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Chapter 23

Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter Contents
z Introduction Introduction
z Ampere circuital law and its Electromagnetic waves in the form of visible light enable us to view the world
around us. Infrared waves warm our environment. Radio waves carry our favourite
z Displacement Current TV and radio programs and the list goes on and on. In this chapter, we will

z Maxwell’s Equations study regarding displacement current, electromagnetic waves and its various
parts and their uses.
z Sources of Electromagnetic
z Important characteristic and
Nature of Electromagnetic Let us consider a parallel plate capacitor which is being charged as shown
Waves in the figure. If at an instant charge on the capacitor is Q, and the
z Relation Between Electric instantaneous value of current in the connecting wire is I, then
Field, Magnetic Field and x
Speed of Light dQ +
I I A1 + A2 I
dt +
z The Poynting Vector +
Consider two surface A1 and A2 are +
z Intensity of Electromagnetic I
bounded by a closed loop xy. The y I
surface A1 lies between the two plates – +
z Intensity due to a Point of capacitor and A2 outside the plates. EMF Source
Source/Line Source/Plane
Source The area A2 is pierced by the current I but area A1 is not pierced by this
z Hertz’s Experiment
z Electromagnetic Spectrum Therefore for surface A2
 B.dl  0I
For surface A1  B.dl  0
Thus there is an apparent contradiction in applying ampere circuital law
in this situation.

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166 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

“Displacement current is a current which is produced due to the rate of change x
of electric flux with respect to time”. Displacement current is given by I + A2 P
A1 +
d +
Id = 0  E  +
dt y I
This current Id is the missing term in Ampere’s law passes through the surface – +
A1 and is known as Maxwell displacement current. EMF Source

Note :
(i) For consistency of Ampere circuital law, there must be a current between the plates of capacitor. It is
called displacement current (Id) because it is produced by changing electric field or electric displacement.
(ii) The current in conductor is due to the flow of charge carrier hence called conduction current Ic.
(iii) In modified Ampere circuital law, “the line integral of magnetic field along a closed loop in free space is
equal to 0 times the total current (sum of conduction and displacement) threading the loop.”
 B.dl  0 (Ic  Id )
Example 1 : Show that displacement current is equal to conduction current during charging of a capacitor.
Solution : Let at an instant magnitude of charge on the plates of capacitor be Q. Area of each plate is A.
Electric field between the plates of capacitor
E ...(i)
Flux of this field passing through the surface between the plates is
E = E × A = A
A0 A
I +
Q +
E  ...(ii) +
0 +
Displacement current Id is I

d E d Q 1 dQ
Id  0  = 0 dt    = 0   dt EMF Source
dt  0 0

Id  ...(iii)
is the rate at which charge is reaching to positive plate of capacitor through conducting wire
therefore Ic  ...(iv)
From equations (iii) and (iv)
Id = Ic

Example 2 : A parallel plate capacitor consists of two circular plates of radius R = 0.1 m. They are separated
by a distance d = 0.5 mm. If electric field between the capacitor plates changes as
 5  1013 V m–1 s –1. Find displacement current between the plates.
Solution : Area of plates A = r2 = 3.14 × (0.1)2 m2
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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 167
 5  1013 V m–1 s –1

 dE   d E dE 
Id   0 A   ∵ A 
 dt   dt dt 

12 C2 V
= 8.85  10  3.14  (0.1)2 m2  5  1013
N m2 ms
Id = 13.9 A

Maxwell’s equations relate electric field E and magnetic field B and their sources which are electric charges and
current. In free space Maxwell’s equations are as follows.
(i)  E.ds  0
. This equation represents Gauss’s law in electrostatics, which states that net electric flux

through any closed surface equals to times the total charge enclosed by the surface.
(ii)  B.ds  0. This equation is considered as Gauss’s law in magnetism. It states that net magnetic flux passing
through a closed surface is zero. It implies that number of magnetic field lines entering the closed surface is
equal to number of magnetic line leaving the closed surface, that is magnetic field does not start or end at a
point therefore there is no isolated magnetic monopoles.
  d B
(iii)  E.dl  dt
. This equation is Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. This law relates electric field
with changing magnetic flux. “Induced current in a conducting loop placed in a region in which magnetic field
is changing with respect to time confirms this equation.”

   d E 
(iv)  B.dl   0  IC  0 dt  . This equation represents Ampere-Maxwell’s law or generalised form of Ampere’s
 
law. This law states that “ line integral of magnetic field along a closed loop is equal to 0 times the total
current threading the area bounded by the closed loop”. This law describes how a magnetic field can be
produced by both changing electric flux and a conduction current.


