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Strategies for Managing and Organizing Qualitative Data


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Strategies for Managing and Organizing Qualitative Data

Qualitative data have been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to

the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize

the data.

Qualitative data is a type of study information in which the researcher cannot count,

measure or express it simply with the help of figures. Such data comes from gathering

information from sources like images, audio and information from tools that aid in data

visualization like graphs, databases, infographics, and concept maps, among others.

Qualitative data is achieved as a result of qualitative research. As indicated by Green and

Johnson (2018), it is defined as an approach to research that comes up with a narrative that

reflects the realities and perspectives of study subjects. Normally qualitative research is a

crucial aspect of epidemiological studies conducted in the research field. Its ability to avail

insights into the values, opinions and norms in a study participant setting makes it easier to

investigate that nature. The resulting data of a qualitative study is, in most cases, voluminous,

which can be overwhelming to a researcher. This is attributed to its rigorous data collection

and compilation procedures, which call for a well-defined system for data organization and

management. Thus, the review highlights the two helpful strategies for managing and

organizing such kinds of data.

The Two Strategies

The two helpful strategies, in this case, are condensing data and using data codes. In

the case o data condensing, the strategy entails the selection, emphasizing and transforming

the data into its simple form as well as abstracting the data collected during the initial

observation, which is followed by changing the data that has been condensed into data sets

than afford the carrying out of the analysis. Because of the nature o data condensing strategy,

it is recommended that the individuals overseeing the process closely supervise it to ensure

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that the various steps involved are adhered to. That is because overseeing qualitative data

calls for expediency from the researchers’ side as one of the means of attaining the proper

control over the data, more so in cases where more than one code is deployed.

Apart from data condensing, the second strategy applicable in this case involves

developing and applying codes. According to Clark and Veale (2018), data coding entails a

transactional process that takes place between the collecting of data and the analysis of data

part of the process involved includes grouping the collected study data of interest. The

development and application of codes in managing and organizing qualitative data can be

carried out in various ways; one of the coding approaches is through the use of traditional

procedures like deploying folders or cabinets useful in filing, among other related methods.

However, the advancement in technology, on the other hand, provides alternatives to the

traditional data coding approaches by providing software that has automated the process. One

of the software useful in data coding includes NVivo. Thus, upon coding the data, the

researcher can review and categorize the codes based on common patterns, simplifying the

data analysis, managing and organizing a bit easier.

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Clark, K., R., and Veale, B., L. (2018). Strategies to enhance data collection and analysis in

qualitative research. Radiologic Technology 89 (5):482CT-485CT https://eds-a-


Green, S., Z., and Johnson, J., L. (2018). Research ethics and evaluation of qualitative

research. Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice. Retrieved from


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