are depends on the goal and the
specific situation but there are a few global issues that are central to the profession
These include :
•Prevention/Early prevention (prevention is an intervention)
•Children mental health and school -based services
•Problems –solving model and RTI(implications of approach/role of school
psychologist)areas: Developing clear , memorable message are critical to effective
 Developing your Messages
1. Identify your audiences
There is no"General Public"Messages even on the same issue should be tailored as
narrowly as possible to the specific audience because they have different concerns and
•Administrators. •Policymakers
•Teacher/ Other educator. •Advocacy group
•Allied professional. •Media
•Parents. •Consider your Audience
•Level of knowledge /awareness •Primary concerns/expectation
•Perspective •Possible barriers to understanding

2. Focus on your objectives:Consider why the issue is important,to whom, and why at
this time.What do you want to accomplish.

•Raise awareness of your role value to students/ adults

•Raise awareness of a specific issue
•Increase your involvement/effectiveness on the issue
•Build support for specific policy/ resource needs
•Encourage parents/teacher/ students to act
3.Be Relevant.This is how to be relevant:

•Relate the issue to the school,district, or division context.

•people focus on the issue they are concerned about.
•Articulate impact on school/student
•Include some supporting points about what parents/teacher/students can do.
•Provide your contact information
4. Be clear and concise.To do this

•Pick your main point

•State it in outset.(Bullying is unacceptable,preventable behavior that undermines
students well being and academic achievements
•Back it up with 2-3 data points
•provide specific suggestions
•provide personal example
•Use audience appropriate language
•use active tense
5.Things to keep in mind .Here they are.
•Most people will only remember 2-3 points in communication
•Be brief
•Think about the perspective of your audience
•You know the way more that your audience need to hear/read
•Incorporate language relevant to others
•Think catch
6.Be consistent to the points you make.:
No matter what the topic there are a few standard points to make in any
communication intended to promote best practices and school psychology.Always
•Emphasize the importance of prevention and early intervention
•Identify the link between the issue/topic and learning and behavior
•Describe, at least briefly ,the school psychologist role in addressing the issue
•Encourage people to seek additional information to your/their local school
psychologist Considerations.
 Key things to consider when communicating change
•Consistent,timely,honest ,accurate communication
•Explain then vision,plans,anticipated benefits and progress of the change initiative
•Capture and address questions and issue(promptly)
•Aim to maximize participation in the change process by involving employees
•Constantly reinforce common themes and messages
•Encourage discussion and dialogue about the change
•Adapt communication strategies as needed in order to address and resolve unforeseen
 Key things to consider when creating communication plan for a change inactivate
•What do you need?
•With who do you need to communicate?
•How will you generate awareness of the proposed change (rational , benefits etc.)?
•How will you educate and engage people?
 Understanding your audience
•Who are they
•What do they know/understand already
•What drives/motivates them?
•What question/concern might they have?
•What tools/channel might they have?
 Leaders of Change
The person leading the change has a critical role to play they should:
•Provide a clear vision and explanation for the change –rational possible impact and
expected benefit
•Send consistent and supportive message
•Model the behavior expected of other
•Provide regular updates during consultation and implications stages
•Be open to feedback and suggestions , consider comments /suggestions and respond.
 Communication Tools
According to Nick Roland (2017) emphasized that with the proliferation of digital
technology in the late 20th century and Earl 21st century , communication has never
been more personal and powerful. The first cellphone came about in 1984 , and the
mode progressed rapidly in the ,1990s with the internet , myriad at Communication
tools are available.

 There are 5 communication tools

3.Social Networks
4.Instant messaging
 The use of tools of Technology in Communication
According to Karehka Ramey,using technology in communication has become a
necessity ,its now part of our lives.People communicate ,through emails,,faxes,mobile
phones,texting services,video conferences,video chat rooms,and other social media
channels. As time goes on ,more emerging technologies will change the way we
communicate and it will be up to us to embrace them or not.Let's look at the impact or
use of technology in communication both on individual and business.

 The Impact of technology in communication to a business.

Today,every business use technology in its own way to reach the media and targeted
consumers .Also businesses embraced technology by easing communication within
companies and among inventors and suppliers.Below are the few uses of technology in
communication to a business.
•Uses of technology in communication to a business
•Easy Product launched
•Product or service survey
•Social Interaction with consumers
•Video Conferencing
•Use of digital networks
 The Impact of technology in communication to individuals .
Technology has change the way we interact and communicate with others.With the
increased use of social-based network ,people can create new relationship and discover
old friends.With technology ,parents can communicate and keep track on their
children .So, communication has become easier and cheaper .Below are few uses
technology on communication to individuals.
 Uses of technology on communication to individuals
1.Text messaging service.
2. Social Networking platforms
3. Parental Security apps
4. 4.Free Internet calls.
5. 5.Use of Emails

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