“The waves that are produced by accelerated charged particles and composed of electric and magnetic field vibrating
transversely and sinusoidally perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation are called
electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic radiations.”
These waves are produced in the following physical phenomena :
(i) An electric charge at rest produces only electrostatic field around it.
(ii) A charge moving with uniform velocity (i.e. steady current) produces both electric and magnetic field, here
magnetic field does not change with time hence it does not produce time varying electric field.
(iii) An accelerating charge produces both electric field and magnetic field which varies with space and time
which forms electromagnetic wave.
(iv) An accelerating charge (in case of LC oscillation) emits electromagnetic wave of same frequency as frequency
of accelerating charge (i.e., frequency of oscillating LC circuit)

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168 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

(v) An electron orbiting around nucleus in a stationary orbit does not emit electromagnetic wave. It will emit only
during transition from higher energy orbit to lower energy orbit.
(vi) Electromagnetic wave (X-ray) is produced when high speed electron strikes a target of high atomic number
and high melting point.
(vii) Electromagnetic wave (-rays) is produced during de-excitation of nucleus in radioactivity.


(i) It is produced by accelerated charge (e.g., X-ray) and oscillating charge (e.g., LC oscillation).

(ii) It travels in free space with speed equal to 3 × 108 m/s which is given by c  .
µ0 0
(iii) These waves do not require material medium for their propagation.
(iv) In these waves E and B vary sinusoidally. E and B
become maximum at same place and at the same E
time, but perpendicular to each other as well as to
direction of propagation. Therefore the phase difference

y B
between the two fields is zero. The amplitude of electric
and magnetic fields are related to each other as

c . The direction of propagation can be
determined by E  B.

(v) The velocity of electromagnetic wave in a medium is decided by electric and magnetic properties of medium
not by the amplitude of electric and magnetic field vector.

The speed of electromagnetic wave in a medium is v  .
(vi) The energy carried by electromagnetic wave is equally divided between electric field and magnetic field. Total
1 1 B02
average energy density U  0 E02  .
2 2 0

(vii) Electric field vector of an electromagnetic wave produces optical effect hence it is also known as light vector.

(viii) Electromagnetic wave is not deflected by electric field as well as magnetic field because it consists of
uncharged particles called photon.

(ix) Intensity of electromagnetic wave is defined as “energy crossing per second per unit area perpendicular to
direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave.”

Average intensity is given by

I 0E02c or 0Er.m.s.
c (in terms of electric field)
1 B02 B2
I c  rms  c (in terms of magnetic field)
2 0 0
(x) Electromagnetic waves carry energy as well as momentum.
Momentum p  U = Energy carried by electromagnetic wave in free space.
c = Speed of EMW in free space.
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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 169
(xi) Radiation pressure is defined as “force exerted by electromagnetic wave on unit surface area”

If surface absorbs the radiation If surface reflects completely the For all other surfaces
falling on it then radiation pressure radiation falling normally on it, then
I 2I
P is given by radiation pressure P is given by c <P=c
P = cI P= c


Let a plane electromagnetic wave be propagating along x-axis. Electric field and magnetic field vectors oscillating
sinusoidally along y-axis and z-axis respectively, then

Ey = E0 sin (kx – t) ...(i) k = propagation constant  ( = wavelength)

Bz = B0 sin (kx – t) ...(ii)  = angular frequency = 2f (f = frequency)
E0 and B0 are amplitude of electric and magnetic field respectively

 2f
then 
K  2 
  
 

 f   = speed of wave (v)


It is defined as the flow of energy in the direction of the propagation of a wave per unit time through a unit
cross-sectional area perpendicular to the propagation direction.
 The energy flow per unit time per unit area is cdt

1 dU
S .   0 cE 2  uc
A dt
u is energy density
0  0 2 EB B E
or, S  E2  E 
0 0 0 0
E B cdt
S …[Poynting vector in vacuum]

E  B represents the direction of flow of energy.

Unit of S is 2
s m m2

The vector S is called the Poynting vector.

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Example 3 : The oscillating magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given as

By = 8 × 10–6 sin(5000 x – 3 × 1011 t) T.
(a) Frequency
(b) Wavelength
(c) Speed of the wave
(d) Electric field amplitude
(e) Write down expression for oscillating electric field.
Solution : Comparing given equation with standard equation
By = B0 (kx – t)
(a)  = 3 × 1011 
2f = 3 × 1011 
f = 1.5 × 1011 Hz

(b) k

 = 0.4 × 10–3 m

 = 4 × 10–4 m
 = 0.4 mm

(c) v

3  1011  

= 0.6 × 108
= 6 × 107 m/s

(d) v

E0 = v × B0
= 6 × 107 × 8 × 10–6

= 480
(e) As wave is travelling along the x-axis.
E  B should be along x-axis

 (k  j )  i

Ez = 480 sin (5000x – 3 × 1011 t)

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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 171
It is defined as “the amount of energy crossing per unit time per unit area perpendicular to the direction of propagation
of electromagnetic wave”.

