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Instruction: Evaluate the situation of the Twenty First century Philippines if the following conditions in

the Nineteenth century Philippines still exist. Cite a concrete example.

Situation on the Nineteenth Century Twenty First Century Philippines

A. Political Situation

1. Political Instability of Colonial Polical instability still exist during these

Administration days, example is the global economic
recovery who had been hampered by
new waves of COVID-19 infections,
rising inflationary pressures, major
supply-chain disruptions, policy
uncertainties and persistent labour
market challenges.
2. Representation in the Spanish It may not be on a Spanish connection
cortes but one trending now is the how shady
it is a leader of the country Bong Bong
Marcos stated to be the part of the VIP
club while attending the WEF. It is
stated that PH is is one of the progress
economic growth but has not been able
to fully developed yet until now.
B. Judicial Situation

1. No Equality Before the Law Although not all the time equality is fair
but certain programs like attorneys
providing and goving a fair equality
despite their indifferences and status in
2. Maladministration of Justice Kt is commonly now that justice is not
for all, mostly justice can be given with
rich people. One example of this injust
is the untruthful buy bust operation
taking out drug users which is in fact
not positive.
C. Social Situation

1. Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination is always present,

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) are
characterized by a “shallow
commitment” to racial justice and
equality. With this we can always tell
that racial discrimination is still
happening today
2. Human Rights Denied to Filipinos People power is one of the example of
this rights during the reign of Marcos.
Even until today rights like LGBTQ is
still on a case and on a fight with the
D. Religious Situation

1. Frailocracy Even tho this is not visible during these

days, one of the thing that i think i can
remember is the somehow Communism
which is the set of another government
who does not like the process of
2. Secularization of the Parishes Up until now the secularization of the
church is still noticeable specially the
Catholics. With the start of Gomburza
who headed the secularization
movementhey advocated the right of
the Filipino secular clergy over the
assignment of parishes rather than
giving them to the newly arrived
Spanish friars in the country.
E. Economic Situation

1. Forced Labor Forced labor or child labor is

happening up until today but not worst
like before. By the World Report on
Child Labour (2013) .There are around
265 million working children in the
world—almost 17 per cent of the
worldwide child population. According
to the publicly available data discussed
in more detail below, Sub-Saharan
Africa is the region where child labour
is most prevalent.
2. Haciendas Owned by the Friars Just like the concept of frailocracy,
capitalism is one of the example that i
think I can give to this. Mostly now the
situation of the gasoline station usually
owned by the business man. Mostly
they are owned not by a Filipino but a
foreign business.

Alvin Q. Tampus BSED-FIL2A

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