I   0 E rms


The power of source = P
Distance of point A where intensity to be calculated = r r
E P P Power = P
I=   W/m2
A  t A 4r 2

For point source I 
For line source I 

For plane source I  r 0

Example 4 : Calculate the electric and magnetic fields produced by the radiation coming from a 100 W bulb
at a distance of 3 m. Assume that the efficiency of the bulb is 2.5% and it is a point source.
Solution : The bulb, as a point source, radiates light in all directions uniformly. At a distance of 3 m, the
surface area of the surrounding sphere is

A = 4r2 = 4(3)2 = 113 m2

The intensity at this distance is

Power 100 W  2.5%

I  = 0.22 W/m2
Area 113 m2

Half of this intensity is provided by the electric field and half by the magnetic field.

1 1 2 1
I  (0 Erms c ) = (0.022 W/m2 )
2 2 2

Erms  V/m = 2.9 V/m
(8.85  1012 )(3  108 )

The value of E found above is the root mean square value of the electric field. Since the electric
field in a light beam is sinusoidal, the peak electric field E0 is

E0  2 Erms  2  2.9 V/m = 4.07 V/m

Thus, you see that the electric field strength of the light that you use for reading is fairly large.
Compare it with electric field strength of TV or FM waves, which is of the order of a few microvolts
per metre.

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Now, let us calculate the strength of the magnetic field. It is

Erms 2.9 V m–1

Brms    9.6  109 T
c 3  108 m s –1

Again, since the field in the light beam is sinusoidal, the peak magnetic field is

B0  2 Brms  1.4  108 T. Note that although the energy in the magnetic field is equal to the
energy in the electric field, the magnetic field strength is evidently very weak.

Let us consider a cylindrical region where E.M. wave is passing through.

Example 5 : Calculate the electric and magnetic fields amplitude in an electromagnetic wave radiated by a
200 W bulb at a distance 2 m from it assuming efficiency of bulb is 5% and it behaves like a
point source.

Solution : Effective power of the bulb P   200  10 W

Intensity at distance r is given by

I 
4 r 2
10 W
4  3.14  22 m2
10 W
16  3.14 m2
= 0.199
 0.2
I 0 E02c
E02 
c  0
E0 
c  0

2  0.2
E0 
3  108  8.85  10 12

E0  12.27
E0 12.27 12.27
B0     10 8 T
C 3  108 3
= 4.09 × 10–8 T

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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 173
In 1887, Hertz succeeded in experimentally confirming the existence of electro-magnetic waves. By using oscillatory
LC-circuits, he not only produced and detected electromagnetic waves, but also demonstrated their properties of
reflection, refraction and interference and established beyond doubt that light radiation has wave nature.

All the known radiations form a big family of electromagnetic waves. We call this family as the complete
electromagnetic spectrum. It includes: gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light,
microwaves and radio waves.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
S.No. Name Wavelength Range Frequency Range (Hz) Source
1. Gamma rays 1 × 10–14 m to 1 × 10–10 m 3 × 1022 to 3 × 1018 Nuclear origin
2. X-rays 1 × 10–12 m to 1 × 10–8 m 3 × 1021 to 3 × 1016 Atomic excitation of high
atomic number elements or
deceleration of electron
3. Ultra-violet 6 × 10–10 m to 3.8 × 10–7 m 5 × 1017 to 7 × 1014 Excitation of atom, spark
and arc lamp
4. Visible light 3.8 × 10–7 m to 7.8 × 10–7 m 7 × 1014 to 4 × 1014 Molecules/atomic
5. Infra red 7.8 × 10–7 m to 1 × 10–3 m 4 × 1014 to 3 × 1011 Excitation of atoms or
6. Microwaves 1 × 10–4 m to 1 × 10–1 m 3 × 1012 to 3 × 109 Hot bodies and oscillating
7. Radiowaves 1 × 10–3 m to 100 km 3 × 1011 to 3 × 103 Oscillating circuit

- Extra high freq. 1 × 10–3 m to 1 × 10–2 m 3 × 1011 to 3 × 1010
- Super high freq. 1 × 10–2 m to 1 × 10–1 m 3 × 1010 to 3 × 109
- Ultra high freq. 1 × 10–1 m to 1m 3 × 109 to 3 × 108
- Very high freq.
- High freq.
1 m to 10 m
10 m to 100 km
3 × 108 to 3 × 107
3× 107 to 3 × 106  Radio waves

- Medium freq. 100 m to 1 km 3× 106 to 3 × 105
- Low freq. 1 km to 10 km 3 × 105 to 3 × 104
- Very low freq. 10 km to 100 km 3 × 104 to 3 × 103

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves :

The following are some of the uses of electromagnetic waves.
(i) Radio wave and microwave radiations are used in radio and T.V. communication systems
(ii) Infrared radiations are used (a) in revealing the secret writings on the ancient walls (b) in green houses
to keep the plants warm (c) In warfare, for looking through haze, fog or mist as these radiations can pass
through them.
(iii) Ultraviolet radiations are used in the detection of invisible writing, forged documents, finger prints in forensic
laboratory and to preserve the food stuffs.
(iv) The study of Infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiations helped us to know through spectra, the structure of
the molecules and arrangement of electrons in the external shells.

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174 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

(v) X-rays can pass through flesh and blood but not through bones. This property of X-rays is used in medical
diagnosis, after X-rays photographs are made.
(vi) The study of X-rays has revealed the atomic structure and crystal structure.
(vii) The study of -rays provides us valuable information about the structure of the atomic nuclei
(viii) Electromagnetic waves of suitable frequencies are used in medical science for the treatment of various
(ix) Super high frequency electromagnetic waves (3000 to 30,000 MHz) are used in Radar and Satellite
(x) Electric waves (frequency 50 to 60 Hz) are used for lighting. These are weak waves having wavelength
5 × 106 to 6 × 106 m and can be produced from A.C. circuits.
(xi) Electromagnetic waves are not deflected in electric or magnetic field.

1. Maxwell in his famous equation of electromagnetism introduced the concept of
(1) a.c. current (2) d.c. current
(3) Displacement current (4) Reactance
2. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery as shown in the figure. If two circular amperian loops x and
y are drawn then  B.dl will be zero along
x y

(1) x only (2) y only

(3) Both x and y (4) Neither x nor y
3. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and separation between the plates d, is charged by a current I.
Displacement current through a plane surface of area A/2 parallel to the plates and drawn symmetrically
between the plates, is

(1) I (2)

I 3I
(3) (4)
2 2
4. A parallel plate capacitor is charged to 60 C. Due to a radioactive source, the plate loses charge at the rate
of 1.8 × 10–8 C s–1. The magnitude of displacement current is
(1) 3.6 × 10–8 C s–1 (2) 1.8 × 10–8 C s–1
(3) 4.1 × 10–11 C s–1 (4) 5.7 × 10–12 C s–1
5. The electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are in
(1) Phase and parallel to each other
(2) Opposite phase and perpendicular to each other
(3) Opposite phase and parallel to each other
(4) Phase and perpendicular to each other

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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 175

6. Light wave travelling along y-direction. If the corresponding E vector at any time is along x-axis, the direction

of B vector at that time is along

(1) y-axis (2) x-axis

(3) z-axis (4) –z-axis

7. In an apparatus, the electric field was found to oscillate with an amplitude of 18 V m–1. The magnitude of the
oscillating magnetic field will be

(1) 4 × 10–6 T (2) 6 × 10–8 T

(3) 9 × 10–9 T (4) 11 × 10–11 T

8. Frequency of a wave is 6 × 1015 Hz. The wave is

(1) Radiowave (2) Microwave

(3) X-ray (4) Infrared

9. What is ozone hole?

(1) Hole in the ozone layer (2) Thinning of ozone layer in troposphere

(3) Formation of ozone layer (4) Reduction in ozone thickness in stratosphere

10. Biological importance of ozone layer is that it

(1) Stops ultraviolet rays (2) Reduces green house effect

(3) Reflects radio waves (4) Controls O2/H2 ratio in atmosphere

‰ ‰ ‰

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nm nment
sig ssig
As A Assignment


(3) Average energy density of electric field, ( E ) is
less than the average energy density of

NCERT Based MCQs magnetic field (B )
1. Which of the following rays has highest 2
wavelength? [NCERT Pg. 280] 1 E0
(4) Average energy density is given by ,
2 0
(1) X-rays (2) Radiowaves
where E0 is maximum value of electric field
(3) UV-rays (4) Microwaves 7. The electric field in an electromagnetic wave was
2. EM waves can transport [NCERT Pg. 276] found to oscillate with an amplitude of 36 V m–1.
The amplitude of the oscillating magnetic field is,
(1) Momentum (2) Energy
[NCERT Pg. 276]
(3) Charge (4) Both (1) & (2)
(1) 6 × 10–8 T (2) 12 × 10–8 T
3. The cross product of electric and magnetic field
gives [NCERT Pg. 275] (3) 18 × 10–8 T (4) 20 × 10–8 T
(1) Direction of EM wave propagation 8. During the propagation of a electromagnetic wave
(2) Speed of light the phase difference between oscillating electric
and magnetic field vector is [NCERT Pg. 275]
(3) Null vector
(1) 90° (2) Zero
(4) All of these
(3) 45° (4) 60°
4. If electric field E  E0 sin(t  kz )iˆ and magnetic 9. Choose the incorrect statement among the
following for EM waves [NCERT Pg. 274]
field B  B0 sin(t  kz ) jˆ , then electromagnetic
wave travels along [NCERT Pg. 275] (1) Electromagnetic waves are produced by
accelerated charge and oscillating charge
(1) +z direction (2) –y direction
(2) Electromagnetic waves travel in free space with
(3) +x direction (4) +y direction speed equal to 3 × 108 m/s
5. The wavelength of the oscillatory magnetic field in (3) Electromagnetic waves require material medium
a plane electromagnetic wave given by for their propagation
By = 0.6 × 10–5 sin (4000 x – 5 × 1010 t) T is (4) The velocity of electromagnetic wave in a
(where x is meter and t is in second) medium is decided by electric and magnetic
properties of medium
[NCERT Pg. 275]
(1) 0.4 × 10–3 m (2) 0.2 × 10–3 m SECTION - B
(3) 0.5 × 10–3 m (4) 0.3 × 10–3 m Objective Type Questions
6. In an electromagnetic wave, [NCERT Pg. 279] 1. The ratio of amplitude B0 and E0 of the magnetic
 and electric fields respectively associated with an
(1) Average energy density of electric field, ( E ) is
electromagnetic wave is (c = Speed of light in
equal to average energy density of magnetic
field (B )
 (1) (2) c
(2) Average energy density of electric field, ( E ) is c2
more than the average energy density of
magnetic field (B ) (3) c2 (4)
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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 177
2. Which of the following pairs of electric and 8. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field
magnetic field vector represent an electromagnetic oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of 2 × 1010
wave travelling along negative z–axis? Hz and amplitude 48 V/m. The amplitude of
  oscillating magnetic field will be
(1) E  E 0 sin(t  kz )iˆ, B  B0 sin(t  kz ) jˆ
  (1) 16 × 10–8 Wb/m2 (2) 12 × 10–8 Wb/m2
(2) E  E 0 sin(t  kz ) ˆj , B  B0 sin(t  kz )iˆ
(3) 8 × 10–8 Wb/m2 (4) 4 × 10–8 Wb/m2
(3) E  E 0 sin(t  kz )iˆ, B  B0 sin(t  kz ) ˆj 9. The electric field of the emergent beam is
represented by
(4) E  E 0 sin(t – kz ) ˆj , B  B0 sin(t – kz ) ˆj
Ex = 36 sin(1.2 × 107z – 3.6 × 1015t) V/m
3. The value of poynting vector in usual notation is The average intensity of beam in W/m2 will be
(1) s  B  E (2) s  E  B
    (1) 6.88 (2) 3.44
 E B  BE
(3) s  (4) s  (3) 1.72 (4) 0.86
0 0
10. The charge on plate of capacitor varies as
4. The rate at which potential difference between the q = q0 sint and separation between plates(d) is
plates of a parallel plate capacitor with a 2 F very small as compared to area (A) of the plate.
capacitance be changed to produce a The peak value of displacement current through
displacement current of 1 A is capacitor is
(1) 0.5 MV/s (2) 0.3 MV/s
q0 
(3) 0.2 MV/s (4) 0.1 MV/s (1) Zero (2)
5. The amplitude of electric field, at a distance r from (3) q0 (4) 2q0
a point source of power P, is (Source efficiency is
11. X-rays and -rays are both electromagnetic waves.
Which of the following statements is true?
P P (1) X-rays have smaller wavelength than that of -rays
(1) (2)
3r 2c 0 4r 2c 0
(2) -rays have smaller frequency than that of
P P X-rays
(3) 2 (4)
2r c 0 2r 2 c 0 (3) Wavelength and frequency of X-rays are both
6. Which of the following is not a Maxwell equation? larger than those of -rays

  (4) X-rays have larger wavelength than that of

(1)  E·dl   B
12. The average value of poynting vector in
  q electromagnetic wave is
(2)  E·ds  in
0 E0 H 0
(1) E0H0 (2)
  d E
(3)  B·dl 
dt (3) 2E0H0 (4)
E0 H 0
(4)  B·ds  0 13. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations
has lowest wavelength?
7. The speed of EM waves is given by the relation (1) X-ray
(1) o 0 (2) 0 0 (2) Infrared ray
(3) -ray
1 1
(3)  o 0 (4) o 0 (4) Microwave

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178 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

14. Which of the following is not electromagnetic 22. Which one is not Maxwell’s equation?
(1)  B.ds  0
(1) Cathode ray (2) Cosmic ray s
(3) -ray (4) Both (1) & (2)   q
15. Instantaneous value of electric field in a region (2)  E.ds  0
where electromagnetic wave is propogating is E, s
then instantaneous value of energy density in the
d 
space is (E0 is peak value of electric field). (3) Id  0
1 1
(1) 0 E 2 (2) 0 E02
2 4 (4) Both (1) & (2)
(3) 0E02 (4) 0 E 2 23. Which of the following is not part of
16. Speed of electromagnetic wave is c in vacuum, electromagnetic waves?
then its speed in a medium of dielectric constant (1) Cosmic rays (2)  rays
k and relative magnetic permeability r , is
(3) X-rays (4) UV rays
k c
(1) v  (2) v  r 24. Electromagnetic wave of intensity I is falling normally
cr k
on a perfectly reflecting surface. The pressure
c c exerted by wave on the surface is (c is speed of
(3) v  (4) v  light)
k  r k r
17. The frequency of radiowave of wavelength 30 m is I I
(1) (2)
(1) 2 MHz (2) 5 MHz 2c c
(3) 10 MHz (4) 15 MHz 2I 2I
18. Direction of poynting vector is same as direction of (3) (4)
c c
(1) E (2) B 25. If electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given
  V 2 
(3) E  B (4) Propagation of light 6 
by E  6  10 sin  2ft  x  . The peak value
m   
19. Electromagnetic wave is propagating in vacuum, at
a place magnitude of peak value of electric field is of magnetic field in the region is
V (1) 20 T (2) 2 T
24 . The peak value of magnetic field at this
m (3) 0.2 T (4) 0.02 T
place is
26. The wavelength of X-ray is of the order of
(1) 8 × 10–4 T (2) 8 × 10–6 T
(1) 1 km (2) 1 m
(3) 8 × 10–8 T (4) 8 × 10–10 T
(3) 1 × 10–6 m (4) 1 Å
20. Electric and magnetic field oscillate in
electromagnetic wave such that, they are 27. An observer is at distance r metre from an
isotropic point light source whose power is H watt.
(1) In same phase and perpendicular to each
The r.m.s. value of electric field at the position of
observer is
(2) In opposite phase and perpendicular to each
other 1 H 2 H
(1) 2r  0c (2) r  c
(3) In same phase and parallel to each other 0

(4) In opposite phase and parallel to each other 1 H 1 H

21. The X-ray is produced in (3) 4r  0c (4) r  c

(1) C.R.O 28. The charging current for capacitor is 0.5 A. The
(2) Cyclotron value of displacement current is
(3) Gold leaf electroscope (1) 0.25 A (2) 1 A
(4) Coolidge tube (3) 0.5 A (4) Zero

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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 179
29. A radiation of energy E falls normally on perfectly 6. A 100  resistance and a capacitor of 100 
reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to reactance are connected in series across a 220 V
the surface is source. When the capacitor is 50% charged, the
peak value of the displacement current is
2E E
(1) (2) [NEET-(Phase-2)-2016]
c2 c
(1) 2.2 A (2) 11 A
E 2E
(3) (4)
2c 2 c (3) 4.4 A (4) 11 2 A
30. The wavelength of wave is 1 nm to 10–3 nm then
the electromagnetic wave is 7. Out of the following options which one can be used
to produce a propagating electromagnetic wave?
(1) X-ray (2) Ultra violet
(3) Infrared (4) Microwave
(1) An accelerating charge
SECTION - C (2) A charge moving at constant velocity
Previous Years Questions (3) A stationary charge
1. For a transparent medium, relative perme- ability
(4) A chargeless particle
and permittivity,  r and  r are 1.0 and 1.44
respectively. The velocity of light in this medium 8. The energy of the em waves is of the order of
would be [NEET-2019 (Odisha)] 15 keV. To which part of the spectrum does it
belong? [Re-AIPMT-2015]
(1) 4.32 × 108 m/s (2) 2.5 × 108 m/s
(1) -rays (2) X-rays
(3) 3 × 108 m/s (4) 2.08 × 108 m/s
(3) Infra-red rays (4) Ultraviolet rays
2. Which colour of the light has the longest
wavelength? [NEET-2019] 9. A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly
(1) Red (2) Blue reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to
the surface is (C = velocity of light) [AIPMT-2015]
(3) Green (4) Violet
3. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 F is (1) (2)
C2 C
being charged by a voltage source whose potential
is changing at the rate of 3 V/s. The conduction 2E 2E
(3) (4)
current through the connecting wires, and the C C2
displacement current through the plates of the 10. Light with an energy flux of 25 × 104 W m–2 falls on
capacitor, would be, respectively. [NEET-2019] a perfectly reflecting surface at normal incidence. If
(1) Zero, 60 A (2) 60 A, 60 A the surface area is 15 cm2, the average force
exerted on the surface is [AIPMT-2014]
(3) 60 A, zero (4) Zero, zero
4. An em wave is propagating in a medium with a (1) 1.25 × 10–6 N (2) 2.50 × 10–6 N

velocity v  viˆ . The instantaneous oscillating (3) 1.20 × 10–6 N (4) 3.0 × 10–6 N
electric field of this em wave is along +y axis. 11. The condition under which a microwave oven heats
Then the direction of oscillating magnetic field of the up a food item containing water molecules most
em wave will be along [NEET-2018] efficiently is [NEET-2013]
(1) –z direction (2) +z direction (1) The frequency of the microwaves has no relation
(3) –x direction (4) –y direction with natural frequency of water molecules
5. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the (2) Microwaves are heat waves, so always produce
root mean square value of the electric field is heating
Erms = 6 V/m. The peak value of the magnetic
(3) Infra-red waves produce heating in a microwave
field is [NEET-2017] oven
(1) 1.41 × 10–8 T (2) 2.83 × 10–8 T
(4) The frequency of the microwaves must match
(3) 0.70 × 10–8 T (4) 4.23 × 10–8 T the resonant frequency of the water molecules

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180 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

12. The electric field associated with an e. m. wave in 17. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave in free

vacuum is given by E  40cos(kz  6  108 t )iˆ, 
where E, z and t are in V/m, meter and second

space is given by E  10cos 107 t  kx jˆ V/m, 
respectively. The value of wave vector k is where t and x are in seconds and metres
respectively. It can be inferred that
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(a) The wavelength  is 188.4 m
(1) 6 m–1 (2) 3 m–1
(b) The wave number k is 0.33 rad/m
(3) 2 m–1 (4) 0.5 m–1
(c) The wave amplitude is 10 V/m
13. The ratio of amplitude of magnetic field to the
amplitude of electric field for an electromagnetic (d) The wave is propagating along +x direction
wave propagating in vacuum is equal to
Which one of the following pairs of statements is
[AIPMT (Mains)-2012] correct ? [AIPMT (Mains)-2010]
(1) The speed of light in vacuum (1) (c) & (d) (2) (a) & (b)
(2) Reciprocal of speed of light in vacuum (3) (b) & (c) (4) (a) & (c)
(3) The ratio of magnetic permeability to the electric 18. The electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in
susceptibility of vacuum a medium is represented by
(4) Unity Ex = 0;
14. The electric and the magnetic field, associated with N  rad   2 rad  
E y =2.5 cos   2  106  t     10 x
an e.m. wave, propagating along the +z-axis, can C   s m   ;
be represented by [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
Ez = 0. The wave is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
ˆ ˆ
(1) E  E0 jˆ, B  B0 kˆ  (2) E  E0 i , B  B0 j  (1) Moving along x-direction with frequency 106 Hz
    and wavelength 100 m
(3) E  E0 kˆ , B  B0 iˆ (4) E  E0 jˆ, B  B0 iˆ
(2) Moving along x-direction with frequency 106 Hz
15. The decreasing order of wavelength of infrared, and wavelength 200 m
microwave, ultraviolet and gamma rays is (3) Moving along –x-direction with frequency
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2011] 106 Hz and wavelength 200 m
(1) Infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, gamma rays (4) Moving along y-direction with frequency
2 × 106 Hz and wavelength 200 m
(2) Microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
19. The velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a
(3) Gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves
medium of permittivity 0 and permeability 0 is given
(4) Microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet by [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
16. Which of the following statement is false for the
0 0
properties of electromagnetic waves? (1) (2)
0 0
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) These waves do not require any material (3) 0 0 (4)
medium for propagation  0 0

(2) Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain 20. The electric and magnetic field of an electromagnetic
the maxima and minima at the same place and wave are [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
same time (1) In opposite phase and perpendicular to each
(3) The energy in electromagnetic wave is divided other
equally between electric and magnetic vectors (2) In opposite phase and parallel to each other
(4) Both electric and magnetic field vectors are (3) In phase and perpendicular to each other
parallel to each other and perpendicular to the
direction of propagation of wave (4) In phase and parallel to each other

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NEET Electromagnetic Waves 181
21. If v, x and m represent the wavelengths of visible 2. Refractive index of a medium is given as (symbols
light, X-rays and microwaves respectively, then : have their usual meanings)
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2005] 1
(1) 0 0 (2)
(1) m > x > v (2) v > m > x  0 0
(3) m > v > x (4) v > x > m 1
(3) r r (4)
Questions asked Prior to Medical Ent. Exams. 2005  r r
22. For a medium with permittivity and permeability , 3. Electromagnetic wave is produced due to
the velocity of light is given by (1) Uniform moving charge
 (2) Static charge
(1) (2) 
 (3) Accelerated charge
1  (4) All of these
(3) (4)
  4. In the electromagnetic wave the electric and
23. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations magnetic field are not related as
have the smallest wavelength? (1) They are perpendicular to each other
(1) X-rays (2) -rays (2) They have phase difference of 90°

(3) UV waves (4) Microwaves (3) They have no phase difference

(4) They have equal energy density
24. If 0 and 0 are the electric permitivity and magnetic
permeability in a free space,  and  are the 5. Electric field and magnetic field are given as
corresponding quantities in medium, the index of E = E0 sin(t – kx) and B = B0sin(t – kx). Then
refraction of the medium is select correct option
E0 k E0 
0 0  (1) B   (2) B  k
(1)  (2)  0 0 0 0

0   (3) B  k (4) E0B0 = k
(3)  0 (4) 0
6. An electromagnetic wave travels along X-axis.
25. What is the cause of “Greenhouse effect”? Which of the following pairs of space and time
varying field generate the wave?
(1) Infra-red rays (2) Ultraviolet rays
(1) Ex, By (2) Ey, Bx
(3) X-rays (4) Radiowaves
(3) Ey, Bz (4) Ey, By
26. The velocity of electromagnetic wave is parallel to
  7. Displacement current can be expressed as
(1) B  E (symbols have their usual meanings)
(2) E  B d E d E
 (1) 0 (2) 0
dt dt
(3) E
 d E 1 d E
(4) B (3) 0 0 (4)   dt
dt 0 0

SECTION - D 8. A capacitor is connected across a battery which

delivers a current of 1 A at an instant in the capacitor.
NEET Booster Questions
Displacement current through the capacitor at that
1. Light of intensity I is incident normally on area A. instant is
The momentum of the photons reaching over the (1) 1 A
area per unit time is (c = speed of light)
(2) 0 A
(1) (2) (3) 2 A
c c
2IA 2I (4) A
(3) (4) 2
c c
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182 Electromagnetic Waves NEET

9. At a particular instant the current in the circuit given U U

below is i. The displacement current between the (1) (2)
c c2
plates of the capacitor shown below is
C (3) (4) U
14. Which of the following physical quantities contained
in a small volume oscillates at double the frequency
of passing electromagnetic wave?
V (1) Electric field (2) Magnetic field
(1) Zero (2) i
(3) Magnetic energy (4) All of these
i i 15. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 28 MHz
(3) (4)
2 4 travels in free space along the positive x-direction.
10. To establish an instantaneous displacement current At a particular point in space and time, electric field
of I ampere in the space between the plates of a is 9.3 V/m along positive y-direction. The magnetic
field (in T) at that point is
1 dV
parallel plate capacitor of farad, the value of is (1) 3.1 × 10–8 along positive z-direction
2 dt

I (2) 3.1 × 10–8 along negative z-direction

(1) 2I (2)
2 (3) 3.2 × 107 along positive z-direction
1 (4) 3.2 × 107 along negative z-direction
(3) (4) I
16. A plane electromagnetic wave is incident on a plane
11. The direction of poynting vector represents surface of area A normally, and is perfectly reflected.
(1) The direction of electric field If energy E strikes the surface in time t then average
pressure exerted on the surface is (c = speed of light)
(2) The direction of magnetic field
(3) The direction of propagation of EM wave (1) Zero (2)
(4) The direction opposite to the propagation of EM
wave 2E E
(3) (4)
Atc c
12. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is
given by, B = 3.01 × 10–7 sin (6.28 × 102x + 2.2 × 1010t) T. 17. 5% of the power of 100 W bulb is converted to visible
radiation. Average intensity of visible radiation at a
[where x in cm and t in second]. The wavelength of
distance of 10 m from the bulb is
the given wave is
(1) 1 cm (2) 628 cm 5
(1) watt/m2
2(10 )2
(3) 1.129 cm (4) 314 cm
13. If the electric field and magnetic field of an 5
(2) watt/m2
electromagnetic wave are related as B = where
c 5
(3) watt/m2
the symbols have their usual meanings and the (10)2
energy in a given volume of space due to the electric
field part is U, then the energy due to the magnetic (4) watt/m2
field part will be 8(10 )2

‰ ‰ ‰

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